Sunday, October 2, 2022

I'm Starting My Journey to Losing Weight and Get Healthy Tomorrow - Any tips?

I'm starting my weight loss journey tomorrow. I'm hoping to lose about 30 lbs by December of this year. I need some help, though.

  1. I used to eat 2000+ calories a day. I lessened my calories to 1500 a day a few weeks ago and had no weight loss during those 3 weeks. I thought that being in a deficit from what I was doing would cause some weight loss but it didn't. Is there a reason why?

  2. I used a formula to calculate my TDEE and got 1300 calories a day. A month ago, I went through the kitchen and looked at all of my packaging and then made a list of what a single serving of each item would be in calories. I pre-plan my meals so that I stay within my calorie count. Do you think this a good idea? Is there anything else that I need to do to meet my calorie count?

  3. I don't keep breads or pastas in my house. I'm also not a big sweet eater--if I want something sweet I usually will drink a small glass of Simply Strawberry Lemonade. I don't drink sodas and I may have a small bottle of apple juice once a month or so. Sometimes if I'm hungry, but don't want a full meal, I may eat a small bag of pretzel nuggets (140 calories). Based on this, how should I portion my meals via food groups while still maintaining my 1300 calorie count? I like ceasar salads but I'm usually starving a few hours later.

  4. I plan on working out 4 times a week at 30-40 minute increments. Because of my size, I want to take it easy on my joints so I'm doing walking exercises. Once I get down to a smaller weight, I plan on upping my workout intensity. Is there anything I need to know about exercising?

  5. How do you stay motivated? I'd love to learn different ways to keep myself going during this exciting change in my life.

  6. Any other tips or advice?

Thank you in advance for your help!

submitted by /u/DreamGirl3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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