Saturday, October 1, 2022

September was smooth, October is going to be a doozy!

Hi folks! I'm trying to lose weight with a new strategy for me - pure CICO with some walking/step goals added to it. So far I'm really liking this approach, as my only point of comparison is keto, which was effective for losing weight but not a good long-term solution for me. I started losing weight again because I found about about some work travel coming up. Have a lot of anxiety about flying internationally at my weight, and figured that if I didn't try to at least lose some of it before the trips, I would regret it later. Despite making progress, I'm still very very worried about seat belt extenders, what if they kick me off the plane, etc. Hoping for some reassurance! Anyway... Travel was a good opportunity to kick start weight loss that was needed anyway. I'm generally healthy, somehow having dodged all the bullets associated with lifelong obesity. No meds, no mobility issues, no pain, no problems except not liking how I look. I want to look better and feel more confident and avoid complications in the future.

I'm 36 F 5'5, started Aug 18 at 290 lbs. By Sept 1 I was 280 (wooo water weight!). My goal is to lose 10lbs/month, understanding that at some point that will become unrealistic due to my TDEE decreasing. To achieve this goal:

  • 10lbs = 35,000 calories. 35,000 / 30 days in a month = 1167 deficit daily
  • Daily calorie goal - whatever will give me an 1167 deficit (currently 1139). Not fussed with hitting this exact number each day, instead I shoot for "around 1100"
  • Steps: 5k daily average, escalating monthly
  • Method: OMAD + snack; sometimes two smaller meals. Not overly concerned with meal timing / fasting windows; if I'm hungry I eat
  • Tracking: Chronometer, pretty lazy tracking tbh I don't include every component of a homecooked meal, just the big calorie parts

September results:

  • Total deficit: Just shy of 35k, I tripped at the finish line
  • Steps average: 5,448
  • Total weight loss: 11lbs
  • Summary: More days feeling good than not. Exercise may be impacting weight loss more than planned, because I lost an extra lb than my deficit would suggest, even with the lazy tracking

October - Goal to get out of the 260's: This month is going to be crazy. I have a birthday, and family coming to visit me from across the country. I am flying to South Africa. Not altering my goals, but will try to figure out a way to keep track through these big events, and update again here next month. Step goal goes up to 6k.

Would love to hear of others success with a similar approach. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/P0PSTART
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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