Friday, September 28, 2018

Lifestyle change to better my mental health, lost 20 lbs in 2 months and I fear being skinny

I’ve never cared about my weight. The only time I used to typically see it is at my annual physical just because I don’t care to have weight loss as a religion. I don’t want my weight to define me. So I’ve never cared until now.

For the past some odd years I’ve battled depression and have never gone to the doctor about it. That’s a story in itself, but this fact matters because I knew if I wasn’t going to go to get medical and professional help I was going to have to pull myself out of it as best I can. So when I decided not to wallow, I researched what I could do to help myself and get healthy in mind and body. Two things I found was I was eating terribly and I was tired all the time. Feeling sick physically wasn’t helping me feel good overall. So I changed my eating habits. I ate more than one meal a day and ate my veggies like I should and cut out unnecessary carbs. As soon as I felt stronger I started to go to the gym.

When I started in August I was 228 (I am 5’7”). Today I weigh 208. I eat 3 meals a day and I do not eat after my last meal, which is typically the bigger of the three as I head to the gym right after. There’s no set diet or calorie counting. I just watch portion sizes and eat a lot less carbs. Most of the time it’s meat and veggies because I enjoy the variations. I eat more vegetables than I do anything else. Breakfast is usually two eggs or a banana depending on how late I’m running. I don’t eat any sweets and cut coffee out to about once a week. My gym time is only cardio right now since I do a lot of other things in the evening. I run as far as I can in 30 minutes, which right now I’m up to 2 miles.

I’ve always been fat, but never morbidly so. Since my lifestyle change I’ve started to notice clothes are a lot baggier or looser. People are noticing my weight loss and congratulating me. I’ve never had an issue with being fat, but I have a fear of being skinny. I am back in the dating pool after a hiatus and being skinny and single is not something I look forward to. I feel like I won’t be taken seriously if I am skinny or men will only be attracted to my looks rather than who I am as a person. Being fat was a peace of mind, but it also wasn’t healthy.

I don’t know how far I want to go. To me I just want to be healthy. My doctors at my wellness checkups would always say some variation of “You’re perfectly healthy! Your BMI is just not where it should be.” And while my body might have physically been healthy despite the weight, my lifestyle and food intake was actually affecting my mental well being. Since the change I’ve had more energy, I’ve had less bad days, and I feel a lot better. Maybe I can kick my skinny fear to the curb and just learn to be okay with the outcome of my lifestyle change.

submitted by /u/Maldecir
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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