Saturday, November 3, 2018

Two big milestones this week: -50lbs and Onederland!

Progress so far!

I have struggled with binge eating since I was 10, maybe younger. I'm 33 now, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that it has been a daily struggle all these years. I gained a ton of weight in high school, then lost 90lbs when I was around 19. I was right at the top of my health BMI and really wanted to get lower, but I was still binging every 1-3 days so I just couldn't get my deficit high enough to lose more. I exercised a LOT and counted calories, and it was a big struggle not to gain weight. I maintained that weight loss for around 8 years.

Then I got pregnant, and I had a really difficult child (colic and sensory issues, among other things) and over the course of 4 years I gained 100lbs. I could no longer devote the energy I had been using to hold back my BED. Occasionally I'd start counting calories and lose 15lbs, but inevitably I'd gain those back plus some. I ended up 10lbs heavier than I had been at my previous highest weight, 250 at 5'6.

At the beginning of this year I started counting calories yet again, and managed to lose 25lbs between January and the end of August. I did not stop binging several times per week so it was really difficult, every pound was a battle. And I felt like I could fall back off the wagon any second and gain it all back. My friend had been gently suggesting I try Bright Line Eating, which is based on OA/FAA (in a nutshell: no sugar or flour, no snacking, and you weigh out all your food, eating certain quantities of each food group) for months, and in August I finally decided to give it a shot for 4 weeks. I didn't think it would stop my binge eating; it had been a part of me for as long as I could remember so it didn't even occur to me that I could stop doing it.

Much to my surprise, it was not hard for me to follow this way of eating. I expected to struggle but I really haven't. And even more surprising, I haven't binged once since I started on August 23! This isn't even something I had considered possible. As time has passed I have really grown to understand my BED more than I could when I was in the middle of it. I was not aware of how bad it was, even though it seems obvious from the outside. For me this way of eating has been the structure I need to stop binging. Needless to say I kept going once the 4 weeks were up!

In the 10.5 weeks since I started BLE I'm down 25.5 more pounds, putting me at 50.5lbs down this year! And this morning when I stepped on the scale it was the day I've been waiting for, the scale said 196.6! I have a ways to go still but I'm so proud that I've lost 20% of my body weight this year and I no longer doubt that I'll hit a healthy BMI and will even be able to get into the middle of my healthy BMI range. This way of eating makes me feel great, it's high volume low calorie (I eat 20oz of vegetables each day!), so even though I have a bigger calorie deficit than I used to have I do not get hungry outside of meal times, and I have tons of energy.

submitted by /u/MellowXMallow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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