Friday, November 9, 2018

X/post from ask_relationship_advice: How do I support my morbidly obese friend in her weight loss journey?

I have a good friend (39F) who has been morbidly obese since high school (I've only known her in the last 7 years). I've never commented on her weight to anyone other than my husband because I figured she already knew she was overweight and doesn't need people pointing that out to her.

Recently, she broke down in tears and confided in me that she was the highest weight she'd ever been. She also told me she's started going back to the gym and doing weight watchers with a friend from work. She was clearly distressed about it, and I've never seen her cry before, so I felt privileged that she trusted me enough to open up about it.

I'd like to support her on her weight loss journey, but I also don't want to patronize her. I know how difficult it is who lose weight when you're morbidly obese. I have several relatives who have done the whole song and dance of losing 75 pounds and then gaining it back again and then losing it again. It's such a vicious cycle to break when you're that overweight.

Plus, although my husband and I aren't exactly the most svelt of people, our weight problems fall squarely into the vanity category. I feel as though it would be disingenuous to talk about my own weight issues and trying to lose the extra 15lbs of pregnancy weight I'm holding onto 4 months post partum when she's got a completely different battle to fight.

What are some ways that I can encourage her and support her along her journey? I want her to succeed but I also don't want to put pressure on her either if she fails or doesn't meet her own expectations. I'm her friend, not her doctor or nutritionist or physical trainer.

submitted by /u/bananasmcgee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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