Friday, June 12, 2020

Took my new year resolution seriously, here's my progress pic 6 months later (170lbs -> 129 lbs)

Monthly progress pic

I don't know if it is expected that I share a story to accompany my weight loss journey, so I will just give a short version (I will provide more in the comment if needed). I should preface this by saying that I am an Asian girl so my ideal weight is probably a bit too low for a lot of people. When I graduated high school about 5 years ago I was at 110 lbs. I don't have any good excuse as to why I gain weight, life just happen, so over the course of 5 years I gradually let myself gained weight to where I was at the beginning of the year (which was 170 lbs). I didn't really feel bad about my weight, but I thought I look better when I was thinner, so starting at the beginning of this year I started hitting the gym and did CICO.

I'm not gonna lie, it is quite difficult sometime to stay motivated, it not easy to follow through your gym routine, especially during quarantine when you don't have a variety of option. There was a lot of day where I know I need to exercise but couldn't find the motivation to do so. It is crazy to think that I have sticked through with it for 6 month straight, despite all the hardship that came. I'm still not at where I want to be yet, and there are still a long way to go ahead of me, especially since the lower I go, the harder it is to lose weight.

I'm sorry for not being eloquent with my words, English is my second language.

EDIT: Per rule 10, the detail of what I do is the following:

- I aim to eat about 1200 calories a day, 1600 calories at maximum.

- Before quarantine started I did a variety of exercise, I swam 20 laps, ran 2 miles, did barbell lifting and abs workout 3 days a week. I also did 2 hours of tennis on Sunday and play 1 hour of fitness boxing, 1 hour of Ring Fit Adventure (both on the Nintendo Switch) every other days that I don't do the other aforementioned exercise.

- After quarantine I got lazy, so instead I did 2 hours of elliptical and abs workout on MWF, 3 hours of elliptical and dumbbell lifting (15 lbs each hand) on Tues/Thurs/Sat.

- I do have cheat days, but it not often at all (I think I eat over my calories limit about 10 times at most in the last 6 months. The key to it is if I feel like I over eat my calories limit for one meal, I will skip eating the rest of the day).

submitted by /u/JacquelineCharmander
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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