Monday, October 15, 2018

Is your weight loss more like a staircase? Or a slide all the way down?

I'd love to know - how steady has your weight loss been? I've been losing weight quite slowly, but steadily over the last 14 months, sometimes the progress has been frustratingly slow and sometimes fast. Definitely more of the staircase type of loss - down a few kgs, then nothing for a bit, then down a few more kgs, then nothing etc. I was looking at my happy scale graph today and wondering if that is normal, or is it more normal for people to just keep on losing continually until they reach their goal?

I do find that each time things flatten out for a while (or even go up a few pounds) I have to psych myself back into the weight loss mentality to get back into it which is hard. I wonder if it would be better to just do everything I can to switch up my loss graph to look more like a slide all the way down, than a staircase of down, stop, down, stop?

I see people who lose all the weight I want to lose in a few months (when it took me a year to even get this far), so I wonder if I just went hardcore and get it over and done with over a few months, that could be a better approach? Opinions very welcome :)

submitted by /u/Chopsueeeeee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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