Monday, December 7, 2020

I started off losing weight in a really unhealthy way, but now that I'm trying to get back on track I realized my boyfriend has picked up my bad habits.

F 22 - SW 150lbs - CW - 127lbs - GW - whatever I'll be when I'm at my healthiest

I'm not sure if this kind of post belongs more in a relationship advice thread, but I feel like the /loseit community would have much better insight for my situation?

(Slight TW for a Past ED?) I had a long history of binge eating and a few months ago finally started taking weight loss and healthy eating + exercise seriously. Unfortunately, I got a little too caught up in watching the numbers on the scale drop, and spent a good two months doing anything I could to expedite that part of my journey instead of focusing on longterm healthy habits.

While I'm recovering from that now, I noticed my boyfriend (M 22) has been mimicking some of my worst behaviors from that time. For example, going all day without eating, swearing he's "just not hungry" or feels too sick to eat. He's also been mentioning his weight a lot lately and has dropped a good ten pounds or so in the last week and a half. He's on the shorter side and about 220lbs, so obviously if weight loss is something he's serious about I'd support him unconditionally, but I already know from my own experience he's going to be screwing himself up if he continues this way.

My big struggle right now is figuring out how to approach this without coming off as a hypocrite - after all, its blindingly obvious all the complaining I've done about my weight and obsession with the scale has really rubbed off on him, and I'm still getting used to watching the negative way I talk about my own weight. So ... any advice for this kind of situation? Anyone else been through this?

submitted by /u/ThrowRA-324892
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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