Saturday, December 5, 2020

hypothyroidism is crushing my will to workout

I found out I was suffering from hypothyroidism 2 years ago. Until then my weight has always yo-yo'd with no rhyme or reason. I struggled with my weight for as long as I could remember. I finally felt like things would get better and I could be normal. The first year started off great, I started a marathon training plan, switched to a low carb diet(100g on running days, 50g on off days) at the advice of a doctor, and paired with levothyroxine I was finally losing weight. I went from 250 to 225 slowly but surely. Took about 10 months. Felt like I was in the best shape of my life. By the end of that year, something changed.

I decided to take a month long break from running, the brain fog came back, I started feeling sluggish. The weight started creeping back up. I figured I might just need a boost in meds.

I was originally seeing my primary Dr, and she wasn't being proactive enough for my liking. Fast forward six months later I'm back to 240. 240 has some significance, because it has always felt like a magnet weight, like I always gravitate back to it.

To give some dietary context, I eat about 2300 cals per day, currently at 240lbs. I have a low carb based diet. I run 3x per week on a good week, and lift 3x per week. Carbs and sugar are kept to a minimum, most cals come from fats(red meat, fish, dairy, butter, olive oil, acadia, etc), and about 100g of protein a day. I've tried 1800 calories a day for 6 months and that did nothing. Tried 2500 cals per day and I gained weight.

Anyways, I found an endocrinologist I liked, and she got me on t3 and t4. That instantly made me feel better but it took about 3 months to dial it in.

Once again I started running and lifting, but I get the feeling that I have to workout extreme amounts to get any weight loss. She mentioned that 240 may be my set point weight. I'm not really sure what to do anymore. I find myself making excuses and not wanting to run, not wanting to workout because it feels pointless. Is there anything else I could try? I'm starting to lose my mind.

submitted by /u/ErrIsNotNil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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