Monday, October 8, 2018

Finally seeing progress after struggling, and reason I wasn’t losing

Hi guys. Just wanted to share what seems to finally be working for me. I’ve struggled for such a long time losing weight, tried some many things...from crazy restrictions when I was younger to diet pills (I know 🤮) in college to keto to the normal eating healthy and exercising. Nothing ever worked for me. I was so frustrated and many times months of hard work led to no weight loss which led to me binging.

I’ve been to my GP a couple times about this and blood work always came back normal. Finally went to a nutritionist and metabolic doctor. Although I have not yet gone to my second appointment (it’s next week) to review my blood work, I have already lost ten pounds since the initial appointment on September 17th. This is the first time in over two years I actually have seen the number move so I wanted to share what maybe help others struggling for the same reason.

It was so simple. I’ve done CICO so many times before but it never worked. I used online calculators to calculate my BMR and they always said about 1800. I’ve been calculating wrong I suppose because when they calculated it at the doctors with their fancy scales it showed around 1400. So all this time I’ve been eating at a maintenance. The easiest thing. I thought of lowering calories before but having gotten pretty obsessed with that in the past I was scared to lower it way below what I had thought my bmr is.

Since finding out it was 1400, I started eating 1200 a day and finally seeing progress. So just came here to say if you’re struggling check your bmr calculations!!! It could make all the difference.

I’m hoping to get some more advice when I go back for my checkup next week to see if anything else has been holding me back, but it feels so good to finally see my work paying off. I hope it keeps up this way.

Stats: 5’2 SW: 204 CW: 194 GW: 135 or just a healthy BMI

What I’ve been eating: breakfast, avacado toast. Lunch healthy choice meals so I can track my calorie intake easier, and dinner I’ve been doing home delivery meals which have been a lifesaver when it comes to controlling my portion sizes.

I’ve also been doing at least an hour of spin 6 days a week. I’m in love with it.

submitted by /u/bloomfield878
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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