Tuesday, September 25, 2018

My wife lost 70lbs and had a complete transformation! She looks amazing and I want to share her story

Her before and after

At the beginning of the year she noticed me logging daily into MyFitnessPal and she decided to be accommodating for me and start cooking lighter meals and having some left over to take to work with me. Since she's a stay at home mom she cooks most of the time for all of us. She did a great job and she decided it was time for her to get in shape some. She wanted to look as good for me as she did when we first got together. I honestly thought she looked fine but she didn't like what she was seeing in the mirror I think. So she set a goal for herself. We got a membership at the YMCA and started going a time or two a week.

She decided on a calorie goal for herself (1700 cals a day). She figured 1200 is enough because of being a woman and said she googled it and 1200 is what it told her. She also breastfeeds so she added 500 calories a day to allow for that.

She started going to the gym 3-5 times a week depending on what she felt like doing or what we had planned that week or weekend. They had a fitness challenge that had a goal of doing like 15 fitness classes in the month. She knocked that out in 2 weeks. Then did another challenge doing 15 more just because she could. At that point she was pretty into it anyways and enjoying the classes she was taking. She is very active and rarely sits down anyways and that hasn't changed from before the weight loss to after the weight loss and really helped with burning calories.

Once she had decided on a calorie goal and going to group fitness classes she just trucked along. She has the discipline of a...something with a lot of discipline. She rarely "cheated" and when she did she made sure it didn't blow out her calories for the day too much (if at all).

People often ask me "Wow! She looks awesome! How did she lose the weight! What diet is she doing?" And they're all disappointed whenever I say "Eat less, move more". They want me to give them specifically "Eat cabbage soup from 5am-11am" or "Keto is the way to go!" or any other brand name diet. But unfortunately the only advice I can give them about how she lost the weight is to simply say "She eats the same stuff she did before...just less of it. She goes to the gym a few days a week too." People immediately have excuses like "I don't have time to go to the gym!" (barring the fact that we have several 24 hour gyms around here) or "I can't give up X food!" (duh. You shouldn't have to and she certainly didn't)

She has lost 70lbs. She looks amazing and she has looked amazing since the day we met. She's definitely an inspiration to me and to other people. She has told me about people saying things to her at work and in public about how good she looks. It's amazing and I'm sure it has helped her to stay motivated. She even has taken days off just like everyone else. She even gained a few pounds here and there. But she always ended up lower. She is constantly amazing at buying new clothes and how the older clothes don't fit any more. She isn't done and she knows this is just the beginning of a lifelong change in how she eats and lives.

I feel like I'm starting over every day with relation to diet and exercise and here she is...less than 10 months later and 70lbs lighter and she's every bit as awesome as I wish I can be.

I love her reddit and want you to see how amazing she has been this year. She's always been awesome but especially this year.

If you need help on your journey there are a ton of resources out there. Some people (like her) can do it almost on their own with just support from friends and family. Some people need an entire support group. Some people need constant reinforcement. Whatever your need is...there is someone somewhere that can help you get to where you need to be. Just ask.

submitted by /u/Cien_fuegos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Oe4bcO

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