Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Jealousy from Mom about Weight Loss?

TLDR My mom does not appreciate the exercise I do.

So my mom and I are both doing CICO and exercising right now. I’m 21 F 5’0 and started at 196, currently down to 187. My mom is 5’3 and started around 196 as well and is down to 193. She’s losing more slowly because she exercises every morning at work with this group of coworkers and they are building muscle. I exercise every night on my exercise bike at home and burn between 500-700 calories each day. We both keep our food intake under 1200 calories.

My mom recently has been asking me to go to exercise classes with her on the weekend but I say no because we each have our own exercise routines that we do and I don’t want to take classes. (I love following her progress though because every night I ask her how her and her coworkers are doing with their exercise.)

Anyway she responds to me with, “Yeah ok that exercise you are doing on the bike we have downstairs is not working.” Insinuating that her classes are better. I tell her the calories I burn on it and she says, “That’s not real numbers.” So I go, well I don’t see how my efforts are not working, that’s why I weigh 187 now. She told me it’s just because i’m counting my calories.

Yeah I have been counting my calories but it just feels so hurtful to me that she’s basically trying to invalidate all my hard work and insist that her zumba/spin classes/whatever are better.

She just ended the conversation with, “Well I was trying to do something different but whatever we’ll just continue to go to the movies like we ALWAYS do.” This is true we go to the movies a lot — we’re movie buddies - but it hurt that she insinuated that this is the only way we hang out.

So i’ve been crying and sad for the past hour that my mom thinks my exercise efforts are shit and that she thinks I don’t value our time together because I won’t work out with her. I have offered her and her coworkers nothing but encouragement :(

How can I proceed from here/deal with this? She basically shut me down at the end of our conversation like she always does and got more mad when I tried to explain my side. She said, “I’m done, you are stretching this out and i’m trying to watch my show.”

submitted by /u/deleted834
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Q9VopD

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