Sunday, July 31, 2022

I finally weighed in the "healthy" range!

Today, I reached one of my main weight loss goals, which was to get myself into a healthy weight range for my age/height. This is my first time being in this range since I first gained weight 7 years ago.

Last September, I weighed around 172. My highest ever was probably 174-178. I started one of those fitness challenges and lost maybe 5 pounds. It didnt go super well (bc it was unsustainable).

At the end of March I was 164, and decided to really focus on losing weight, but in the "easiest" way possible. I joined a gym and put really low expectations on myself. The goal was to go 3 days a week, for 30 minutes, and walking on the treadmill was totally acceptable. I knew this was the only way I would ever build the habit of going to the gym regularly. I gradually started lifting weights and walking/running and sometimes going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week.

I also started counting calories bc my portion control just doesnt exist. I found out my calories for maintenance and weight loss then tried to be within that range everyday.

I watched a shit ton of youtube videos on the subject bc that helped keep me motivated.

Today, I weighed in just under 150 lbs. My original GW was 145, but once I hit that Im going to shoot for 135 and try to build more muscle.

I lost 14 pounds in the last 4 months, and 22 pounds in the last 10. It was hard to see the progress until I remeasured myself and saw I lost INCHES since last September. I still had days I ate way too much food or drank too much alcohol or didnt move enough, but ultimately that slow progress was still there.

I know BMI isn't the best indicator of health, but I am proud of myself nonetheless. I feel so capable to be able to continue my journey of getting fit and healthy.

submitted by /u/Sufficient_Cow2382
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Being told to eat more

I feel depressed & defeated, nothing works with me.

TW: undereating

I need help & genuine advice so pls don't shun me.

170cm, 21F, 190lbs. I have been eating 1000 calories since last year. First I started with homemade/prepackaged salads(no protein bc it was a pain to cook), they were 500 cal, I would eat them after work 6pm(omad) & be full. There were times I went out with friends or eat my mom's food 1-2 times couple month but I never binged. I gave up on carbs and oil. My parents blamed that my activity level has gone down in the pandemic. Despite regularly eating (overestimated)1000 calories below my Tdee my weight didn't budge, I was fatigued & constipated but I blamed it on lack of sleep. Last yr my weight was stuck on 185 but it went down to 176 when I didn't eat anything for a couple weekends & working 6 hrs on busy drive thru but ofc not eating anything would give me a crazy headache so when I would be on my normal routine it would climb back up.

This yr I blamed my failure on consuming no protein, I even had a bald spot, so I bought 160 cal premier shakes, I stopped eating salads since they're not nutritious enough to be my omad. These day s I like greek yogurt bowl. I bought a scale & logged my food regularly which come to almost 1000 cal. I no longer am constipated & my bald spot fixed itself.

Here the important part, even though I consume less than my tdee my body has become used to it. I don't feel hungry even at the drastic deficit, even if I go out my appetite is way lower than it used to be. I feel disgusted by oily & sugary foods. I like to cook & film videos but I don't bc if I cook it i'll have to eat it, my groceries rott as I don't end up using them, I'm satiated with bell pepper slices & hummus which is barely 200 cal. Dieting has changed me in so many ways, these feel like positive changes but a. I can't/don't eat enough b. I don't lose weight which is an oxymoron i know. I had 2 premier shakes today, 320 calories, do I wanna eat more? no.

People always tell me to eat more I argue why don't I lose when I'm on a deficit, they just end up making me feel bad about myself. I can't do intensive workout my nasal passage is only 25% open, anything other than walking & dancing gives me headaches like my brain isn't getting enough oxygen or I'm panting from my mouth like a cow. Other people talk about hidden calories, seriously how much can a bowl of yogurt or salad (omad) can be 2000 cal.

Are there any illnesses that prevent weight loss? My mom tells me to do remedies, cumin water, lemon water, I don't believe those. We're both witnesses to each others lifestyle, she works 50 hrs standing, does housework for 5 ppl, she eats more than me but nothing unhealthy but still overweight.

My patience it running out although I'm not a quitter, tracking calories, working out, learning about my tdee has made me bitter bc I can see ppl eat more than me & while moving less. Shaming has made me more of aware of my appearance, what others see is a fat person with no self control but inside I'm a girl who barely eats enough to survive, how dare people tell me to eat more, how dare people tell me to eat less, they don't know what I'm going through.

People say this isn't sustainable, I say do I not deserve a little bit of hope? Why does other people's cabbage soup diets work, why not me? can I atleast lose the starting 5 lbs? I can't eat more bc this dieting has killed my appetite, I'll throw up, I'll waste food! I just want it to work.

submitted by /u/ToothAny78
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Hoping to lose 20-23 lbs in the next 9 weeks. (M/34/213lbs)

I know that's quite a goal and requires a lot of work but I feel it's def achievable as long as I remain committed.

I'm 213 and want to get down to 190. I used to work out until I started my first year of teaching last year which threw me into a whirlwind of emotions and distracted me from working.

Hoping now to get back into. Only drinking water, doing 2hrs of walking/speedwalking after work.

Any good recommendations or hints that could be helpful? I know I gotta cut out the sweets and no junk food which i'm committed to. I do wanna have a little fruit juice from time to time but high level of sugar might be good for weight loss right?

submitted by /u/KevTravels
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What Weight Loss Habits Helped You?

I'm someone who's been trying to lose weight for quite a while but nothing seems to be working. I'm working out regularly for 2 hours a day (erging, running, swimming, tennis, HIIT), on a diet, and drinking 3 liters of water a day. (Here's what I'm doing.) I know I should probably consult someone other than Reddit, but I just want to see what worked for y'all and try and find out what I'm doing wrong. I'm not going to immediately follow and do whatever you say, as no body is alike, but I just want to compare. If that makes sense..? Comments are very appreciated.

submitted by /u/AccomplishedWear1659
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feel so demotivated

Around 1,200 calories a day. Consists of 70% veg and then 2 peices of fish and sometimes 100g of rice or golden rice. Hell, i go as far as to eat 1 or 2 lines of chocolate a day, a bar lasts me a week when usually id eat 2-3 bars in a day. I eat out 1 a week now instead of 3. I have nearly completely cut out fries except for said takeouts. I walk so much more than i use to, i even have a job that has me walk like mad (waitressing) i get like 12,000 steps a day usually now, maybe more if i walk home from college (2 miles, hour walk) I've been going to the gym for 1 hour a day, 3/4 days a week, i start with 15 minutes of cardio then do maybe 5-10 minutes on weight machines.

Today i got back from the gym, arms killing and so tired and i did my weekly weigh in

Are you fucking kidding me... I feel, so damn demotivated. The app i have to track my weight tells me that after all of this, for a month. I've GAINED an average kg. My worst fear in my weight loss journey is the idea that im just physically unable to lose weight and even after I've been trying so hard the only compliment ive managed to get i "oh you lost some weight round your face" and thats it, while i have the scales telling me that nothings happened. It feels so demotivating..

17/06 - 80kg 07/07 - 79.9kg 17/7 - 78.3kg 23/07 - 78.2kg 27/07 - 78.6kg 31/07 - 79.6kg.

Average change - +1kg.

submitted by /u/Squishyncolly
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Weight loss journey starts tomorrow.

My diet begins tomorrow! Tips?

So I'm starting my diet and exercise routine tomorrow so that I can lose some weight. I don't intend to calorie count due to prior ED and OCD issues but I will be eating smaller portions and healthier with about 30 minutes of exercise everyday or at least 5 days of the week using Ringfit Adventure and other workouts on YouTube.

I'm 27 and I think I'm around 80kg at 5ft 1in so I absolutely need to lose some weight but I've been worried about it kicking off my old ED issues. I have a bad relationship with food sadly. I don't usually eat snacks, candy etc but I work on my pc at home and am sat down most of the day so I'm a little lost on where to start in all honesty haha.

I've seen loads of different opinions on what is best for different people. Some say counting calories is the right thing to do, others not at all so I'm a bit confused haha. Anyone have any tips? 🥰🥰

submitted by /u/nanakuro35
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I desperately need weight loss advice

I am a 5’5, 20 year old female and I currently weigh 240 pounds. As a child I was pretty skinny and had no problems with my weight. I do have PCOS which contributes to my weight issues. I previously weighed around 200-250 pounds when I was 15 but was able to lose most of it over the span of 2 years in a lockdown facility but as soon as I left the facility, I started gaining my weight back rapidly due to poor dietary choices. I’m hoping to lose 80-90 pounds to put myself at a healthy bmi but I have no idea how to go about it. I would greatly appreciate any advice on diet and workout methods. I’m have no idea what workouts I should do, how often I should work out, how long I should work out, etc. I have no idea how much I should eat or what I should eat. Please help

submitted by /u/SugarCoatedKittyCat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, July 30, 2022

I gained half a pound, I cried a little, and then used that disappointment as inspiration to keep going.

In April this year, I decided I was done being obese, I was sick of the aches and pains and struggles that came with it, and I was going to get healthy.

Since then, I’ve lost 36 pounds. No fad diets, just straight up healthy eating, exercise, and tracking calories. It’s been the easiest weight loss of my life, and so many ailments that plagued me are slowly disappearing.

Saying that last week was “stressful” is downplaying it. I found myself mindlessly snacking, and making choices that I knew weren’t the best, but in the moment, I didn’t care.

I did my weekly weigh in today, and I gained half a pound. Logically, I know that people fluctuate, and half a pound is nothing, especially compared to my success. Yet I cried. It made me more upset than I thought it would, and I felt like I failed. But after I finished my cry, I realized the reason I was so upset was because I actually care about myself again. I want to do better for me, and it felt like I let myself down.

So, I had a cheat day. After the last week, I deserved and needed a break. Tomorrow, I will go back to making the better choices, and I will no longer be upset about half a pound.

If the stories shared on this sub have taught me anything, it’s this: I need to love myself, and forgive myself when I stumble. ❤️

submitted by /u/foreveryword
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33F CW 220, GW 160 looking for accountability partner

I’m hoping to find another female preferably to message on here or text just about daily or every other day with weight loss motivation, goals, challenges, etc. Just a weight loss friend! Preferably someone who has a bit to lose like me and wants to share back and forth about both of our journeys. I’m in the Pacific time zone (near Seattle). I’ve had accountability buddies in the past and really enjoyed it. Let’s get to losing!

submitted by /u/suckafree66
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What Keeps you Motivated!

I'm currently going through a weight loss journey where I've lost 18 pounds. A lot of you guys would say it's not that much but it's a lot for me. My goal is to get to 30 and I wanted to hear about what people do to remind them of their end goal. Personally, I've tried the motivational wallpaper, post-it, and all this flafla which didn't really do it for me. I recently started wearing some simple wristbands with motivational quotes on them. They are very subtle but very effective for me. Everytime I don't feel like doing something, I look down to my wrist and these couple words remind of my "WHY". I'll put the link to get them but I want to know what you guys do to constantly remind yourself of your objective? I'm open for suggestions in this journey that is only getting harder from here! Cheers

submitted by /u/Jimmy_Dangles2121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am considering weight loss surgery. Can i hear some of ur experiences?

I (22f) am regular at the gym, eat healthy and am mindful and can also lose weight when i put the work in, but fact of the matter is my mental health dictates my life whether i like it or jot and if my brain decides its too overwhelming i stop actively losing weight and just focus on being healthy.

I recently got diagnosed with Bipolar DisorderII that means theyre still experimenting with medication and honestly ive been wanting to lose weight permanently. Because of my PCOS i can never keep it off.

I figured im 22. Nows the perfect time to get this in place so in the long run i can be the healthiest i am. Ive quite smoking, i eat very minimal red meat, i am physically active, very active for someone my weight, and i dont thankfully have ajy diseases caused by obesity yet. However i cant keep ignoring that im 290 lbs and this is the second time ive gained all my weight back. I lost 50 lbs when i was 16, gained it all back and then some more, then lost 80 lbs at 19 only to gain a 100.

I plan on speaking with my GP in 2 weeks time on my appointment but is there any pointers anyone can give me? In terms of preop and post op and what your timeline looked like

I am 5’4, Body fat is at 49% and BMi is 49.8


submitted by /u/True-Shoulder-700
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there an "awkward" phase during weight loss? Like the embarrassing teenage years?

Starting weight : 190lbs
Current weight: 130lbs
Goal weight: 120lbsish?

I've lost 60lbs in about 2 years, this has been without exercise (I do stretches and some basic yoga but thats all I can handle due to spine issues and a hefty chronic illness). Anyway, I am 5'6 and have a very small frame/build so never carry weight that well. My weight loss is very noticeable in my face, shoulders, upper chest, legs and now starting on seeing it in my arms, but my belly, hips and under my boobs is still carrying noticeable extra lbs and lots of wobbly floppy bits. Im doing quite well regarding loose skin as I seem to have minimal (touch wood I havent just jinxed that). The parts that still carry this extra lbs are very noticeable compared to the rest of me, which now shows off my small frame.

Does everyone go through an awkward stage when losing weight, when some areas are lagging behind and need to play catch up to actually match the rest of your body? I know you can't spot lose weight, so im guessing this is the case. I dont really want to lose any more weight in my face or chest, but I still need to lose lBS in the areas that are annoying!!!!!

submitted by /u/Feisty_Foxy
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Best online healthy weight loss meal delivery company?

Sadly at times I dont have the time to cook or make food but I know companies do that for you.

For someone trying to lose weight and eat healthy is there a company that mails meals to you that are healthy and lose weight based on the portions mailed premade?

If not I understand but was curious. But I want to pay for a service that delivers me fresh food for the week or days that I can subscribe to if possible is there that option?

submitted by /u/IntelligentBeyond830
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Friday, July 29, 2022

Getting real about my apron

Hey folks, I’ve (37F) had an apron developing since I was 15, even though I wasn’t obese at the time, just a bit overweight. Guess I have a predisposition to it. It’s been my most hated part of my body for as long as I can remember. It ruined my perception of myself during my pregnancies and finding underwear that makes me feel sexy has always been a challenge. No matter what I wear I feel it gives me a visible bulge. I’ve realised recently that this is what contributed to my BD.

Progress pics NSFW

There is 37kg difference between these two pics and on the left is the lightest I have ever been as an adult at 85kg. I’m 5’6”. Whilst I was so excited to finally make it out of the obese BMI I just couldn’t see the weight loss at ALL because all I could see was that I still had this big horrible apron. The loose and bumpy skin doesn’t even bother me it’s just the way it hangs over my thighs. I had worked so hard for 18 months to lose this weight and was so disheartened that I ended up ballooning back to 102 within 6 months.

I started getting back on track again a few months ago and am down to 95, in a much better head space and intending to work steadily down to 70. For those of you who have the panniculus issue - what should my realistic expectations be about it when I get into a healthy weight range? Is it gonna hang around until I can afford surgery or will those extra 15kg make a big difference to it? Any other tips for dealing with it in the meantime appreciated, both mentally and physically.

submitted by /u/Glad-Improvement-812
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When will I see a difference?

So I just recently started working on losing weight. My starting weight was 350lbs 3 weeks ago. I’m currently down to 331.6 lbs. I mainly lost weight because I didn’t eat for roughly a week because I was so sick from covid and I’ve slowly been gaining appetite back. So my real question is at such a high weight when will I notice any weight loss physically and not just on a scale? Will I notice it after 50 pound loss increments?

submitted by /u/tlinde20
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Success 6 Years In the Making

So, about the time I decided to slim down, I read a study following up on folks who had lost a ton of weight on a reality show and how they fared afterwards. In 6 years all but one had regained all the weight they lost and had slower metabolisms than expected, leading to the conclusion that significant long-term weight loss wasn’t a reasonable thing to achieve. I set my goal to not only slim down, but keep it off.

Now I’m finally ready to call it. 6 years after I (5’10”) went from 216 lbs. to 147 lbs. in about a year by focusing on trying to cut out processed foods and get more nutrients into my diet, I stepped on the scales this morning at 138 lbs.

For all of you still aiming for your goal weight, I’m super excited that you’re picking up healthy habits that will hopefully stick with you long term. I can’t wait to welcome you as another person to prove the study I read wrong. 😊

As for me, I just wanted to share my success with someone. I just reached my goal!!

submitted by /u/notadamnprincess
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After 2 years I'm finally half way to my goal weight.

For context in December 2013 I started gaining weight rapidly. I had just had a baby so I thought it was just me packing on the weight from overeating due to PPD. I gained 80lbs in 4 months taking me from 230lbs to 310lbs. I was miserable and so I tried to make a change.

Despite counting calories, exercising, and trying to do better I gained an additional 30lbs on top of that in 2 months. At this point I asked my OBGYN nurse practitioner at one of my follow up appointments, and she was concerned. During the check up she found that the lump on my thyroid, which I had since 2005, had grown, a lot. Less than a month later I was having surgery to remove my thyroid because I had Stage 1A Papillary thyroid carcinoma. My thyroid had basically stopped functioning, hence the weight gain.

From 2015-2018 I yo-yoed but just couldn't get down past the 300lb mark. I tried everything, I got discouraged and depressed. It was a nightmare.

Two years ago though, my thyroid has finally stabilized, I'm on the right meds, I felt good so I decided to give it another go. I was 342 lbs. I started small, not buying a ton of snacks, getting on my feet more, I didn't watch the scale because I just knew i wouldn't like it and I would get discouraged again. After a year of just eating smaller meals and getting moving more, I had lost 35 lbs. I noticed when my pants started to fall off of my hips so I finally weighed myself.

Last December we hooked up the PlayStation VR and bought Beat Saber and Synth Rider. I started playing every day for about and hour and it made me move and sweat so much. I didn't realize how good the cardio would be just playing a video game.

In March I weighed myself again and much to my surprise I was 299lbs. I had done it! I broke out of 300. I cried that day, I had been trying to get below 300 for years and I had finally done it!

Two days ago I was walking through the mall to the library and I saw a pair of jeans in the window of a store. They looked just like my favorite jeans I had when I was in highschool in the 1990's. I wanted them. So I stopped in, looking for my usual size 26 pants, they didn't have them. They didn't have the size 24 either. I was defeated for a moment when I convinced myself to just try on the size 22. If they didn't fit then that would be that, I'd order the next size up online.

They fit! Slid right on, and it was like they were made for me.

Excited after my purchase I went home and weighed myself. I'm 274lbs. The combination of eating less and playing beat saber since March and I dropped another 25 lbs without even thinking about it.

I just wanted to post my progress and encourage anyone else that is struggling that it is possible. You will get there. Small changes can lead to good habits and weight loss just as much as going to the gym every day and counting calories. Everyone's path is different, don't compare your progress to someone else's.

Keep up the good work everyone!

submitted by /u/Ezada
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Advice I was never told and wish I figured out sooner.

Ok, so I wrote up a long history of how I got here, but that became wayyy too long. Re-writing to get to the moral of the story and if y'all want a longer background, I'd be happy to share it. Quick disclaimer, I'm phrasing this in a way that I wish it was told to me. This may not work for you - and that's ok, we're all different and we each have different things that work for us.

It's all about developing/changing habits for the long term. Your current habits are what got you to where you are now, and you're going to have to change them to get to where you want to be. Pick a single habit you want to change and focus only on overcoming that for the next month. Keep it simple. It may be eating too many chips at home. For the first month, just focus on not eating chips. That's it. If you want to snack, buy some apples/bananas and munch on those. Don't count calories - just stop eating chips. Do that until it no longer becomes a chore and chips are no longer on your mind. Then focus on the next habit. If it's eating out too much, focus on eating more meals at home. If it's eating too many sweets, then buy some frozen fruit and start making smoothies. A packet of splenda takes them to dessert/milkshake level. Don't count calories. My guess is you have a good idea of which foods you're eating are unhealthy. Just focus one at a time on replacing those with something found on the perimeter of the supermarket. (fresh fruit/veggies, fresh chicken, etc). Replace the processed foods with fresh foods like rice, sweet potatoes, veggies, etc. (Frozen versions of the same foods are ok).

Exercise. My bike+trainer sat with dust on it for months. After a few months focusing only on recalibrating my diet, I decided to start incorporating cardio into my daily life. For my first week, I just hopped on my bike for 20 minutes at minimal effort. Even if it was just to go for one mile, it was more important to get into the habit of getting on my bike and making that a routine. Then I slowly started ramping up my rides. I also threw my laptop up near me and watched Netflix as I spun. After 2 months of that, I started going outside.

Very recently I decided to start adding weight lifting to my weekly routine. I downloaded the "Workout" app and paid the $50. My first two weeks have basically been just focusing on showing up. I'm lifting 20 pounds. I'm using elastic bands for pullups. I purposefully making it physically easy so I can get over the mental barrier of working out in the first place. I know if it becomes too challenging, I'm going to quit.

Not only am I down XX pounds over YY months, I feel like this is a sustainable path. I've tried so many times to do this, but I previously tried changing too much at one time and I got frustrated and I quit. I actually look forward to eating the foods I eat now and going to the gym. I've previously tried crossfit classes, but they pushed me harder than I want to go, and I just hated going to the classes. But doing the same workouts at my pace is great. Regarding counting calories, counting every damn calorie is just not sustainable - you'll go crazy, but it's good to have a ball park of what you're eating. Eat the steak if you want it, but realize that it's about 2x the calories of a similarly sized piece of chicken. I don't want to share my weight loss numbers because I don't want you to think you're failing because you're not losing it as fast as I might be. What's more important is that your trajectory is sloping downward and it doesn't feel like you're struggling to maintain a "diet." Just try to be better than you were yesterday - in general - and not to anyone else.

Weigh yourself every day. Or don't. It doesn't matter. Your weight fluctuates by like 5lbs throughout the day, so don't get frustrated if it's not consistently going down. Take the running average over two weeks. If the scale isn't moving quickly, that's ok. I gained 20lbs over covid - that was over two years. Expecting that to just fall off over two months is asking a lot. Again, it's all about the trajectory.

Good luck!

submitted by /u/WinterPickle904
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I need help with my TDEE.

I'm 5'2", 22F, SW 181, CW 171, and GW 130. I have lost 10 pounds over the past couple of months, but I am starting to question my current routine and wondering if I should up my calories. I use MyFitnessPal to track calories, and eat 1300 a day (which is mainly just breakfast and dinner with a small snack). I work out 5 days a week for 30-45 minutes doing strength and cardio exercises but I don't lift weights. I'm a nurse, so I am up and moving all day for 3 days a week. However, when I'm not working, I'm basically a couch potato until I decide to get up and work out.

So, when going on the TDEE calculator website, I choose my activity level as sedentary or light because I basically just sit around most of the time when I'm not at work or working out. 1300 cals has been feeling pretty tough lately, and I've heard many times that muscle raises your metabolism, and in order to build muscle you have to fuel your muscles with calories and protein. I want to be able to fuel my muscles, but I'm also a short woman and don't want to overeat. I seem to gain weight easily and lose it very slowly. At this rate I'm losing at about 1-1.5 pound a week, but I want to make sure I don't get skinny-fat when I get down to my goal weight.

Other 5'2" girls--what worked for you? What would you consider my activity level? I want to make weight loss sustainable with enough calories, but I also want to actually lose weight in a reasonable amount of time.

submitted by /u/helen823
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How do you deal with the snide comments?

I’ve been finally loosing weight over the last 4 years. My heaviest, I was 400+ pounds. Last time I was weighed, I was at 300lbs. I have gained about 30lbs. I want to get to 190, just to say I’m under 200lbs. Every time I try and start loosing weight again, everyone around me says “I’m starving myself.” My spouse, my family, everyone. It’s actually annoying at times.

I don’t see my family much, except for holidays. My grandmother tends to tell me “you lost too much weight” or something along those lines. My dad usually ends up yelling at me to eat. My sister complains about her weight (I’m smaller than her, again), being rude about it.

My spouse keeps telling me, “You just need your extra skin removed” and “There is no way you weigh that much.” He is really supportive of my efforts, offers support, but he tends to say I’m starving myself.

I’m eating less calories, because that’s partially what works for me, along with lower carbs. I eat when I feel hunger instead of boredom. I am eating less, because I’m not binge eating. I tend to start my old binge eating habits because of the comments. I understand that’s something I need to work on internally, but it still bothers me.

How do you deal with those comments from others? It’s really discouraging at times. Society judges you for being overweight, those close to you judge you for losing weight. At what point does the judgement stop?

Sorry for the wall of text and rant, it’s frustrating for me to be pulled in so many different directions. I’ve got to work on my mental health, along with physical health, I’m going to continue with both, I just want to know the best way to deal with the comments.

TL;DR - Family and SO make snide comments about my weight loss, how do I respond?

submitted by /u/Awkward_Key_3233
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Please seek Help. Dieting does not change your brain. ♥

There have been a series of strikingly similar posts that center around the concept of :

  • Suddenly people are noticing my body and (I don't like it) (They are weird) (stop!)
  • My family / friends / coworkers are being aggressively different with me
  • I'm in a relationship and my partner is sabotaging me
  • I'm in a relationship and my partner no longer finds my weight acceptable

Dieting more, less, changing it up, adding weights, etc. That's not going to solve your issues entirely. It might plug the hole in the wall for a bit - but ultimately what you're worried about is still on the other side.

Therapy is not just for 'big things'. Therapy can help you manage your feelings of helplessness, worthlessness and anxiety around your weight loss concerns. Turning in circles, asking for advice can be helpful for a while but ultimately you need the right mentality to tackle your life and keep moving forward.

I know financially many people are in difficult positions. Some countries offer free therapy under medicare / medicaid. For people who have a small amount of money, there are sites like Betterhelp. For those with no money there are sites like 7 Cups that offer 100% free counselling.

By no means am I saying 'shaddup we don't need these posts!'.I'm saying, please, take care of your brain as well as your body and find a comfortable way of hitting back at negativity and a personal narrative that keeps you strong and safe.

Ok, sorry to anyone who didn't want to hear it. Hopefully people who needed to can use some of the sites I mentioned to explore options.

Um. Thanks!

submitted by /u/LorienDark
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You don’t need to be at your goal to be happy. I promise you will feel infinitely better with any amount of progress. Start today.

If you are like a lot of people on this sub you have a lot of weight to lose. And if you have like a lot of people on this sub, it’s your first time trying to lose weight and it’s terrifying. I’m going to use myself as an example.

A few years ago I had over 100 pounds to lose. I didn’t know how to do it I didn’t know how long it was gonna take but I knew it was gonna take a long time and it was going to suck. That was all I was telling myself. This is going to take forever and it’s going to be terrible. But when I hit that 100 pound mark I’ll feel amazing and be healthy.

What I didn’t realize was that as soon as I started eating better (and my damn sugar cravings went away) I felt better. I lost 5 pounds and I felt better. I lost 10 pounds and I went down a size in my pants, I could run easier. I could work out more and I can use my body in a way I never had before. I went down 20 pounds and I felt like I had conquered the world. I went down 25 pounds and I started wearing crop tops. I wasn’t even halfway to my goal and I felt like a whole new person. The only thing that I was kicking myself for was not starting sooner and convincing myself that this was an impossible journey.

And once you lose a little bit of weight and you see the scale go down and not come back up you realize that you can do it. If you do a little you can do a lot. The amount of time doesn’t matter anymore, because OH MY GOD it’s working.

Don’t use that big number as an excuse to not do it, because you’re going to feel so great even 10% of the way there. Go easy on yourself. You can do it.

I’m on my next weight loss journey and I have 60 pounds to lose, I’m already down 8 and I am feeling unstoppable.

submitted by /u/Appleormagpie
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Anyone else despise the effects periods have on weight loss momentum and overall body changes?

I lost 65lbs so far, have 20 more to go to my goal weight of 165lbs. I’m a 5’10” woman.

About a week or so before my period, I notice the scale freezes. I’ve been circling around 185-187lbs for the past 10 days. I normally lose at least 1.5-2lbs per week the rest of the month. Regardless of any changes I attempted (ran more, increased my fasting window, etc), nothing moves the scale and I feel bloated as hell.

I understand it’s normal and whatnot but it’s so, so frustrating. What do y’all do in these times? Do y’all stick to the same habits or make adjustments?

Also, if it matters — I am not using any birth control, which may affect hormonal levels. (Husband had a vasectomy).

Rant over!

submitted by /u/ThrowRA-1990
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Slow weight loss and nobody notices

I’ve slowly lost 49 pounds over close to 10 months. (I know it’s not good and I should’ve lost way more by now but I’m fat and it’s hard) My stomach is huge and is covered in layers and layers of fat so there aren’t many changes at all if any. It takes me forever to go down a size in clothes and no one really notices my weight loss even my mom said it wasn’t that noticeable cause I’m doing it slowly. I thought it was just my body dysmorphia taking its toll on me cause I suffer with it daily but I guess it’s really the truth cause my mom said there was no difference cause I’m not doing it fast. I mean what’s the point in putting in all of this work for no one to even notice, my clothes to fit tight, and to feel like trash in my own skin? I’ve put in way too much work on my body and mind to get here and it doesn’t even make a difference…it sucks

submitted by /u/Calm-Face-3584
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Seeing all that loose skin made my skin crawl... literally

This post has absolutly no reason besides venting into the void.

I lost so much weight, worked my ass off for years. Im working out 6 days a week, 70 to 90 minutes. I am around 156 pounds, maintaining my weight by eating a lot on the weekend. I needed to maintain my weight in order to start trying getting those skin removal surgerys paid by my insurance.

For this I visited a clinic 4 weeks ago. The doctor looked at my body, a friend of mine was with me. Im mentally pretty strong, but this thing man...

To say, that im stressed out because of the whole skin situation would be an understatement. I always knew how bad it must look. I mean im not stupid - just because I wear glasses doesnt mean I dont see the flabby belly, my arms and my legs. That doctor was nice. And to make my suffering and emberassment even worse, that doctor was Handsome. I will never ever in my life forget, when we spoke about my none existing boobs and to lift them up, how he grabbed them and rolled them up like a friggin Sushi roll. And he was like "Well, they would be a bit smaller, but fitting for your small frame!" Thanks doc. At least I have a small frame, fitting for my Sushi roll boobs.

In the same clinic they took pictures from me, completly naked. I knew those pictures would be horrible, which is good, right? If it looks terrible the insurance is likely to say: "Crap, look at that shit. We should pay so we dont have to look at this anymore."

Fast forward two weeks, I get an USB Stick with those pictures. Im to afraid to look at them, so I put the stick away. Today i recieved my appraisal. Looked good, the doctor wrote everything i hoped for. So today was the first time im looking at those pictures of myself. And god damn, I was horrified. I always thought: "Well the back or the legs cannot be that bad, right?" Wrong. Everything is bad, absolutly everything. I remember somebody in this sub called himself a "melted candle" and to be absolutly honest, im the pinacle of this. Looking at this, I really am surprised how I am able to work out like this. No fucking surprise my back hurts like crazy after my sport. No fucking surprise, after 6 days of working out that hard constantly I feel like crap.

Seeing those pictures raises the question: Do i regret loosing all that weight? No. For sure not. Even with that skin, even with the pain... I still feel better. I mean I was in pain before as well, but at least I can move now. No diabetes anymore. I can do stuff, without thinking about EVERYTHING.

Man, I was thinking about sharing some of my skin pictures in case I get those surgerys. But now im afraid even a NSFW tag is not suitable for this.

Im sorry guys, this post is just me venting - I dont have any other void or pool of people who could understand the struggles I go through. If you are reading this: Thank you - I will keep you guys posted as soon as I get a reply from my insurance. Fingers crossed.

TL:DR: I look like a melted candle but it was still worth the weight loss.

submitted by /u/Mormandanza
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Advice for avoiding loose skin?

5 lbs down, 75 to go… and a very vain fear of mine is that I (33F) will have lots of loose skin at the end of all this. I’m losing weight at a healthy rate- about 1-2 lbs a week, and I’m making an effort not to let it go faster because I know that can have a bad effect on the overall results. I want this to be sustainable.

I know excess loose skin may just come down to genes, but has anyone else encountered this same issue/fear on their weight loss journey? especially if you’ve had to lose about 80lbs total?

My stats: 33F, SW:225, GW: 145

submitted by /u/Pootsaroo
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Any tips for losing weight without allowing it to consume your life?

I’ve actively losing weight for a few months, but I’m finding it consumes every thought. Whether it’s positive thoughts about how far I’ve come, negative thoughts about never being happy in my body, or thinking about what food I’m going to have next, I’m just constantly think about it.

I know it’s becoming bad because I’ve gotten to the point where I have been considering significantly dropping my calories (I’m currently in a 500 cal deficit) just so I can lose the weight and “be done.” Whenever I have these thoughts, I remind myself that weight loss is slow and I have to accept that. I have pushed off other goals, events, having fun all to focus on my big goal of losing weight. Also, I have about 3 events in August where it’ll be impossible to carefully track and count calories and I’ve been stressed about what to do (though I know I should just enjoy the event and move on).

Does anyone have advice on making weight loss less of a focus in my life? I’ve considered taking a break from the scale to really just focus on making good food a daily habit and not focus on the actual loss. But I’m terrified that I will unknowingly not lose. I’ve also considered taking what I learned and ditch calories counting. But again I am scared to not lose because I really do want to lose weight.

submitted by /u/Excellent-Summer0
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Slowly Slipping Back Into Bad Habits…

Alright. Here I am.

I’m about—almost—three months into my weight loss journey. Had a sort of revelation, I don’t think it’s really gone away, but I was very dedicated and committed to my weight loss and fitness goals.

Maybe because it’s becoming chronic, and isn’t very visible/tangible yet, I’m starting to forget the mission? Im not sure.

The past few weeks I have been going over my calories. I’d say almost over 1,000 each week. Last week was more. The first time I did it, I was just like, “I’ll make it up.” I even got to a point where I had a large amount of cals one day. Maybe over by 1,000, and tried to withhold 500 calories the next two days. Obviously it wasn’t sustainable.

The few things I can think of that set this off:

  1. I lost 18lbs in about two months. Woo hoo. Great job. Do I feel like I’m done? I have about 150lbs more to lose.

1a. on that note. Once I hit 299, my daily calories went down to 1,400 so I changed my weight loss calories from 2 per week to 1 1/2 without counting calories burned from exercise. So I got to have 1,700 calories and it somehow felt like too much freedom. I didn’t like going up. Having more. I have a long history of starvation eating disorders and, as SMO as I am now, I still slip easily back into the restricting mindset. Liking it. Etc.

  1. Work sent us webcams and said we’d have to start using them soon. I was really unhappy about it. I work from home and I look terrible over webcam. Can’t hide my size and I felt like soon I’d be exposed and people wouldn’t like me at work anymore. I felt ashamed to be me. I can imagine it’s made me want to seek comfort—in food. Vicious cycle.

  2. My energy was super super low the past few weeks. Found out I’m very anemic and am currently on super high dose iron, so hopefully I’ll feel better in about two weeks. But maybe I was seeking comfort from not feeling well? Idk I have been feeling pretty irritable lately. I’m supposed to get my period very soon and was keeping track, but that always makes it not come.

I know I’m still at the beginning of my journey. My goal is to be 145lbs or very close by my 35th bday in about a year and seven months. From 317. I’ve lost my first 20. I know this journey isn’t perfect and a straight line, but any tips on how to get ahold of myself before this becomes a serious issue?

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

8 day check in

Hey guys just wanted to post a little update. It’s been 8 days since I’ve restarted logging my intake and making more of a conscious effort food and exercise-wise.

It’s starting to come back to me which has been good. Yesterday was the biggest struggle, a whole bunch of things went wrong and by the mid afternoon I had cancelled my exercise plan for the night. A few weeks ago I would have comforted myself by ordering pizza and pasta and eating it in bed with Netflix for company. I was in half a mind to do that yesterday, but I sat with the thoughts for a while, played out the consequences (pushing back achieving weight loss goals, feeling like shit the next day physically and mentally etc) and I was able to make a healthier choice to eat my preplanned dinner. I still went to bed and watched Netflix when I got home though.

I weighed myself once on Saturday night (had a girls night with my best friend and told her about restarting and she was curious where I was at), and I was at 81.5kg. This is down 4.5kg from when I last weighed myself donating blood (just over a month ago), which is great. I know it was mostly bloat and water retention that I lost, but even then it makes the next 6.5kg to lose seem much closer and achievable.

One weird thing that I’ve found that I remember from my last journey (and this is TMI) is just how much I look forward to… ahem… going number 2. It’s like i miss the feeling of being super full and satisfied with a large meal, so I’ve replaced it with the satisfaction of a good BM? Idk it’s weird but I guess you gotta find joy in the little things.

I’m not interested in weighing myself again for a while bc I don’t want to get fixated on a number on the scale, I’d rather go by how I feel and how I look in the mirror.

Thanks for reading, and here’s to another 7 days ahead of making healthy choices :)

submitted by /u/phoebalini
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fastest and safest way to lose 50 pounds and maintain the weight loss?

I’m 18M and have roughly 6 months or so to lose 50 pounds for personal reasons. I would like to lose more if possible within 6 months but the BARE minimum is 50 pounds. Currently I weigh 250 at 6’1 and preferably within 6 months I want to be below 200. I have access to a gym. However I have no job (yet) to buy healthy foods and stuff like that. However I can eat less calories and whatnot as of now. What should I do to lose the nose weight in 6 months and maintain that weight?

submitted by /u/sulumni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Motivation after gaining weight back?

So last year I lost around 20-25lbs and basically reached my goal weight. However due to being in school and eating out all the time I gained it all back over the last 7-8 months. For some reason this time around I’m having a lot of trouble actually committing to losing weight. It’s harder for me to be active since I have a desk job and am working 40+ hours a week and have way less time to focus on cooking healthy meals and being more committed to weight loss. Anyone else working a 9-5 job have any tips for weight loss when you don’t have as much time to be active? I’m also worried about figuring out how to sustain my weight loss after I reach my goal weight. Any advice would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/calicoluvr23
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Weight loss/gain with Intuitive Eating

A little background. I'm 46 (F) and I've been able to keep my weight at a normal level with Weight Watchers for the last 10ish years. Because of this I'm very aware of what is "healthy" and what's not. During the last year, I just got burned out on tracking points/calories and always having to be "on" when it comes to food. I literally could not track or measure another point if my life depended on it. I couldn't imagine doing this for the rest of my life. I needed to find something new. I stumbled on to IE. I read the main IE book and then read THIN SIDE OUT. HOW TO HAVE YOUR CAKE AND SKINNY JEANS TOO.

I was so excited. This seemed to be the answer to all my problems. I'm just getting out of the first phase which is no restriction whatsoever, and now becoming way more intuitive with my eating. I normally crave healthy food, so this won't be an issue. The thing is I'm nervous. I've gained about ten pounds which puts me on the higher side of healthy range. I know this is part of the process, and initially I was OK with that, but now I'm wondering if this really works.

I can't post this on the IE community because if you want to lose weight you are promoting the "diet culture" and you don't accept yourself. Basically, you have to be OK with being overweight or even obese and live with it. I understand that IE was created for people with eating disorders, but I can't believe that being overweight is good for you. (And I KNOW it's not good for me emotionally and mentally) I've tried to look up online about people who are normal weight and/or lost weight with IE, but all I've found are life coaches who want me to spend $$$$ on their IE weight loss program for their "secret."

This is a very long post for me to ask, have any of you lost weight or maintained a healthy weight doing IE? I know that it works for people who have a lot of weight to lose, which makes sense since it helps with binge eating and emotional eating. But what about the rest of us who only want to lose like 5 to 10 pounds? Can I really trust only my hunger and mindfulness to keep me from getting huge? Also, I know there's probably not a lot of "naturally skinny" people on this loop, but I'd love to know how you eat and view food.


submitted by /u/Ok-Biscotti3313
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

I wish it was a fast process

I’ve only been in this community for a little bit so I personally haven’t seen a post like this, sorry if it is a repeat. But i SO wish weight loss happened over night. Knowing my current weight and my goal weight, it feels like it’ll be years before I’m there. I’ve tried MFP, calorie tracking and macros but I just led to binging and other disordered eating habits. I see repeatedly that calorie deficits and counting macros are the only way to lose weight and now that I know those don’t work for me (without going down a bad path) it feels like it’ll take forever to lose weight. This is more of a vent post than anything. Just frustrated I let myself get to this point.

submitted by /u/Aylabadayla
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can you achieve a lean look by just walking?

Hi so I’m on a weight loss journey and I’ve been walking about 30 mins a day for abt 4-6 days a week. I am trying to gradually increase as I go and recently I have been walking for about 45 minutes. I hope to increase to an hour soon but I’m a beginner and very fat lol. Does walking help with stomach fat loss if paired with a calorie deficit? I would say my stomach is my main problem area and I would love to lose fat from it. I’ve heard people say walking helps shed stomach fat and help you achieve a lean look but I’ve also heard people say it doesn’t so I have no clue. I have been walking at an incline on my treadmill though if that makes any difference.

submitted by /u/Calm-Face-3584
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

being treated differently in my social circle now that i'm not "the fat friend" anymore

nothing in the world would ever make me regret losing weight or getting fit (whatever "negatives" that have come with it are far outweighed by the positives), but i wasn't prepared for how it would affect the way my friends treated me.

i'd always been the fat friend in any group ever since i started getting chubby in elementary school. unless you've also been the fat friend, you really wouldn't understand what it's like to play that role, especially as a girl. you're never the one that gets hit on, guys will come to you to ask about your hot/skinny friends and/or you'll get asked out as a dare or a joke, going clothes shopping with your friends is a traumatic nightmare, etc etc.

when i first started losing weight up until i hit my lowest weight, i was living with two of my (now ex) best friends in an apartment the three of us shared. one (let's call her C), was maybe the lower end of the midsize range, and the other (let's call her R) was short and petite but very much skinnyfat (i do not at all mean either of these as insults; at the time, i was just plain obese, so they were definitely doing better than me). i didn't tell either of them i was trying to lose weight, but i did invite them with me to the fitness center in our apartment complex whenever i went, and i'm sure they could see the changes in my eating as we ate/cooked/went grocery shopping together a lot of the time.

when the weight loss started to show, they congratulated me at first, and i was happy to have the support. i'm not sure exactly what made their behavior start to change. i eventually became thinner than C, who got very upset upon finding out that i weighed less than her (i didn't tell her this btw. she went into my bathroom to use my scale and saw the sheet i'd been logging my weigh-ins on). R stopped going with me to the gym (C hadn't been going with us in the first place). when i finally lost enough body fat to see the definition in my muscles, i expressed to R how excited i was to have abs for the first time in my life, only for her to respond with an eye roll and a "well, of course the first thing you do is brag about it."

i started dressing cuter, no longer hiding my body behind baggy clothes, and started styling my hair and doing my makeup, no longer hiding my face behind my wild hair and overgrown bangs. i took better care of both my skin and hair, finally putting effort into all aspects of my appearance. carried myself with better posture and more smiles. suddenly i wasn't "the ugly fat friend" anymore. i didn't know how drastically that would change the dynamic. my friendship and roommate status with C and R ended due to a multitude of reasons, but the resentment started (noticably, anyway) with the change in appearance/lifestyle.

my childhood friends, who knew me as fat practically our whole lives, also treat me a bit strange, although nowhere near as blatantly as my former roommates.when we hang out in public, it feels like some strange one-sided competition of "who is the hotter one" whereas before it was always a given; i was always the fat, unattractive friend, and they were the hot ones. i was telling a friend (we'll call her U) about an encounter i had where i was pretty sure i was being flirted with (inconsequential, nothing came of the flirting and i'll never see the guy again) and she responded with "he probably wasn't actually hitting on you. you just assume that now because you're..." and didn't finish the sentence. it really hurt, ngl.

i've had only one friend who knew me from when i was fat seem legitimately happy for me. she's excited that i'm in shape and love physical activity now, as she's a very active and fit person herself so we have more compatibility in lifestyles.

i really don't mean for any of this to sound braggy or come off as "wow i think i'm the hottest person to ever exist and the only reason that anyone could ever dislike me is because i'm prettier than them" because that is 100% not the case. it just seems like in this instance, my dynamic with some friends was affected by the change in appearance. for people who used to be the fat friend in your group, is this something that happens when you lose weight?

submitted by /u/addi-ction
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Diary Of A Weight Loss Physician # 6

Want to know a secret?

I often get nervous before my patients step on the scale.

So what's the difference between the doctor and patient?

1) Experience with the journey.

I understand the highs and lows of weight loss. I expect plateaus, barriers, relapses and frustration.

Often, the patient does not have much experience. As a result they mistakenly take setbacks personally and get discouraged.

2) Process oriented vs. outcome dependent.

I try and focus our attention on diagnosing the cause of weight gain/stagnation.

This encourages action (process oriented) rather than disappointment from the lack of progress (outcome oriented).

Additionally, I work with patient to ensure the process is as fun as possible. Collaborative personalization is crucial.

Doing so maximizes consistency.

Consistency is the single most impactful variable in successful weight loss.

3) Battle hardened faith.

I've seen the end of the rainbow (goal weight achieved) over and over again.

And over and over again, I am reminded of the need for patience.

For the patient, the weight loss journey is a huge leap of faith.

Everyday can be daunting.

So what's the difference?

I've been to the promise land.

Despite my nerves, I have faith in the process. It's worked innumerable times.

Not always (almost never!) in the time we expect, but it does work.

So as a seasoned guide, my job is to simply keep the faith of the patient alive and walk with them step by step.

submitted by /u/No-Profit8657
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What do you do when you're feeling impatient about losing weight?

Long story short, I'm at the heaviest I've been due to a mixture of anti depressants, divorce and other things. I'm a 5ft8 woman at 112kg. Although my lowest weight was still overweight I would give anything to be 85 kg again in a heartbeat.

I'm off the meds and I've started counting calories again, how do you keep motivated and not be disheartened by how slow weight loss takes and just how you look in the mirror? I wish I appreciated how I was when I was smaller and I was so preoccupied with hitting my goal weight that I didn't enjoy being smaller if that makes sense. Sorry if this seems very rambly!

submitted by /u/Opalotls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 successes today :)

Today was kinda of a success but a fail. I ended up not doing my calorie defcit and not exercising I ate 3000 calories today because of a binge. But I'll will just try better tomorrow and try to do better. Lucky 3000 is just around my maintenance so I don't think I will gain any weight on the scale other than water weight.

But according to Research and the Bmi Scale I'm no longer Morbidly Obese :) one step closer to my goal. I so lost 4kgs which was difficult but it only took roughly 3 weeks.

My mother also told me she started to see a weight loss difference in my neck. So that motivated me to keep trying tomorrow. One bad day doesn't cancel out 15 good days :)

submitted by /u/Iranyourdogover
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Monday, July 25, 2022

7 months, 7kgs down :)

My progress is a lot slower than most on here, but I am still so proud of myself. I've never been so consistant with weight loss in my life.

28F 5"2 SW 84kgs/CW 77kgs. I was stuck on 78kgs for the longest time and just not getting anywhere. But thanks to a big whoosh scale just suddenly dropped by just over 1kg one day. The number has stuck so I know its real, unless my scale is broken lol.

I'm bad at sticking with a deficit for a long time, I start to get super hungry and hard to focus. I might go a week or 10 days in a deficit, then I'll ease up on myself for a few days and eat until I'm full/my body is happy. It's hard weight training and being in a deficit at the same time, but I love that I'm stronger than I've been in years. I don't mind going slower if it means I can keep/build a little muscle. Hopefully I will be strong enough to do a proper push up by the end of the year, but we will see :)

Good luck to everyone on their journey! Keep at it :)

submitted by /u/Crispy_cucumber00
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Fun Win in Visualizing the Weight I've Lost :)

Wanted to share this fun win in this sub as it's been so helpful to scroll and lurk here through my journey. :)

The kids and I were preparing for an outing and I had to pack our lunch & supplies in a backpack. Surprised at how heavy it was, I jumped on the scale with it to see it's weight. I was stunned to see that the scale showed a total weight (me+backpack) of what I weighed in back in April! Meaning that the backpack represents exactly the almost 20lbs I have lost since April 😁.

It's tough for me to visualize my weight loss so it was a nice little win. It also really nailed in how much extra weight I was putting on my joints & why exercising was so painful back then. I'm about halfway to goal weight and it feels achievable knowing I've already gotten this far!

submitted by /u/dragonkalila
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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Stuck in a rut


I am a 26F 205lbs (around 93.2kg) 5' 1".

I am currently at my highest weight and stuck on what to do. I graduated last year and quit the job I had in school that required me to stand all day. By the end of last year, I reached 200lbs when I was previously 185lbs. I did not notice the change at first since I was job hunting for around 7 months and only wore stretchy things and sweats. I am now at a point where I am uncomfortable in my clothing; even if I wear things in a bigger size, it just kind of triggers my anxiety just thinking about it. I am at a point where I now stay in the house all day, have not talked to anyone besides family and coworkers in about 9 months, and feel like I am just wasting my life. I tried dieting before and tend to binge sometimes, but thankfully not as often as over a year ago. I am trying to create a new lifestyle/ plan for myself, but I am stuck on what I should do. I want to do something that works safely but semi-rapidly. I need ideas on good meals and exercises to do in the comfort of my own home since my depression is currently taking me to a low, and I do not want anyone looking at me.

I have tried MyFitnessPal, but logging calories and constantly weighing myself causes me to overthink things and just give up. I am looking for some good tips/ websites to aid in safe weight loss. My current goal is to be at 150-160lbs, and I really would love to have muscle.

submitted by /u/IDoWhatIWantSorry
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I could use some honesty from people who have gone through this mid-weight loss.

So, I've been losing a lot of weight, 55lbs so far over a year, 50 to go, and I have a question. Most of my skin seems to be snapping back nicely but my thighs just look way saggier. Im wondering if I just haven't lost enough weight for the skin to snap back because there's still too much fat weighing it down, and that once ive lost enough, it will tighten up because the skin is much lighter than the fat its holding...? Like, for anyone who's lost a similar amount, did you feel like there was any point where you started to look worse before you looked better? That's my hope, but I'd like to know if I should try to let go of that or not.

submitted by /u/Stoond
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Does anyone else have this anxiety when it comes to maintaining their weight loss?

I lost about 80 lbs back in 2018, I’ve maintained it since. I’ve gained maybe 5 lbs since, I’ve struggled with my weight since I was little always was the chubbier kid. I lost maybe 50 lbs back in 2014 and gained it back within the year, this is the longest I’ve maintained weight loss and I’d like to believe I’ll stay where I’m at now. I still have cheat days but I’ve learnt it’s about moderation. However, I still have anxiety when I cheat that I’ll end up where I was 80 lbs heavier in 2016. It really consumes me and every time I prove myself wrong but it feels so real.

submitted by /u/Dsg1695
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F/50/278>198 NSV walked 8 miles today without stopping!!

I’ve lost 80lbs over the past 11 months, mostly by walking and CICO. I was pretty disabled to start, I have a genetic connective tissue disorder and severe osteoarthritis. At first, a mile was about as far as I could walk before pain stopped me. Luckily I live in a place with great options for swimming, so weather permitting I go swimming in one of our nearby lakes and get pain-free exercise that way.

After I hit my initial weight goal (200 lbs) I decided not to make a new weight loss goal and instead make a fitness related goal while maintaining my weight loss. My goal is to walk a half marathon, and I signed up for one in august. I’ve been training, and today was the longest day yet. I feel proud of myself - there’s no way I could have walked 8 miles a year ago without a gun to my head.

Pretty pooped, though, not gonna lie.

submitted by /u/aimeed72
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stamina vs obese girl

Info: F27 5'6 CW 260 lbs GW 160 lbs *Please don't mind my english, i'm learning

Dear loseit community,

Please help me with my stamina. I started my weight loss journey about year ago and lose 40 lbs using CICO and walking (10 000 steps a day).

Nowadays, I walking and exercise with YouTube (cardio and programs with very light weighs) but I still feel weak and very often out of breath 🥵

So the question is - how can I increase my stamina? Because my weight I cannot run, jump etc. Is there any program, protocol which I can do? Maybe You were obese and have some expirience? I really want to be more fit. I live on 6th floor and when I take stairs, I'm dying on 4th floor😅

submitted by /u/psychobzi
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I'm so close to giving up.

NOTE: I'm not a native English speaker, so there may be grammatical errors. Lmk if you don't understand something I've written :)

Details: 17F, 5'0 (152cm), SW:176lbs (80kg), GW: 110lbs (50kg) [I have PCOS, I think that's relevant]

I've been overweight since the age of 5, but I went from overweight to obese during quarantine (I was 15). Schools reopened, and I felt horrible after seeing how my friends (who, might I add, were already healthy people unlike myself) had used the quarantine months to become fitter and healthier whereas I had treated my body terribly during the same months. And so it began. I started trying to lose weight.

Here's the timeline:

  1. April 17 2021- I started my weight loss journey at 176 lbs (80kg). Conducted intensive research, learned all about BMR, TDEE, CICO, macros, etc., and got to work.
  2. December 9 2021- I hit 143 lbs (65kg), thanks to my consistent efforts. But then, it was time for winter break. I went to my homeland to visit my paternal family. They’re fairly healthy people, but they tend to let themselves go during Christmas and New Year’s. I spiraled out of control during (and after) the holidays. Ever since the incident. I’ve started to attach negative connotations to visiting my homeland. I know it’s wrong, but I couldn’t help but associate my failure with it.
  3. March 12 2022- I weighed in at 165 lbs (75kg). I was very disappointed in myself. Regardless, I told myself that mistakes happen, picked myself back up, and started trying again. Then I got COVID. Got over that hurdle too, and started trying again.
  4. June 23 2022-I somehow managed to get down to 156 lbs (71kg) with lots of yoyo-ing (I was stress-eating due to exams). Things were chill for the next few weeks. Now that I look back at it, it was the calm before the storm. The storm was summer break (dun dun duuuuun). It was time to go back to my homeland.
  5. July 7 2022- I reached my homeland and met my maternal family. They're a festive bunch, to say the least. We've been going out for dinner every day. They buy cakes, chocolates, and fried foods every day. I kid you not, every. damn. day. They're unhealthy people and pride themselves on it. I tried bringing up my lifestyle choices and they laughed in my face. I started getting stressed due to this new environment which didn't allow me to work on my goal, and that caused me to turn to food for comfort as well. Things were NOT going well, and they continued to stay the same way.
  6. July 25 2022 (aka today)- I'm still a goddamn mess. In fact, I just downed 7 slices of bread right before I started typing this post. I haven't weighed myself after getting here because my maternal family doesn't own a weighing scale (what a shocker). But I feel my clothes getting tighter, and my face is looking puffier. Maybe I'm imagining it, maybe I'm not. But I know I'm on the path to my downfall.

It sucks how I can't break free. I've been trying to lose weight for over a year only to end up nowhere close to my goal. I feel trapped, and I'm doubting whether I should keep trying and failing or just give up and be obese forever. I'm beginning to sound irrational, but maybe I was just destined to be unhealthy and have health complications my entire life. I'm not in a good place, any guidance would be much appreciated.

TLDR: Went from 176 lbs (80kg) to 143 lbs (65kg) to 165 lbs (75kg) to 156 lbs (71kg), and now I seem to be gaining weight again. I'm afraid I'm slowly inching back to square one, and I'm considering giving up. I would appreciate your support and any advice you may have.

submitted by /u/xeno_vortex
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Saturday, July 23, 2022

I refuse to go back to disordered eating and I’d rather have slow weightloss than mess up my mental.

I have a serious history of disordered eating and maybe even bordering on eating disorders but not this time. Somehow this time, I have so much more clarity on being intentional about slow weight loss than just simply seeing the fat fall off. I’ve done it before, I’ve lost 40lbs in the past in 2.5 MONTHS, and the crazy part is that I have 0 recollection on how I looked or left. I have pictures but I always think to myself “why don’t I remember this body?” And I wonder if I hated my body so much that my mind is blocking all the hatred I felt at that time to protect me now.

My past with food is pretty wild too. I use to eat too little (1200 or even less), then I went thru a phase where I’d lie to myself of eating good all day and then I’d smoke some weed and binge on a whole tub of Nutella. Ive tried paleo, keto, Whole30, vegan, plant based only, fruits only, raw plant based, and I’ve even had extremely restrictive eating in my past but NOT this time.

This time, I don’t ever say no but I have a moderate amount. I go out and celebrate friends and family milestones but this time I actually listen to my body and stop when I feel myself getting full. I don’t care if the scale doesn’t move, I don’t care if the scale keeps fluctuating, all I care about is how I treat my body and mind with kindness and love. I deserve that and this time, I know it too.

I hope everyone who reads this, makes choices that brings you closer and closer to being kind and loving to yourself.

submitted by /u/baesharambaddie69
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I found a job that'll help me lose weight

Finally work isn't in the way of my weight loss. I'm an order selector in the freezer section of a massive warehouse so I spend all day wrestling freight onto a pallet jack and dropping it off at the loading docks. It's very physically demanding and some of the experienced guys have said stuff like, "I used to be very overweight, but I lost 80 pounds in 8 months doing this job while dieting," and "Be ready to buy smaller clothes." I'm still going to go to the gym and change my diet, but at least I'm active and shedding fat all day no matter what I do.

submitted by /u/bruhiminsane
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Worried about excess skin after loss

SW: 270, CW: 256, GW: 180, 6’, ~36% BF

I’m doing pretty well on my journey, I have more energy and I’ve been able to be consistent for about 2 months. That said, I’ve sort of spooked myself by looking into excess skin on the body, especially the stomach, that can result from weight loss.

Every image of it I’ve seen looks horrendous (no offense to those here who have it, but I cannot stand the idea of my body looking like that). I think if I were to hit my goal weight and have this excess skin I would hate my body even more than I do now. I think being fat looks a lot better than that honestly. Not only that, but people online say that the excess skin is incredibly painful. I know surgery is an option but it’s surely expensive and I would probably have to wait months or even a year+ to get it.

Can anything be done to prevent this? Does anyone have experience with this?

submitted by /u/GoodtimeGary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Phentermine. Depression. Insomnia.

Did you experience depression and insomnia while taking Phentermine?

I took the drug in 2020 to excellent weight loss and disastrous mental health results. I experienced an intense depression that I wish upon no one.

In 2022, my wife is trying to lose weight so that we can have children. While seeing a therapist for ADHD, my PCP warned me that Adderall is much like Phentermine as I have been looking for my own healing stemming from my experience with the drug.

Considering my present anger toward my wife, I’m not willing to speak immediately. But I do love her, and I’m obviously concerned for her health and want her to stop the drug if it’s causing her pain. In 2020, she was the one who made the link between the drug and my declining mental health.

Additionally: is there a better forum for this question?

I thank you.

submitted by /u/ResearcherWide8606
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Everything I try doesn’t work

My dad died last year and I put on 40 pounds since then. It was quite a shock when I stepped on the scale and saw that. I was pretty active before my dad died and I’ve struggled to get back into it mainly because it feels like I’d be resuming my “normal” life when it’ll never be normal again for me. (FYI I go to weekly therapy to work through this)

So I’ve mainly just been focusing on diet rather than movement. I started with a nutritionist 3 months after dads passing and honestly the plan was so confusing - it was a numbers system but not in a WW way but in a “you need a math degree” way. Couldn’t stick with it because I was confused as hell.

Then I started Atkins which worked really well for me before in life. Except this time around I developed gallbladder issues within 3 weeks of the diet and now I have to get my gallbladder out.

I don’t know what to do, I feel defeated. Most days now I don’t really eat much but when I do I watch portion size and always make sure theres a veggie involved. What’s a no fuss easy way of eating people who have been successful with weight loss recommend?

submitted by /u/laflamablanca828
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Went on a 5 day vacation and terrified to step on the scale… whats the damage youve done from a vacation?

What has your damage been from a vacation? How did you recover? How long did it take?

We were super active, but also drank alot of white claws and ate outside of my normal meals.

Whenever I eat outside my normal meals I seem to gain a bunch of water weight as is, and this was multiple days of eating outside my normal. I tried to make good choices but still allowed myself the scoop of mac and cheese and dessert.

We were active though, no formal exercise but walked alot and got an average of 15,000 steps a day. I can feel the bloat and gain on me, so think ill stay off the scale for awhile 😣

AND WE HAVE ANOTHER TRIP IN TWO WEEKS. Weight loss during summer is hard with all the events :/

submitted by /u/mama2021abcd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, July 22, 2022

Day 9 into a maintenance break and it feels amazing!

Me: F28 5'6, SW: 218lbs, CW: 168, GW: 154lbs. 50lbs lost!

Reminder to take your maintenance breaks when you need!

I'm now one year into my weight loss journey (50lbs / 23kg lost) and my last maintenance break was 6 months ago over the Christmas and New Year period so this is my first 'normal day to day' maintenance break. And it feels amazing! I'd had 5 weeks of little to no progress on the scale (bouncing up and down the same 1kg) and I was beginning to feel hungry all the time. So I decided to take a 2 week maintenance break where I still kept up my logging and exercise. And boy, I've been feeling an increase in energy, been feeling wonderfully full and sated, and to my surprise I even dropped 1.6kg (3.5lbs) over the last nine days! I got my whoosh!

It's also nice to think about how this is what maintenance might feel like when I hit my goal weight

I'm fully committing to taking maintenance breaks more frequently in the future as I work on the last 14 or so pounds!

Have you taken a maintenance break recently? What was your experience?

submitted by /u/BugWeather
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tattoos after weight loss?

I'm looking to get some tattoos done on quite chubby parts of my body. The main one being my upper arm, which would form part of a sleeve

Later I'd quite like to get my thighs done and an under boob piece.

Of course all I can think about it worrying about what might happen to the tattoo as I lose weight! I'm about double my ideal weight right now..

I don't mind waiting for thigh/under boob tats but I'm pretty desperate for the arm one and can't bear to wait another year or two while I slim down!

Has anyone here had tattoos (especially upper arm) and then lost a lot of weight? What happened to your tats?

submitted by /u/zoomziezoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At what point in weight loss journey should I consider getting skin removal surgery?

F24, HW: 398lb, CW: 242lb, GW: 175-185( after skin removal surgery)

For those of you who lost 150lb-200lb, at what point did u get ur skin removal surgery? I had a phone convo with a surgeon who said they generally like to do the surgery about 25lb away from the goal weight (so that would be around 205lb).

I also talked to 2 other surgeons who said they dont consider surgery until 6 months of stabilized weight loss. (someone said this is only required for insurance to approve if they do pay for it).

Ive lost almost 160lb so far and I still have some weight to lose but I was really hoping I could get my surgeries done around December or January (in the next 5-6 months from now).

Im just so tired of putting in the hard work to get to where I am but when I look in the mirror all I see is hanging skin and a melted version of myself.

Advice? experience?

submitted by /u/zahimahi97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

advice? motivation?

i’ve been on and off of a “weight loss journey” for most of my life. the closest i got to actual success was my sophomore year of highschool. yet i never noticed how good i looked until now when i look back at the pictures (i had gained all back and then some). now i’m at my heaviest, and my brain is telling me i’m stuck like this forever. although it’s not realistic i get disappointed when i don’t look skinny within a week. i’m so tired of this back and forth. i just want to look and feel good and stay that way

submitted by /u/nenewton
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

what apps do you all use besides calorie trackers?

I know myfitnesspal loseit and chronometer are the main calorie counting apps that everyone uses, but I was wondering what other types of apps other than calorie counting do you use in weight loss and maintenance journey?

I'm asking cause I never really got into tech and apps that much but now I'm starting to see how helpful they can be lol. I'm waaaaay behind I know. Maybe someone is in a similar position and will also find this helpful. There are so many out there so here are just the general ones I am planning on using. Right now im just trying the leap fitness apps since I'm still researching.

1 . Pedometer - counts your steps

2 . Intermittent Fasting app - getting back into IF and i think looking at the data will be helpful

3 . Workout app. home workouts and hiit

and here are some other ideas that im looking into using

  1. task / habit app to keep you on task

  2. happy scale or libra or other scale app

  3. journal app

  4. water tracker

Some apps can do more than one of these things so i guess its just personal preference.

"fastic" is a fasting app that has a step counter and water tracker

"Simple" is a food tracking app and fasting app where you can journal and add pics

I'm still exploring these options trying to see what works best for me.

What apps other than myfitnesspal and loseit are helping you on your weight loss journey and what do you like about them?

Are there any apps that you cant live without?

Looking forward to hearing from people who know way more about this than me! :)

submitted by /u/Unlucky-Fortune7995
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