Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The side of losing weight that others don't always talk about or mention

I'm just getting started at this whole weight loss thing. I've seen some comments about other results or body functions from result of weight-loss that aren't always mentioned and was wondering if I could get some input about these.

  • Increased urine output and bowel movements. Yup. I'm talking about pee and poop here. I know that drinking more water is a given for increased urine output, but I've seen mixed things about the other end. I know it can be person dependent, diet dependent, etc but overall in general, is there an increase in output due to the calorie decrease and does the consistency change? Should this even be something to worry or pay attention to during body changes?
  • Saggy Skin, stretch marks and how to prevent it - I've seen about 10 different types of oils, lotions, etc to use and also to exercise to keep things tight. Do oils, lotions, etc have anything to do with helping with stretch marks or is it just a myth? I don't have saggy skin yet, but have the potential to have it.
  • Energy: When did you start feeling less tired and more energized? Is it a certain weight, after so many pounds lost or after being in a routine for so long or at some other point? Or are you still waiting to finally feel better overall? Finding the energy to get on the elliptical seems so daunting and I feel like I don't have the energy to do it. I don't get the energy spikes yet that I had read others talking about that happen during and/or after the workout. I feel like I want to just go to sleep. (Yes I've had my thyroid checked, its normal) I will even get the super sleepy eyes during and/or after workouts.
  • Stinky workouts - Sweat. It gets into places and can stink just in general. Besides deodorant, taking a shower, etc does anyone else experience having bad body odor while sweating/working out? Especially being a female, there is a certain area that particularly likes to get stinky during any form of exercise for me.... Does it go away or is it a part of our own chemical makeup?
  • Getting really thirsty during/after workouts: I try to stick to water, but its really hard to drink sometimes and I go to Gatorade. But the fact that I could easily chug a bottle or 2 after 30 min on the elliptical tells me maybe there is something more? Or is it just simply my body undergoing a workout for the first time after being sedentary after many years? Or could just be me. What I don't get is seeing runners running on hot as hell days with no water... HOW?!?!?!?

submitted by /u/outdoorwoman84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2xCZGPo

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