Sunday, September 30, 2018

Finally reached my weight loss goal! (F/21)

Last December,I had gone to the Doctor's for a regular check up. Nothing out of the ordinary. The nurse took my measurements and told me to get on the scale. Again, nothing different. Although I had no idea what I weighed. I figured something like 170, 175. NOPE. So I step on the scale... 197. 197 pounds. I had NEVER been so heavy in my life. I had always promised myself that I would never go over 200 lbs (197 is basically 200). And it was at that moment that's something snapped inside of me. It was as if a voice said "OKAY THAT'S IT WE'RE DONE! THIS AINT IT CHIEF!" And for once, I listen to that voice. And so began my long, long, weight loss Journey. Like everyone says, the beginning was hell. Having to cut down my salt and sugar intake was such a pain. I was moody and angry all the time, and exercising just made me sweaty and irritated. It was a CHORE to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I could barely lift my eight lb weights. It was embarrassing how much I had neglected my body (thanks French fries and chocolate😂),and I wanted to give up. But I knew if I did that, the consequences would show. So I kept going. I kept eating right. I kept exercising. I kept lifting weights. When my friends would ask me out to lunch/dinner, I politely declined. When others tried to tell me, "You look great! You don't need to change!" I didn't listen. Because I knew I had to do this for myself. Then it started. The weight began to drop. Bit by bit, pound by pound. I became more flexible,was able to touch my toes. The fat in my arms and legs was becoming less and less. My stomach was becoming flatter. My back fat was becoming non-existent. It was becoming addictive,taking care of my body and seeing the results show. Not only did I look better, but I FELT better. I no longer got headaches, nor did I get winded going up the stairs. It was just...amazing. And as of today,I've finally reached my goal of 150 lbs. I NEVER thought I'd get here. After years of crash/fad diets and trying everything but exercising/eating right,I did it. So for those who are still on your fitness journeys,DON'T GIVE UP! You can fail a million times,but you HAVE to keep trying! It's YOU vs your body,and NO ONE ELSE. And I have faith that you guys will win. ❤

submitted by /u/Lexiiboo97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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