Saturday, June 20, 2020

I got to my goal weight!


I am 5'2, 23,F.

So I don't really have anyone to share this to, so I decided to share with all of you. I'm a lurker on this sub, as well as xxketo and ketorecipes.

So, last year was my final year of University and I also got into a car accident in my supposed final semester. It wasn't too serious, I just had a concussion but that made me have to take another semester before I could graduate.

Anyways, I basically slept a lot and just ate chocolate (because it is my comfort food and I love it) and also fast food. I had gained some unwelcomed weight during my studies (I was bouncing between 150 to 160 pounds a lot), and of course my weight gain went up with all that chocolate!

August 2019, the before pic, was my biggest weight. 176 pounds. I honestly couldn't believe it. I knew I had that freshman 15 to lose but now another 15-20 pounds on top of that?!?

So I started my weight loss journey in September (2019) and I am proud to say that as of today , I am 125!! (Smaller than my high school weight)

I'm so happy and I'm looking forward to maintaining this body and toning :)

TLDR; lost 50 pounds

submitted by /u/Nicole13496
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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