Saturday, December 8, 2018

Help Managing With An Unsupportive Spouse?

It’s not that my husband doesn’t want me to lose weight, he’s happy for me and says he wants to support me, it’s just that he clearly doesn’t understand what it’s like. Here’s some examples:

-We’ll set out to go to the store and he’ll decide to drive through Wendy’s and I’ll say I want nothing because I didn’t plan for that in my calories, he’ll say “are you sure? Just get a cheeseburger. It’s fine, it’s not a big deal. Here have a bite of mine. Here have some of my soda.” Basically making me say no several times.

-Last night he bought four bags of chips and pretzels to add to the three already in our cupboard and boxes of those Christmas tree shaped cakes even though I’ve said I’m trying to keep healthy snacks only in the house.

-Then the worst in my opinion is last night he made burgers and tater tots after I said I shouldn’t be eating that, he still set aside three burgers with cheese on them and everything and said those ones were made well done (he doesn’t like well done burgers so they wouldn’t get eaten if I didn’t eat them).

I explained to him how difficult it is for me to say no to unhealthy foods and how hard it is to even just watch him eating unhealthy foods and smell it. I didn’t ask him to stop eating it, I just asked him to stop offering especially if I’ve already said no once. He said ok, he understands and isn’t trying to be difficult, but still continues to do it. Just now he drove through a coffee stand and after saying no three times I couldn’t do it and ordered a drink that wasn’t planned for and he said just skip breakfast then. What do I do? I’m still just starting off on my weight loss and it’s so hard to say no!

submitted by /u/macandsierra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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