Sunday, December 9, 2018

How do you “stop when you’re full”?

Hey y’all, So far, I’ve made it pretty far in this weight loss journey. I’m down 105 lbs, and only about 15 from my goal. However, I’ve hit a pretty sizeable plateau recently. I’ve scaled back my cardio a touch in exchange for some weight training to gain some muscle tone and strength.

However, my diet is still an issue. I practice sort-of IF—I have a little almond milk in my coffee in the morning, a small snack before I work out in the afternoon (200 cal or less), and save the rest of my calories for the evening (so, about 900ish).

whereas 900 might be 2 medium sized meals for most people, i volume eat to the extreme. I’m talking 500g broccoli, 6 oz chicken, pint of halo top, that type of thing. Now, this isn’t a problem when I’m at home and can do that.

When I go out, or to dinner at other peoples homes, it becomes an issue. I truly believe my stomach is stretched, and takes more quantity to feel full. For example, when we went to a family members house last night, I ended up eating 3 rolls, 2 servings of carrots and potatoes, 4 cookies, a bunch of candy etc and felt awful about it, but I just wanted to be full.

If anyone has any advice on how to be satiated with smaller meals, I’m all ears. TIA!

submitted by /u/feline_fanatic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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