Saturday, November 3, 2018

Today's the day. No more excuses. No more putting it off.

Hi! My name's Katia. I've been lurking here for a while, wishing I had the motivation to do it, and today, I do (thanks to y'all). I just wanted to share with everyone the first step in my new journey to weight loss.

Some background: I'm a 19 year old trans woman, 5'10" and currently 230 pounds, with a mostly sedentary lifestyle. My first weight loss was mid-late 2017 when I started my transition and actually found myself caring what my body looked like. I went from 288 to 222 thanks to rigorous keto. But, as we all probably know, keto is unsustainable long-term without massive discipline. Discipline is not one of my strong suits. I wasn't able to maintain keto but have tried to keep my carb intake relatively low. This has let me not gain back all the weight I lost, and I've been floating around 230 for a while. However, last month, I went for a consultation for a very important surgery and I was told that I'm just under the BMI requirement. I need to lose weight for my surgery.

Flash forward to this week. I've been binging on carbs and can't control myself anymore. I had to give out candy for Halloween, and I must have ate 20 mini Butterfingers. The "self-control" option is just off the table, I think. I've been meaning to start counting calories with a calorie tracker, but it's just been one excuse after the other, putting it off. I don't even have a scale in my house to weigh myself. My self-care outside of weight has been failing as well; haven't been taking care of my skin as much, forgetting to shower, going out in sweatpants instead of putting on nice clothes. I just feel like a gross, bloated mess again, and I hate it.

Now, for today. I stopped making excuses. As soon as I woke up, I downloaded MyPlate to track what I eat. I entered my information, and ~1800 calories a day will let me lose one pound a week. I don't need to lose weight fast, I just need to lose a little slowly, sustainably. I don't want a repeat of my exercise in keto where I'm going to deprive myself of what I like and then binge on it. I'll have to try to work my occasional "treats" into it.

It will be a bit easier this time around I think, even if the weight doesn't just fall off like it did before. I'm hoping that it's only hard for a little while. I shouldn't feel like I'm starving with a small calorie deficit like this, and it's wayyy worth it for this surgery and to have a body I can look at in the mirror without thinking how much better I'd look if I wasn't chunky. My self-love is counting on this weight loss.

I don't really have much else to say other than see you around when I post progress updates. I don't expect anyone to read this whole thing, but if you do, thank you!

TL;DR: 19 y/o girl lost 66 lbs on keto then binged carbs; now trying a sustainable calorie deficit and today's Day 1

submitted by /u/kittykatmarie914
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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