Sunday, September 30, 2018

M26 257LB –>187 –>249 how I broke the cycle of unhealthiness, then jumped right back on, my two year warning post weight loss warning.

Left is 2014, middle 2016, and right side today.

I’ll save the first part of my life for you guys, but needless to say it’s probably something a lot of people are familiar with. I found myself at 22 eating fast food nearly every day, stress eating and not moving as much as I should I have. After seeing a massively embarrassing photo of myself(the left one) I decided it was time to change. It was a very slow start, but after more than 6 months of figuring out what a diet is, healthy foods and a good lifting plan, I was able to lose quite a bit of weight. I ate 1800 calories or less per day(the only diet that works, less calories in than out) and alternated 5x5 StrongLifts and running on opposite days. I loved it, I felt hungry a lot, I hated not being able to socialize the same way since food is a massive part of our social culture, but I had accomplished something very hard and was fitting into clothes I never had.

Then I started dating, started a new job, graduated, and over the period of a few months, lost a few of the good habits I’d fought for. Within a year, I’d gained 20 pounds back. I told myself it was only twenty pounds, it was okay, I could fix this. I got married, lost my job, worked part time and tried to finish up my degree while everything I had debt on went into collections. I stress ate left and right, probably more than 4000 calories a day. I ordered large and double of everything, and cooked at home less and less.

I kept weighing myself, and once I gained 30 pounds back I made myself diet again. And work out. And week later I went to McDonald’s and ate away my stress. But that was okay cause the next day I would get back on the horse and cheat meals are okay.

The I had gained 40 pounds back, and I was DEFINITELY going to stick to the diet this time, besides I’d done it before. It was hard but not something I couldn’t accomplish! I meal prepped, worked out on the same schedule, and then two weeks later had lost 4 pounds and my job suddenly became a nightmare and my stress quadrupled and I found myself with the remains of an entire large pizza in front of me and promised myself I’d do better.

This past week, after yet another new job (which is amazing and has it’s stresses, but manageable ones) and months of training for it, and a move to a different state, I hit 249 pounds. I am appalled at myself and disgusted. I gained 52 pounds back that I fought off the first time, and it was all avoidable. I feel awful, my energy level is terrible, I can’t move, and I can’t fit into any of my clothes since I got rid of my fat clothes years ago.

So here’s the warning to everyone here- do not ever get complacent. Every pound that you lose is something that you poured time and energy and sacrifice into. Don’t let life take over to the point you get lazy and gain it back. You’re here for a reason, and losing weight for a reason. Don’t be like me, and instead manage your stresses and social life in a way that allows you control over your eating and weight. Don’t make excuses, and own your failures. You’ll never get back on track tomorrow, it’s always a lie. Every calorie counts, and every workout you skip. Life is better when you’re healthy, and you’ll realize it far too late.

As for me, I have gotten back on track because I have no other options. I’m back to my 1600 calories a day and StrongLifts, and in 6-9 months I’ll be hopefully back to the weight I was at several years ago. I am happily married, and we are expecting a kid in a few months, and I refuse to be the dad that doesn’t take responsibility for his personal failures. I’ll be back on here in a few months to update you all on progress.

submitted by /u/pilot_junkie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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