Tuesday, December 8, 2020

losing too much weight since going vegan and albeit super happy I'm not sure if it's healthy.

Hi all,

overall, I started the vegan diet to actually lose weight.

I have ADHD and barely have any impulse control so my eating habits were kind of...adventurous and all sort attempts to lose weight failed in the last 20 years. I got diagnosed with ADHD a couple months ago only and getting medication helped a lot to have more control over the things I do (and eat), but going vegan really helped me set some "framework" and not being "allowed" (by my own rules) to eat animal based stuff, it really helped to not only gain control over what I eat but also how much I eat and especially eat a lot more healthy to reach my nutrition goals (Cronometer).

I'm 40, male, 165cm and (currently) 88kg, I was at 94kg 3-4 weeks ago. I'm a dog owner and walk my dog 2-3hrs per day, I'm a fast walker and my dog is a 30kg Lab-mix that loves to try to pull me around the area to sniff stuff and chase critters so I guess that's burning more calories than casually strolling around the park with a dog that actually has leash manners.

I checked with google fit a bit in the beginning and with the routes I usually walk him I do walk around 10 km a day on average, less when it's really bad weather and raining, some more when it's nice outside. No sports at all otherwise, but I do plan to maybe hit the gym once Covid is over (I guess that will take some time though).

I use Cronometer (free version) to track food, calories, nutrition and I actively do try to reach the recommended amounts (not daily, but in regards to the weekly goal, so when I see I had not enough protein or iron during the week, I look up what stuff is having lots of protein or iron and then I gonna make some protein or iron heavy meal).

Clearly, I'm not reaching 100% on everything all the time, but I have good high average %s and quite frankly, I feel like even despite not reaching 100% I still eat A LOT more healthy than in the 20 years before where I mostly was relying on processed food, pizza, noodles with sauce and bags of chips.

Since I'm not really a skilled person in the kitchen (working on it and getting a bit better every day) my diet mostly is soups and salads currently, along with some "easy to make" vegetables like Broccoli, Zucchini, eggplant, spinach, Brussels Sprouts, lentils and rice....in the morning I eat some oatmeal with a banana and an apple, 1 tea-spoon of cocoa powder and some plant-milk like oat or almond mostly, I do supplement with B12 and D3 and do use yeast flakes to boost other B Vitamins a bit.

The thing is, I'm not hungry at all and actually am forcing myself to reach 1500 calories a day even, but at the same time I feel so alive and more "present"/ clear like ever before really. I have so much energy it almost kind of scares me.

Like today I was making soup with lentils, potatoes, carrots and Tofu. The whole pot (around 2 liters of broth + the ingredients) has around 1200 kcal according to Cronometer. I had 2 servings so far today which was like 1/5th of the whole pot and I'm basically stuffed. I think I will eat another serving in the evening and maybe make some oatmeal with banana and apple before I go to bed just so I can upp calories, but even with that, I will basically be just around 1000 kcal today....and I will eat that soup tomorrow and the day after as well...along with my oatmeal, so the calories will not be much higher in the following days, unless I manage to drop by the supermarket to maybe buy some cashews to snack them in the evening when watching TV.

As said, I'm not complaining, I'm feeling fantastic, I'm feeling active, full of energy and quite frankly I'm eating way more healthy than I ever did before, but now that I actually keep track of nutrition and kcal etc and see how "much" I actually consume I wonder if this actually is healthy.

I do plan to double check with my doc but with Covid being a thing I'm not sure if I want to go to a doctors office to discuss that kind of stuff in person. I plan to get my blood checked twice a year because of the vegan diet anyways, but yeah, with Covid currently, I rather not sit in a waiting room full of people in the doctors office.

Also, as said above, I do plan to actually start sports in some way. Maybe hit the gym, maybe start running...but the gym is closed due to Covid and I'm not sure if starting running at my current weight would be a good idea since I've had problems with my knees since I'm a teenager (despite the fact I was rather normal weight even back then).

I also am not someone that -until now- had put much thought into what I eat, weight loss etc other than "I want to lose weight" and getting discouraged within a week when it was not "working" because I was always hungry and I felt like shit because I thought it would work to just keep eating the same unhealthy trash just less of it and my body was just getting stuffed with carbs and sugar and even less actual nutrition (I think).

The only thing I heard is that you all the time should stay above 1500 kcal because everything else would be unhealthy. Maybe losing so much weight at the beginning even is normal and things will slow down eventually.

Anyways, would love to hear you guys experiences and maybe recommendations on how to proceed.

submitted by /u/friggenfuckentaken
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3n1Q4p2

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