Saturday, December 19, 2020

Think it might be time to take a break but I'm a bit nervous

27M, 5ft9in, SW: 220, CW: 184, GW: 170

I started my journey in February and I've made some good progress. Since then I've lost 35 - 36 lbs through a calorie deficit and increased exercise, with roughly 20 - 25 lbs lost between February and May. Admittedly, I don't think I was approaching it very sustainably at first. I didn't overly restrict my calories but I did an absurd amount of cardio, walking 4 - 5+ hours on the treadmill every single day - watched a lot of movies, it was great - but I was really militant about it and pretty much didn't have time to do anything else lol.

I eventually got kind of bored and a bit exhausted so I decreased the time spent on cardio and introduced strength training and lifting weights. I've lost an additional 10-ish lbs since June but it's slowed down consistently and I've had to push through a couple plateaus, the longest lasting a couple months. Nowadays I eat roughly between 1600 and 1700 calories a day and although it's been slower, I've overall been having a much more balanced weight loss journey

However, I always have this gnawing guilt that I'm not progressing as fast as I was in the beginning. This has led to a vicious cycle of restricting a lot some weeks, only to have a day or two of overeating that seems to undo the progress - which is really just maintenance, i'm not putting the weight back on but can't seem to get under 180 lbs. I've pretty much hit another plateau and think it might be time to actually take a conscious break and eat at maintenance but I am nervous and afraid to put the weight back on. Any tips on how to not beat myself up so much or feel guilty if the scale does go up during this time?

submitted by /u/CostMountain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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