Sunday, October 2, 2022

1 month progress

I went to my Rheumatologist on August 31 and weighed 311 pounds. She told me if I didn't lose weight I may not be able to continue on my meds because they raise the same liver enzymes that being overweight does. With my autoimmune problems it's hard for me to do much in the way of excersise so I figured I'd have to lose weight through diet. Having been lurking on this sub for awhile I figured I'd need to count calories. I learned that many of the foods I was eating had an insane amount of calories. Far more than I expected. Cheese, nuts, pretty much anything fried, beer, pretty much gone. I think I will allow myself 1 day a month to have some of these things. So long as my weight loss continues.

I weighed myself at home the day after the doctor without clothes and shoes on and was 307. For reference I'm 45m and 6'1". Using this as a starting point I decided kind of randomly that I would do a 1600 calorie per day diet. I was writing down everything I ate. I learned what foods I can and can't have. My only treat is my morning coffee which I measure out and is 120 calories. If I was over by a few calories for the day that was fine. Like less than 1700. I figured by not having a set in stone limit I might feel better about it. At first it was tough I was hungry all the time. But after a couple weeks I kept finding that I wasn't even eating 1600.

After the first week I figured out there's a calorie app with the same name as this sub an I love it. It makes it so much easier than writing everything in a notebook. I had started out weighing myself daily and at first was amazed at how fast the weight was coming off. Like 10 pounds the first week. I know, water weight. Right? Well I thought that at first too but I just kept losing although by the 2nd and 3rd weeks that had slowed quite a bit. I got to where I decided I didn't want to weigh daily because there's be days I'd lose like 0.4 or 0.2 but then one day I gained back the 0.4. but then the next hay I lost like 3 pounds. I decided I didn't really need that volatility in my numbers so went to a weekly weigh in. So last week was my 4th week of this new diet. I lost 2.6 pounds the last week so I figure that's about where I should be. After 1 month and 1 day I am down 24 pounds to 283.0.

So after just this amount of weight, my fasting blood sugar is back to normal. My blood pressure is down to nearly normal and I have to wear my belt a notch tighter. I'd like to get down to about 200 and my app says that will be July of next year. I'm hoping that as I lose more maybe my health issues will ease up And I'll be able to start getting in a bit of excersise and lose even more. I guess we'll see. Thanks for reading if you got this far.

submitted by /u/joshuas193
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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