Wednesday, September 26, 2018

[SV] 3 months in - 40 lbs down

27M 6'2" | SW:313 | CW:273 | GW:218 (188cm, SW: 141.8 kg, CW: 123.8 kg, GW: 99 kg)

Today I'm officially 40 lbs (18 kg) lighter than I was 3 months and 2 days ago, and I decided to celebrate it with a post, I hope you don't mind it :)

The history

In my adult life, I've always been overweight - or to be more precise, mostly obese. I had some serious self-image issues. When I was at a completely healthy weight, I felt as though I was fat and disgusting. Then I started to gain weight by eating trash, and I went into denial. "Nah, I'm not fat, I'm just a big guy." If I'm being generous to myself, that was kinda true right until I started grad school in the capital (Budapest), where I had access to fast food 24/7. I ate a huge pizza with a 2L bottle of Cherry Coke at least once every week, while also making sure I don't miss my weekly Chinese food (mostly twice, with soup), and I also granted myself a night of binge drinking every week, that ended with 2 big ass doner kebabs around 3-4 AM. I bought 2 of them to have something to eat the next day, but almost every time I ate both of them while lying in bed drunk, watching Family Guy.

The Start June 23, I got crazy drunk on my birthday. I'm an emotional drunk, and when I don't have my feelings hurt to play drama king, I get depressed and sad for various reasons. This time it was my weight and my looks. I was suddenly pretty damn ashamed of it. I remembered how there was 3 different people who, after not seeing me for a long time, couldn't help themselves, and said "damn, you got fat/big" right before saying "btw hi!". It hit me hard, because I know I wasn't exactly an athlete the last time we saw each other, and still, I managed to shock them into being inconsiderate. This drunken depression lingered, it was there with me the next day, making my hangover even worse. I looked at my 3XL clothes, that barely fit me. I recalled people telling me I should by a big ass car, that can fit me, if I ever wanted to teach driving. I remembered all the times people didn't even try to call shotgun, because they knew the car's backseat can't fit me and 2 other people. I could go on with these horrible feelings for days. I decided I want to change my ways, and this time for real. I weighed myself, I took pictures (that I'm not ready to share yet), made an alt account to subscribe here, and read tons of info. I started CICO on that day.

The Method

First off, CICO. I tried Keto last year, right before Christmas, but I couldn't keep it, I gave up after 2 weeks. I can't cook that kind of variety food, to keep me satisfied and not get bored of it. I read about CICO here, it seemed reasonable and I didn't have to say no to any kind of food. I did start it with low-carb in mind, so I didn't even have rice for 2 weeks., but I couldn't eat any more steamed or grilled veggies, I didn't want to develop a hatred towards them, so I decided rice is on my "OK to have" list. The calorie limit I went with was 1500. It's perfect, because even if I go over the limit with 200 or 300, I'm still in a good place, since my BMR at 142 kg is 2500-ish.

I gave up sweets and sugary drinks alltogether. It wasn't that hard, I love the taste(lessness) of water, it kills your thirst way more efficiently and also, there are some really good zero calorie soft drinks out there, if you crave some more intense flavour. As for the sweets, I wasn't big on them before, because they made my tooth hurt if I went crazy on them. I do love ice cream however, but I found a nice low-calorie brand that tastes awesome.

In the first month I half assed going to the gym. I was in there maybe 5 times in that month. Not sure why, I always found some excuses, even though I swear to God, I love working out. After that I got my shit together and went there 3-5 times a week, mostly for lifting, and riding the stationary bike every other time. I have 2 great NSV-s and one of them is being known there by my name. Let my tell you it's a lot different feeling, than being known by name in the Chinese restaurant... I can't really do squats tho, my knees are cracking like crazy, and I don't want to put too much pressure on my joints, they have been working very hard for the last decade or so.

The Results

I lost 13+ cm (5.1 inches) from around my belly and 10 cm (~4 inches) from around my thighs. I'm down to 2XL shirts and T-shirts, that aren't likely to go a lot lower, since my shoulders are pretty wide and the XL shirts can't fit my arm. I weigh myself everyday, since I'm kinda obsessed with the scale and measurements because for the first 12-14 kgs I didn't see much of a difference in progress pictures, but rest assured, the toilet paper roll effect is real. The weight loss slowed down, but every lbs or kg I lose now makes a difference now. My belly isn't hanging that much now, the love handles are fading away, my manboobs are shrinking, the lower body fat% makes the muscles on my arm slightly more visible, my double chin is less noticeable, my thighs don't chafe that much, and my belt isn't cutting into my fat belly that hard.

I gained a lot of confidence, I approach girls (or should I say women? I'm not good at coming to terms with getting older...), and I do have some success here and there. I'm not afraid of going out in public anymore, because I don't care if people comment on my size or weight. I just say it's a work in progress. I love trying clothes again, I love wearing shirts, I'm not so self conscious when sitting down, I'm not in constant fear of breaking smaller chairs (it has happened before and it was so embarrassing I almost threw up). More and more people are asking for tips on losing weight, even though they are let down by my answer (eat less, exercise more).

Hardships, challenges

My main weakness is drinking. I'm not an alcoholic, mind you, but when I do drink I almost every time go overboard. My weight goes down the next day because of all the water my body releases, thinking it's gonna get plenty of liquids, and it goes up the next 2 days when it sees I'm not gonna drink 3 liters every day after 9 PM. This does put me on weird plateaus and it has a greater impact on my mindset than it does on my body. I have to cut back on binge drinking nights, if I want to remain sane.

When I was down 13 kgs, one of my closest friend asked where I was losing all that weight from, because he can't see any difference. That was a big letdown, because I knew he hasn't seen me since I started my lifestyle change, and I was looking forward for some compliments, and I got this instead. That sent me to a pretty dark place, but I came back stronger. I want to prove myself, I want to work even harder. I know I'm petty for this, but I see him gaining weight, and I want to be the thinner one for the first time since we have known each other. Rest assured, I still love the shit out of my dude, but dammit, I wanna take revenge for that comment, even though I know he didn't mean to be mean.


My GW is 99 kg, because I want to get down to double digits for the first time in over ten years. I don't know what my UGW is, I have a friend, who's the same height as me, and he's 98 kg, muscular but not overly so, and he looks absolutely fine. I wanna get my body fat% under 20, and maybe see the remote signs of having a six pack. I'm hoping for no excess skin, but I'm more than willing to go under the knife and get it surgically removed if everything else fails.

I'd like the have a resting heart rate lower than 80BPM, a healthy blood pressure, less sweating, less back pain and more energy. I want to look good both in a real suit and my birthday suit.

I want to be an inspiration, just like almost every single one of you are. I want to show people, it can be done without starving, suffering, fad diets and expensive placebo pills. I want my family to be proud of me (they already are, which is great), I want to visit both my grandfathers' graves, and tell them I did it.

I want to be at a healthy weight for the first time in my adult life.

tl;dr: Dude lost 40 lbs (18 kg) in 3 months, by doing CICO, gym 3-5x/week, and giving up on sweets, sugary drinks and trash food.

submitted by /u/313to218
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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