Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Thanks you r/loseit, someone asked me if I lost weight for the first time today

So to give a little backstory, I'm a 6'2, 20 year old guy. I gained a lot of weight after I left high school in 2016 to go to university. In high school, I cycled 25 km daily and played Football 3 times a week, but when university started I didn't have any exercise at all. I also broke up with my girlfriend after 5.5 years, which led to me eating my emotions away. I gained close to 20kg/45lbs, and was at the heaviest I have ever been in January 2018, weighing in at 125kg/278lbs. I was always in denial of the fact that I had to lose weight, but towards the end of November something snapped in me.

I saw a video of me in 2015, looking kinda fit and much healthier. I burst out into tears and swore to myself to get to that weight and even lower. I started at 121kg/266lbs and I am aiming to get myself down to 90kg/198 lbs. I stumbled upon this subreddit when researching, and all of your stories gave me the belief I could actually do this. I started CICO and it's safe to say I've become a little bit obsessed with it. It worked though. My cravings are close to gone after four weeks and I eat much less than I used to. Even over this Christmas period I haven't had any cheat days and it feels so good! I also started running, and where I started at an average of 9 mins per km (over 4 km runs), I am now down to an average of 7 and a half mins per km. Still not fast, but I'm getting there.

Best thing about all this, is that the weight is flying off. After the first week I got on the scale and I was at 119 kg/262 lbs. This gave me such a boost. When I stepped on the scale today, it weighed in at 114 kg/251 lbs. I am very proud of what I have achieved so far, but it is only the beginning. Today someone for the first time asked me if I lost weight, and that only gave me a bigger boost to keep going. I know that this fast weight loss won't be the standard and I probably will plateau at some point, but I feel a lot better already.

I want to thank this subreddit for all the stories and the advice, and I hope I can share my whole weight loss journey with all of you as soon as possible.

submitted by /u/TheJourneyDown
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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