Sunday, March 1, 2020

My convoluted weight loss journey so far.

I'm a 175cm (5'9'') 22 years old male homo sapiens .

By December 2nd of last year I weighed in and was appalled when I saw 140kg (308lb) on the scale.I hadn't gotten on the scale for at least a year since I was too high to care about my weight. I've been heavy all my life but the scale always ranged from 122kg-127kg (270lb-280lb). I was completely shocked, but now that I look back I shouldn't have been since all I'd been doing the past 6 months was sit on my ass all day, drink unhealthy amounts of alcohol and smoke and nhealthy amounts of weed. Despite being completely out of my mind cause of the number in the scale I said fuck it and enjoyed the holidays without much to care for. I did try to no let the munchies get ahold of me, stopped drinking sugary drinks, but still consumed alcohol and weed, the latter being greatly reduce to just weekends (I smoked daily).

By January 2nd, I decided to start calorie counting. I calculated my TDEE, I took measurements and pictures. I packed my stuff and sailed the boat to healthy land. I've been using Lose It!, a food scale, measuring cups and spoons to keep track of my calories. I also decided to stop drinking and smoking! I started loosing weight immediately and a bit faster that I would've wanted to be honest. I want this to be sustainable and I want to be able to keep this healthy eating throughout my life. I was weighing myself every week and lost anything between 4 and 1 pound weekly.

I weigh in every Thursday and last Thursday I did not loose any weight I got frustrated for a bit but calmed down and decided to go on Lose It! to see what was going wrong. My daily budget is set to 2200cal with the app. I would sometimes not eat 300 or 200 cal and pasesed it off as okay. But I realized that week after week I was upwards to 2000 calories under budget and I started thinking and thinking and my stupid ass had not connected the dots that those 2200 calories already put me in a deficit according to my TDEE. I realized I had not been eating enough and got frustrated again thinking 'What if my body already got used to this low calorie diet and wont be able to loose more weight?'

So my question is should I just make sure I eat the 2200 calories religiously from now on and not worry about my body having adapted to a low calorie diet? I've had very unhealthy weightloss in the past where I did not keep a healthy relationship with food or myself for that matter and I DONT want to go back to that!

I've been going on ~1h, ~3.7mile walks every other day and do some bodyweight training at home on the days I don't walk doing 3 reps of 20 squats, 10 knee push ups, 20 lunges, 10 tricep dips(the easiest ones), 30s planks, 30 jumping jacks. I plan joining the gym to get some more weights in soon but I'm broke so at home training it is for now.

I try my macros to be 45% protein, 35% carbs, 20%fats but this is not alway the case I try no to worry too much about it.

As of today Im 123.9kg (273.2lb) for a total weightloss of 15.8kg (34.8lbs)!!!

I am extremely happy about my accomplishments so far and I plan to keep up my new healthy lifestyle till death do us apart, which is now further away!

The journey isn't actually convuluted I'm just a bad writer hence the title.

submitted by /u/questionaire07
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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