Thursday, September 27, 2018

Keeping quiet when I want to shout it from the rooftops!

LTP; FTP - thank you for the motivation and inspiration!

TL;DR - lost a stone in 6 months through MFP+CICO, now I want to shout it from the rooftops, but feel like I'm shaming other people with a history of yo-yoing since my starting weight (146) is their goal weight. Is anyone else out there in the same boat?

My weight loss journey has been... understated, I suppose. Slow and steady, but sustainable. Basically, I moved in with my partner in 2016, got comfortable and happy, and put on at least a stone, maybe a stone and a half. Then (for work reasons) we had to live separately again, and I started working somewhere with free fruit and veg in the kitchen, and a company culture where working out at lunchtimes is totally normal. I now exercise a few lunchtimes a week, and do a half hour walk on the days I'm not working out.

Started tracking my food in Feb and weighing daily in Apr. I've been on 1400 calories per day, usually coming in around that or a little below, with cheat days every so often. Haven't really changed what I eat other than being more mindful of portion control, and stopping eating once I get to my allowance for the day. I've plateau'd here and there but have just hit a stone, with another half stone to go. Currently sitting at 131.5. Hurrah!

I'm really pleased with how I look, and my jeans are getting baggy so I know I've got smaller, although I wouldn't say I look noticeably different. I'd like to tell people that I hit one of my milestones, but the reaction I get is almost universally 'oh, you don't need to lose weight!'

I know I'm not on the same weight loss journey as other people but for me, I put on weight, I wasn't happy with how I was carrying it, so I worked to get back to where I was - and am getting stronger and leaner in the process.

How should I handle this? Tell people about my milestone and put up with the naysayers, or keep it to myself and quietly get to my goal weight while listening to people moan about how hard it is to lose weight when they're relying on quick fix cleanses and faddy diets rather than building sustainable habits?

I even feel uncertain about posting on /loseit because I know my journey is not the most dramatic, and my quandary is not the most soul searching. But I've typed it out now, and stewed for nearly an hour over every sentence... Urk, I'm just going to hit post and see what happens!

submitted by /u/DammitJenkins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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