Friday, October 19, 2018

Weight loss down about 45kg or 90lbs

I’m nearly at the end of losing weight not the end of watching my weight or eating differently. Hopefully this post works my last post I didn’t have photos but this time I think I worked it out.

So this has been over 10months. My starting was just under 100kg or about 215lbs I believe. I have learned a lot and looking back now I can see flaws in my nutrition that definitely put a strain on my relationship with my partner. Would I change my journey? no am I glad I had to do it. Do I have the clarity now to apologise to him? yes.

I put my body through a rough time. I have loose skin from the loss and also being pregnant. That’s definitely challenging mentally as I know I will never see myself skinny I’m rational enough to know that flaw but it can get the better of me. I never saw myself for how far I was which is ironic.

Meal wise was about routine and weighing all my servings meticulously. If I went had a meal out with friends i enjoyed it but got small servings or ask for small changes. I also realised only recently my protein amounts was far too low causing damage. I gained 2lbs if muscle in a bit of a week after increasing in two fold.

I have started competing again in full contact sports and am trying to lose the final few kgs of weight which is 3-4kg or 8-10lbs.

I couldn’t keep lowering my calories that is insanity so I finally saw a nutritionist and she is a god send. She was totally realistic and didnt throw me a new meal plan or anything else crazy expensive. She worked with what I already ate what was too low or too high and what was possibly causing the weight to plateau outside of normal fluctuations.

She checked my body fat % and it is 22%z I can easily get to 20%. Also commented my abs are ripped under the loose skin.

Found the biggest thing was sodium something I had thought I had been crazy careful about that was just so outside healthy range I was horrified. I have already severely reduced it already feel better.

She also noted my carbohydrates where far to low for the amount of exercise I was doing so when I did eat them body had to use more water to process them which caused a tonne of bloat and made me not want to eat more. But having increased them in only a few days my body is processing them easily without much bloating.

Finally my fibre was just abysmally low. So psyllium husk was the biggest expense she had for me and protein snacks made with dates. Already noticed a different let’s just say the first day or two was damn brutal.

I joked to my husband I was just salty AF and full of shit....

Hopefully this was a worthy post.

submitted by /u/Tough_Princess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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