Monday, October 22, 2018

I went for my first jog today and it felt like death

Hi guys, I have been lurking on the great community of r/loseit for some time now and it's finally my time to shine. I started my weight loss journey in December 2016 and lost around 14 kg (30 lbs) without exercise. I was just calorie counting and tried to reach at least 8'000 steps a day working an office job, but I let myself go and gained almost all of it back now. So this is my second attempt.

I started watching my eating habits again since last Monday but it's very hard to keep up. I am currently not occupied, which makes it even harder with all this freetime to myself. I would like to dedicate some of this time to exercise, but I am not sure which sport works best for me. I must say that I am very lazy and have never done any sports while growing up.

So I decided to go for my first jog today, since it seemed to be a good, easy and cheap way to accelerate my weight loss. I was very motivated at the beginning and was telling myself that this should become a daily routine from now on. At the ~1 minute mark, I remembered why I used to hate jogging in school. I get this metallic, blood-like taste in my throat and start breathing heavily. My steps get shorter and shorter and it just feels extremely unpleasant, I can't force myself to continue running. I gave it another try after some minutes of walking, which just made it worse. Even typing this now, I can still feel my throat hurt a little.

I wanted to ask you guys, did you also feel this way when you went for your first few jogs? I would really like to get into jogging, but I have lost all motivation after this. Are there any easier sports you recommend for someone who is just starting out to get more active or tips for jogging? Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/at_work_bored
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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