Thursday, December 10, 2020

NSV - My neighbor noticed my weight loss! ("WOAH you've lost a lot of weight!")

Hey, y'all! Before I get into the bulk of the post, here are some stats:

  • 5'3 trans man
  • HW 265 / SW 256.8 / CW 205 (51.8lbs lost) / GW 170-180ish?
  • Size changes: XL -> M shirt / 44 -> 38 pants / 10.5 -> 8 shoe
  • Normally I work out (run + lift) regularly, but I've been on my butt due to surgery. Recently began feeling good enough to start walking around my neighborhood, still not comfortable with running/lifting yet.
  • Eat ~1500-1800 calories/day. Increased my calories to increase my metabolism (it was wayyy too low to be able to continue losing safely), maintained my weight for a little while, but was still losing inches. Recently started losing weight naturally again, w/o decreasing calories.
  • My diet varies, but it's mostly higher-protein, lower-carb. I eat a lot of eggs and various meats and I eat a fair amount of groceries. My staples are:
    • High-protein frozen waffles + Brown n Serve sausages (for quick breakfasts)
    • Eggs
    • In-season vegetables
    • Various meats (including deli meats and fresh meat and dino nuggets)
    • Low-carb bread (this is new)
    • Almonds + Quest protein chips + Babybels for snacks
    • Two Good yogurt
    • Sugar-free creamer
    • Diet sodas + diet energy drinks (+ coffee and tea)

Okay, the actual post:

I haven't been going around my neighborhood a lot lately. About 5 or 6 weeks ago I had an emergency appendectomy, and that recovery lasted way longer than I anticipated. Not only that but as soon as I started feeling good enough to start walking I got slammed with work for class. I didn't really have time to exercise. I was still following my diet, but I just wasn't getting any exercise.

Well, this week is finals, and I actually have time to go walk around my neighborhood! My study schedule is flexible enough that I can take time out of my day to de-stress.

I was enjoying my walk, and on the way back I saw my neighbor. We waved, and she stopped and turned around.

She looked at me, her eyes kind of widened, and she said, "WOAH! You've lost a lot of weight! You look GOOD! How do you feel???"

Not knowing how exactly I should respond to that, I laughed and said thank you, I'm feeling great. She said she hadn't seen me around lately, but she normally sees me working out and going for runs around the neighborhood.

We chatted for a bit, and she said, "It looks like you've done the opposite of the COVID weight gain!"

And I'm just so happy! I'm really surprised she noticed it because I'm wearing a big sweater and a tee-shirt underneath. I've also been feeling kind of down because I haven't been able to work out, and even though I'm losing again it's been slower.

But I'm so happy she noticed! Even in a giant sweater and in the dark somebody noticed my weight loss! And that feels good!

submitted by /u/queerlycatholic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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