Friday, September 28, 2018

Fat bike courier, I'm burning -3000 calories a day, do I need to eat more to maintain healthy safe speed of weight loss?

7-8 months into my weight loss. Currently 114.4kgs (252.2 pounds).

Have dropped 21kgs (46.2 pounds). So far I did that mostly with light walking exercise, eating good plant based meals, logging to Cronometer for accountability, fasting 16:8 (but not always consistently) and keeping to a -1000 calorie deficit each day. Oh, and removing alcohol and refined sugar from my diet 90% of the time.

BUT I recently got a job as a bike courier, and Cronometer is telling me I'm burning -2880 extra calories with 5 hours on the bike everyday. I'm generating HUGE deficits. Especially because I just got used to eating in a way that was already generating a 1000 calories down. Its probably more than that, but I alway log the bike work at "leisure speed" in Cronometer when realistically I ride fast often. I should probably work out a better average speed over the course of a working day so I can more accurately understand my spent calories, but that's getting off topic.

Point is, this is a shift for me, I still have like 24 kgs to loose to get myself to my goal weight of 90kgs. Because of my work, I'm moving so much more now than when I first started trying to loose weight, and I just want to make sure I dont shock my system into holding fat or loose it too fast. Also I have recognised increased hunger and have been eating a bit more than usual, not binging, just eating more.

Is a real possibility I could loose weight at an unhealthy speed due to the amount I'm exercising? I dont want to get gall stones or something, and I'm also trying to give my skin the best chance it has to recover as I loose weight, so I'm ok with slow and steady, but fuck, I'm biking like a mad man at the moment! Like I'm loosing a kg a week consistently.

Am I over complicating this, should I just eat more to bring weight loss down in speed? From the research I have done over the past year I have understood that there is such a thing as loosing weight too fast, and that its not healthy for your insides.

submitted by /u/makeproductsnotwar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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