Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sudden realization: why I don't see too much change/progress even when I lost so much weight

For context, I lost 11.3kg (from 100kg to 88.7 as of today), but when I look at the mirror I don't see such a big difference. Sure, my clothes become looser and sure, I feel lighter, but I haven't changed as drastically as I expected even after losing more than 10kg - which is A LOT.

And I think I just realized why.

For me - who was 100kg, to lose 10kg, is different than someone who's - say, 60kg to lose the same amount. I lost 1/10 of my body mass, but they lost 1/6 of theirs - which is, quick math, a much larger amount than 1/10. It's incomparable. Depends on each person's total weight, height, fat distribution, natural body shape, the same amount of weight looks different. Heck, even when you compare 2 people with the exact same weight they don't necessarily look identical, do they?

The reason why I'm posting this, is because recently I've seen a lot of people - not only in this sub but also other weight loss related subs - saying they don't see progress even after tackling a huge weight loss milestone like losing 30-40lbs.

I just want to say, please be patient and keep going, I know this journey is stressful and tiring as hell. I too am very impatient when it comes to seeing results especially as I constantly see people posting progress pics and they look so different before and after - in the best way possible - even when they lost less weight than I did. But hey, this is a long term journey, if my result doesn't show at 10kg loss, then maybe after just another 1 or 2kg, it will. After all I set out to lose 30-40kg, this battle is not even near to being over.

I will be patient and stick to what I'm doing. You should too :)

submitted by /u/j__ani
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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