Saturday, December 19, 2020

The walk is still a part of the race and I know I will make it there eventually. Whether it’s now or in a few months, I am still in the race.

F22, 5’3, SW: 175 CW: 134 GW: 118

I have been on my weight loss journey since early June, after being grossly overweight, insecure and unhappy in my weight for over a year. I was smoking weed every single day, eating away the stresses of my Masters degree and the depression and loneliness I felt.

I found success with CICO and IF but the weight loss was slow and inconsistent (for me) and when the gyms opened back up, I raced to sign up. Since then, it’s just been smooth sailing. I have a calorie limit of 1200 but I overestimate my calories just to make sure I’m able to account for any hidden calories as I normally eat what my parents have cooked. I have a VERY active job and I also go to the gym 5/6x a week and I reached my very first goal of 135lbs!

However, the UK went back into lockdown so my gym was closed and I sort of just put weight loss on the back burner. It’s now been around 6 weeks and I haven’t lost a pound. I haven’t put one on either, so clearly I am doing well with maintenance, but I had been feeling the guilt when I still feel I have a lot more to lose. I’ve been beating myself up about it, calling myself lazy or greedy and some days I’ve just been confused as to why I can’t just get back on it.

But, that doesn’t mean I’ve lost the game. At the end of the day, I am choosing to do what is right for me. And I have to see the positives. I am still in a healthy BMI, I can still see the muscles in my legs and shoulders, I can walk around all day without my feet hurting and so much more. So, I have won. I’ve won my health and my confidence and I can be PROUD of how far I have come and how much further I am going to go. It may not be today or tomorrow but it will happen because I’ve done it and I’ll keep on doing it.

So for all those people like me who have sort of slid off the whole regime of weighing, counting and measuring; DON’T STRESS! We will all get there at our own pace, by listening to our bodies and doing what’s best for us. We can do it.

submitted by /u/qwertyuiop9876543321
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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