Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas leftovers success

Like many people, I have a special holiday menu I prepare every year that is full of delicious fattening items, and like many people, I end up with way too many leftovers that I end up eating for several days. I like to kick back and relax for Christmas and not worry about what I'm eating. I figure that's fine to do for a day, but when it lasted a week last year, it wasn't good. I know I could throw the leftovers away, but I'm not going to. Instead I took notes once the leftovers were finally all consumed.

What inspired me was a cranberry orange bread that I like to make as part of Christmas morning breakfast. I made two loaves last year, but my kids wouldn't eat any because they didn't like the cranberries in it. Since I made so much, my husband and I had what is essentially cake for breakfast for several days in a row. When it was finally gone, I sat down and wrote on my Christmas food shopping list that two loaves was too much and to make one instead. I also noted to add cranberries to only half the loaf, so my kids would eat some. Then I went through all the rest of my holiday foods, made notes where we had too much, and wrote down adjusted amounts for the next year.

And it worked! Yesterday morning, everyone ate a little bit of the bread with breakfast, finishing it off. Then we ate the rest of the modest leftovers for other meals throughout the day because who wants to cook the day after Christmas? Now, two days after Christmas all the sweet, fatty and rich leftovers are gone. I still have a little meat and salad left that I can use to make some portion controlled sandwiches/salads, and I have a nice light soup planned for dinner today.

I had my Christmas meal. I greatly enjoyed it, and now I can move on, continuing my weight loss. I will be keeping this in mind for my other holiday meals, and hopefully it helps someone else too.

submitted by /u/KatieCashew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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