Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Need some help getting started


I’m new to r/loseit, but I have realized I need some help getting my weight loss journey started and have nowhere else to turn.

I was an athlete all throughout high school and college, playing rugby collegiately, eating right, and the school provided nutritionists, dietitians, trainers, the whole lineup. During this time, I weighed between 225-238 pounds. It was a healthy weight. I still had some more to lose, but it was a good start for me. My goal weight was and is 215.

After college ended, I went out to the workforce. No more sports, a busy work schedule, and no one to track my diet or help me eat right, plus losing the group of 30 fit guys who give you shit for missing a workout really hurt me. I started eating like shit, and ballooned up to 285. Convinced I needed to do SOMETHING, I went to CrossFit and did that for about 6 months. Started losing weight again. At about 6 months, i broke up with my long term girlfriend and was devastated. I turned to food to cope. I estimate at the max I was eating 1800-2000 calories a meal, nearly 3 times my approximate daily metabolic need.

I’m now here, 5 months after the fact. I weigh 314 pounds. I hate how I look and how I feel. I miss being fit. I just can’t seem to find a way to get it all put together.

A little about my diet: I have stopped stress eating. I now walk my dog when something bothers me, instead of turning to food. I have also cut my portions down to what a “normal” person would eat (think 1 burrito instead of a burrito, 4 tacos, and some chips). I drink occasionally, maybe one beer a week. I don’t drink soda. I don’t smoke. I do chew tobacco. I don’t do drugs of any kind.

Most days I don’t eat breakfast, I’m out the door before I get hungry. Lunch is typically some chicken strips or some Mexican food, that’s all we have near where I work. Dinner is a tossup, usually a protein and some form of carb.

I don’t work out anymore. I can’t find a way to motivate myself to go to the gym. I don’t know why. Whenever I think about it, my brain tells me “why bother, you won’t change”. I need help, some route to start making healthy choices with my diet and start going to the gym. How did all of y’all find the willpower to do these things?

submitted by /u/unpopular___opinions
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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