Friday, December 25, 2020

Anyone physically feel worse after weight loss?

For reference Im 32/F 5’4”. For most of my adult life I’ve been in the 200-210 pound range. In January I got up to 222 and loathed the way I looked. I lost a few pounds pretty quick and then around April/May I buckled down more and started to count calories. I eat around 1500 a day. Sometimes a little more or less. I have a food scale and weigh my food and log my meals in MFP. I was also drinking 64oz of water a day. For exercise I was walking 3 miles about 5 days a week. I got down to around 205 pounds and started having dizziness upon standing. I saw my dr and we ran a bunch of labs and thyroid, vitamins and electrolytes were fine. She told me to up my water and I did to 100oz a day. Felt better. Was still having some of the dizziness but not like before.

Fast forward to thanksgiving. I’m down to 185 and feel great. At this point I had cut back the exercising I was doing because it was colder here and I wasn’t able to get out more. And my gym is closed. I started getting more of the lightheaded and dizziness with standing up. My heart was always racing. My Fitbit said my HR while sitting was in the 70s-80s range and getting up and walking to the next room my HR would jump up to 115 or more. Saw my dr again and she told me to up my water again. I question that because it’s not like I’m out running marathons or doing a lot of strenuous activity. She sent me to a cardiologist where I’ve had a echocardiogram, holter monitor and a tilt table test. Before my appointment I was checking my BP and was getting readings around 90/60 in the morning. He thought I had orthostatic hypotension caused by my weight loss. My tilt table test was negative for the orthostatic hypotension. I haven’t got the results of my other tests yet. But he’s had me up my water to 120oz and up my salt intake as well.

I also get migraines and have so for about 5 years now. They are getting worse. And I’m starting to have a lot of issues with dizziness. Last night when I bent over I was so dizzy and had to lay down.

I’m just feeling really discouraged. I pretty much feel worse now than when I was heavier. I thought that losing weight would help me feel better physically. I’m tired all the time. I’m anxious because I feel like crap. The cardiologist told me that when you have a good amount of fat loss you lose blood volume and make you feel bad. Had anyone else experienced this? Or anything similar? I want to get down to about 150 pounds but I’m almost afraid to keep pursuing weight loss.

Any guidance wound be appreciated

submitted by /u/MtnClimber82
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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