Thursday, September 27, 2018

My experiment with intuitive eating

For me, logging calories has never felt like a "permanent" solution. I can't imagine still being the guy counting the tortilla chips five years from now. So I decided to try to transition into eating more intuitively, hitting calorie goals by learning how much food was "enough."

Through the month of September, I didn't track at all. I still logged my weight in my usual calorie tracking app, but I haven't actually tracked calories. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, and trusted my body and my intuition to know how much food I was consuming intuitively.

I know there are a few days left in September, but I think I'm close enough to call this experiment.

I started September at 250.4lb. Today I weighed in at 245.6lb. A drop of almost exactly 5lb in a month.

So, that's just over a pound of loss a week. And I guess I'm not sure whether to call that a success? This month has felt much more sustainable in the sense that I'm eating in a way that makes sense to me and I don't feel pressured to obsess over calories all the time. However, at a loss rate of 1.2lb/week, I won't hit my goal weight for another year, when I was hoping to get there in 6 months (but maybe that was always a pipe dream).

I think I'm going to continue not tracking most of the time, at least for now. I think tracking is a great tool for learning good eating habits, but I'm fairly confident that I've developed those habits. Perhaps at some point if my weight loss slows considerably I'll track for a few days to diagnose what's wrong.

Anyway, I thought some people here might be interested in the process of weaning off of tracking calories and how successful it is.

submitted by /u/fat_doofus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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