Thursday, September 27, 2018

My New Life - 2 weeks in

I was nervous to post here at first because really, I just started on this path. BUT after reading so many personal stories and achievements, I just have to share what I’m doing! I’m 25, 5’8 and at my peak weight of 245 - although 5lbs down from last week so /technically/ not peak? Lol) I played water polo all 4 years of high school. It was a while ago, but I’ve always thought of myself as an athletic person. Even so, I’ve always been overweight. I’m a huge believer in body confidence, and I don’t HATE my body, per-say...but I’m not happy with it either. I’ve tried weight loss strategies before, and I’ve done okay, but never lost more that around 10 pounds at a time.

I don’t know what happened...but about 2 weeks ago, I decided that I’m fed up. I’m sick of pretending like I’m uber confident in my body when I’m not. I’m sick of my boyfriend being so much hotter than me!! And I’m sick of giving up. So I’m not going to this time!

For me personally, it needs to be a lifestyle change. I’ve counted calories before, I’ve weighed myself religiously every day before, and I’ve dieted before. What I’m doing now is completely different. I know that if I try to stick to a strict diet/exercise regime, I will give up. Not because I want to, but because I’m not happy. I like to be happy, so THAT is my focus.

I’m eating healthier - that’s a given. I’ve discovered that cooking at home is definitely the best way to do this. I can see every ingredient that I am going to eat, and I can control what I use! Amazing, right!! WHO KNEW?? I’ve created some weird dishes so far...but they’re definitely all healthy so that’s what matters. With that being said...yeah, I’m gonna eat a cookie every once in a while! I’m not going to deprive myself of what I want. I’ll keep it to one cookie, and not eating to the point of wanting to barf.

I am working out 3-5 times per week. I do have a gym membership, so I’ve been using it for every workout so far (gotta get my money’s worth). It helps me to change things up. I do cardio every day, of course, but that doesn’t mean I have to jog on the treadmill every damn day. I HATE treadmills. Like, for real. Despise them. So I’ll do the elliptical one day...HIIT on the bike another day...walk uphill on the treadmill, etc etc. I also add light weights every time. Usually a combo of arms+legs or legs+abs or arms+abs and yeah, you get it.

One thing that I’ve discovered works for me is that I go to the gym straight from work - I do not go home in between. I know myself, and I know that if I go home, I’m not gonna want to leave. Also, I’m in HR so I sit pretty much all day. It helps to relieve that cabin fever I get from work.

SO ANYWAY. I’m feeling really good about this. Knowing that this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, meaning that this is what I will stick to from now on - not just until I reach a goal - helps me cope with the fact that I’m not gonna lose weight overnight. Some days will be harder than others, but having support is definitely helpful, and I’m SUPER excited to make slow but steady progress!!!

STAY HAPPY! 5lbs down and many more to go!

submitted by /u/danistobbe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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