Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How to workout when I’m exhausted?

Hi everybody,

I’m feeling rather stuck.

For a bit of a background: When I was in high school I weighed 135 lbs, and I’m 5’4”. That was a healthy weight for me and I was happy. When I went to college, I gradually gained 30 pounds over the course of the four years. When I graduated, I worked at a museum, and I was on my feet all day doing a lot of activities. While working there I was able to lose some weight and went from 167 to 155. However, I didn’t see myself being there long term as it was only a part-time job. I found a full time job at an elementary school as a paraprofessional in their significant needs department. I was still able to still come home and workout to continue what I had started with my weight loss journey. At this point I started to take anti-depressants which reversed some of the work I had accomplished, but I was determined to keep going.

However, when Covid started to become an issue and the schools shut down, I figured this would be a good chance to return to school for my Masters Degree. And I’ll be honest, by the time I returned to school in May and the elementary school went to summer break, I completely fell off with exercising and did not attempt again until August.

Now that schools are in-person again, I have just found I’m too tired to do anything when I get home. My job is mentally and physically exhausting, but do not get me wrong here I LOVE my job. I just support two students with veeeery different needs from each other, and I play with them at recess and participate in their school activities alongside them. My one student has behavioral issues and it can be a lot of redirection or chasing them down the hall.

By the time I get home at 5 pm, I try to catch up on school work if I didn’t finish it over the weekend or during my lunch breaks.

Either way I’m back to 165, and I just don’t know how to push myself to workout? It was easier when I did not have school work to worry about and my evenings were more free. I try to get myself on the treadmill but can tell I’m not putting my all into my workout.

I go to bed at 10:00 pm and wake up at 6:30 am, so I think I’m getting enough sleep.

I have tried energy boosters like C4, Lit, Assault (?), but I didn’t like how they made me feel and did not want to become dependent on them.

TLDR: I work 40 hours a week and spend a lot of my free time doing my school work for my masters. How do I find the energy to workout, when I get home from work and can barely keep my eyes open?

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/Alwaaaaaystoosleepy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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