Saturday, December 19, 2020

I’ve lost 34.2 lbs. It wasn’t easy, but you can do it too!

25F, 4”11, SW:175.8lbs, CW: 141.6 lbs, GW: 120-115

As a long time lurker, I’ve debated for some time whether I should post or not, so I created a new account just to make this post. I decided that since many of you have inspired me, hopefully I can do the same.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I saw all the memes saying either you’ll come out of quarantine overweight or healthy. It made me think and reflect on myself, like REALLY take a look at myself. Over the past years, I’ve neglected my body and just ate whatever I wanted and did not exercise. I never took photos and felt ashamed in my body. I only wore sweatpants, hoodies, and oversized t-shirt. I always hated weighing myself because I knew I gained a lot of weight. I also always made up “excuses” that I told myself as to why I was gaining weight. But looking at myself in the mirror, thinking about my eating habits and how I felt every time I was binge eating, I knew I had to make a change. I knew I didn’t want to live like this anymore.

It was so hard to look at the scale, I was the heaviest I’ve ever been and my BMI indicated I was obese for my height. I was so shocked. My journey started in August, I weighed 175.8 lbs. I first changed the way I ate, I didn’t try any fad diets like keto or no carbs, etc. I wanted to eat a balanced diet, so I track all my food intake on MyFitnessPal and made sure I was getting enough protein, carbs, and fats. I made sure to reward myself by having a cheat meal on Saturday nights and a cheat day on Sundays. I started working out with a beginner’s resistance training (Mon - Sat) and did my best to walk at least 5 miles for 3 days of the week. For beverages, I cut out soda and mainly drank only water or green tea. Today, I weigh 141.6 lbs and couldn’t be more proud. I’ve always started the weight loss journey, but never followed through. I’ve made up my mind that this is for the long haul.

I’ve still got a long while to go until I reach my goal weight, but the most important for me at this moment, is to be healthy or “normal” for my BMI. Now I know BMI is not the most accurate measurement, but that’s what I want for ME. I’ve also been weighing myself everyday, taking monthly body measurements, and photos of my progress. It has been discouraging looking at the dreaded scale everyday (your weight fluctuates everyday, I always take an average of the week for actual weight), but it acts as a way to hold myself accountable. There are days I feel so unmotivated, have cravings, and fear of relapse. But now I look back at my progress and ask myself, do I REALLY want that (insert indulgence here)? And sometimes, not always, I do indulge. If I’ve worked extra hard or didn’t eat too much, sure, have one serving.

I think the most important takeaway I’ve learned is to be consistent. I used to think I had to be perfect throughout my journey. I should just start on Monday. Oh, I ate like shit, might as well eat like shit for the rest of the day. NO, it doesn’t have to be this way. Pick yourself back up and try again. Weight loss is not a short term thing, it has to be a change in lifestyle. You have to find a way to make it sustainable for YOU because everyone is different. What worked for me, may not work for you, so you have to listen to your mind and body and make it doable for you, not anybody else.

Good luck everyone, you can do it! I might keep this account open for an update if, no WHEN I reach my goal.

submitted by /u/anonymi_t
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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