Monday, March 2, 2020

Anyone Else Motivated by Goal Projections?

I know weight loss isn't always a linear thing, and I might have ups and downs, but when my app tells me I can be at my goal weight by the end of this year it pumps me up. Especially when I lose a little extra one week and the goal projection moves up a couple days.

This might be weird, but I did the math to see where I'd be during Haunt season (I'm a haunted house actress) and the fact that I could be in the (high-end) healthy BMI range by then is psyching me up more than usual. It's the time of the year when I see most of my friends, and since I'm usually a tour guide more people have their eyes on me. I know my weight has no bearing on my acting ability, but being able to fit in tight spaces on the few nights I get to be a non-speaking actor is nice lmao.

submitted by /u/stevieisbored
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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