Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Couldn't tell I lost 10lbs while maintaining. What I found out about stubborn fat and the importance of nutrition while building muscle.

Hopefully my story will be helpful to people trying to get rid of those stubborn areas of fat and look great for the summer.

30 year old 6'1" male here. Started losing weight July 2018 by eliminating sugar and starch from my diet and only eating in the evening. Went from ~230lbs to 190s by December, when I added in a bit of gentle strength training at the gym (gentle due to bad back from sport back in the day). By February I was easily around my goal weight in the high 170s and stopped being quite so careful with what I ate nor bothering to get on the scale. Sugar and starch make me feel gross now so I figured maintaining would be pretty easy, and I had no problems continuing with the same foodtypes as before.

Just by what I saw in the mirror and the fit of my clothes I assumed I was maintaining over the next month or two. So I was shocked when I hopped on the scale again and saw the counterweights reading dead on 167lbs. [For reference BMI for me gives 140-189 as the healthy range]. Apparently I had gone down another 5-10lbs without realizing!

I'm not one to put much stock into what the scale reads. I had lost weight to get back my energy, be able to move around easier, and of course look good. I'd definitely been reaping the benefits of the first two, and I couldn't really complain about the latter either (at least when wearing clothes). In the mirror shirtless though I still had a jiggly belly and flabby chest. It seemed like no more than a couple pounds worth of fat and I had thought it was fine to carry it and it would slowly firm up as I toned up underneath. Yet this hadn't happened. Not only had I been going to the gym for months now, but I had lost 10lbs while at a healthy weight without noticing any reduction in the pudgy areas of my body.

So here I am thinking about ways forward in the beginning of April. I had clearly still been eating at a deficit while trying to maintain as evidenced by the continued weight loss. My strength and endurance had continually improved so I must have built some muscle, but it hadn't been enough mass to offset loses. I figured I could keep losing and see if those bits of fat eventually melted off, or take the fitness focused approach and bulk (eat above maintenance to help build muscle) before cutting (eating at a deficit) back down. I went with the eat more method and upped my nutrition game.

I haven't noticed much improvement with respect to gains in the gym nor recovery (though maybe I'm just not lifting heavy enough for back fears to realize them), but over the last 3 weeks I've gained three pounds and already my chest and belly are much firmer and look so much better! I know the squishy bits are probably still hiding spread out over the top, but the muscle underneath gives it a way better look and muscle definition is not a priority of mine.

I guess the moral of the story is you might want to address stubborn flabby bits by building muscle instead of losing fat, indeed it might be the only solution. And when you are trying to build muscle don't ignore complete nutrition. Apparently muscle can get stronger without getting larger, but it is larger muscles that helps smooth and tone the look of the body.

Kick ass on your own journeys and here's to feeling good and looking good!

submitted by /u/five-o-and-go
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2VK4G29

In the past 4 months I’ve adopted a plant based diet, started Orangetheory and Corepower yoga and got a personal trainer and also a nutritionist and a therapist. I’m also back hiking ~7 miles a couple times a week. Feeling better.

I’m 28 yrs 5’8”f and started maybe around 205-210 lbs. I didn’t realize my weight had gotten that high! I had been through a terrible break up, med school and intense internship. I finally got a real job and I have decided to invest in health, fitness and weight loss. I am feeling so much better, happier and light. My weight is down to 182 lbs this morning. I’m feeling more confident and much better. I do feel that my weight loss is slow, I’m not counting calories but I’ve instilled mindful sustainable eating practices per my nutritionist/wellness coach. This is the time for me to get myself into a good place. My body has changed and I’ve toned up and lightened up. I recently finally felt in a good place to give my goal weight to my nutritionist. It’s 145-150 lbs. I just hope I can get there. Anyone like me out there???

submitted by /u/kittenlikeunicorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Wc35yS

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 01 May 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vy9GYA

Back down to my high school weight

At the very end of 2018 I decided enough was enough. I had contemplated for months if I had it in me to lose weight. On January 2nd I weighed myself. 272 pounds. The heaviest I have ever been. I have struggled with my weight since I was around 10 or 11 years old. I decided I would start my diet that day. I put on my Fitbit I had only worn once before, downloaded MFP and got started with tracking EVERYTHING. I may went a little overboard with the tracking in the beginning. Since then, I've only had one week where my weight increased and only by 1.2 pounds. I've had a few weeks with a plateau but I expected that. I didnt change my diet much at all. All I really did was accurately track calories and weigh my food. Ever since I started my weight loss, I have weighed myself every Tuesday. No idea why. Just something about Tuesdays I guess. Today I weighed myself expecting a weight increase because of my birthday last week. Nope. Lost weight. That brought my weight to 234.6 for a total weight loss of 37.4 pounds since January. When I graduated high school almost 5 years ago, I was at 235. I haven't been at this weight since. It feels amazing. And I'm noticing changes finally in my once a month weight loss progress pictures. I'm more confident. My mental health has improved. I feel great. I still would like to lose another 64.6 pounds for a total of 102 pounds. I'll get there though. I'm excited, but also scared, to see my adult face and adult body not covered in a layer of fat. And I'm excited to eventually get a wardrobe and hair makeover closer to my goal weight.

submitted by /u/9Gmagoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2PG6xiE

Eating the same meals every day?


So I am wanting to experiment with eating the same meals everyday. I am horrible when it comes to eating whatever I'm craving and binging on junk food. I've put on a good 50 pounds in the last 4 years, and I've tried and failed to lose it. I'm generally pretty lazy when it comes to food prep; I love to cook sometimes, when I'm in the mood to, but on a day to day basis I can't stand spending ~1 hr cooking and then 30 minutes to clean up.

I know I can't do this indefinitely, but I'm in a weird situation right now which has made it impossible to cook daily; I live with my bf and his brother, and often his brother has friends over or sits in the living room watching shows/movies with his girlfriend. I have pretty bad anxiety, so the idea of going out there and disrupting them so I can cook every day is awful to me. Not to mention that something that really helps me stay on track with cooking and not get bored is I love to put on a podcast, or music that I sing along to while I cook. Because of all this (and in addition not really feeling comfortable since it's not MY kitchen) my bf and I have gotten into a bad habit over the past couple of months of eating out for every single meal. Luckily my bf and I are moving into our own place in a little over a month, where I will be able to warble to my hearts content while I cook.

Until then, I am wanting to try to get us on track toward losing weight(we both want to). I'm hoping that by eating roughly the same things every day it will not only help us lose a bit of weight over the next month+ but reset our taste buds and hopefully how we view food. We both have a very unhealthy relationship with food and use it as a comfort. I want us both to move toward thinking of food as fuel the majority of the time and only rarely viewing it as a special treat.

I have the following planned as a sort of "detox" plan to reset our tastebuds and get us used to eating as a necessity rather than for fun. We're shooting to eat this 6 days a week, with one looser day(prob. have eggs and tempeh for breakfast, possible leftovers for lunch) and up to 2 "cheat" meals per week although only from a list I've made of relatively healthy foods like sushi, salads, and entrees from health conscious restaurants.

Breakfast: Huel made with half Silk Protein Almond & Cashew Nutmilk and half water/ice.

Lunch: Salad w/ "bacon" tofu, black beans, half an avocado, and salsa OR

Salad w/ lemon pepper tofu, navy beans, half an avocado, and Newman's Own olive oil vinaigrette OR

Salad w/ spicy ginger tofu, kidney beans, kimchi, half an avocado, and Bragg's ginger and sesame dressing.

(Note: After lunch, take Deva vegan multivitamin)

Dinner: Cabbage, quinoa, and potato soup w/dollop of unsweetened coconut yogurt and w/ one slice of seeded bread.

Snack Options: Hummus with Super Seed crackers and/or veg(broccoli/baby carrots), fruit(berries, apples, clementines), pickles w/probiotics, 80% dark chocolate(more of an evening treat type thing), pistachios, almonds.

So you can see I did create some variation with the salads which I think will be my saving grace. But they basically consist of the same things and will be SUPER quick and easy to prep. I'm pretty excited to start this tomorrow, my bf and I have had it with constantly feeling like shit because we eat like shit lol. It'll be nice to be a bit thinner when we move into the new place too, it'll be starting things off on a good foot.

Has anyone else attempted to eat the same meals every day as a weight loss method? How has that worked for you? What do you eat?

submitted by /u/FuckNugget9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vsTKXK

Sweat is just fat crying, right?

This could be a weird question but Google isn't providing much help so here I am.

I did keto for a few months and lost about 45lbs. After doing lazy keto and my weight loss stalled, I decided to change up my diet and start Weight Watchers. I've been doing WW for about 2 weeks now and I have noticed that I am SO SWEATY! Just doing regular every day activities ex. Getting ready for work, sleeping, doing minor housework, cooking, etc. Is this normal? What is going on metabolically and physiologically causing me to be so sweaty? When I was on keto I was cold all the time and rarely had random sweats.

So additional information that could be helpful to the answer. 32F, 5'7", 215lbs but an athletic stature. I go to 60-75 minute intense spin classes 3-4 times a week, will go on additional bike rides on the weekends if the weather is nice, walk my dog multiple times a day throughout the week, and do weight lifting/strength training 1 or 2 times a week. As far as I know I don't have any thyroid issues as my bloodwork showed normal last time it was checked.

Why so sweaty?!

submitted by /u/LzbnBarBCumsinOwnBox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GUGRwg

Is Pre-workout helpful or safe for weight loss?

Hey guys, I'll keep it short and sweet. I've lost 35lbs since January with the hopes of losing another 30-35 before I'm satisfied. I'm keeping on top of my diet, and I'm doing 25 minutes a night on an elliptical trainer to try to get in shape.

Here's where my question is relevant. Some days I get on the elliptical and I can smash through it no worries, and other days by the 10 minute mark my legs are stuffed and I'm struggling a bit. I'm assuming it's got to do with what I've eaten that day even though every day during the week I eat the exact same for lunch (salad with some meat)

So, keeping in mind my primary goal is to lose weight, gaining some muscle is a definite bonus but not number 1 on the list, would a pre-workout powder be beneficial for when I'm on my elliptical?

Thankyou 😁

submitted by /u/Venture334455
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IPNn9H

A different type of hair loss question

I know this topic comes up like every few weeks in here. I already know about telogen effluvium, and I have just started taking the necessary vitamins - and making sure my calories aren't TOO low. I actually set MFP to losing just 1 lb a week (1600-1700 calories a day, plus exercise calories) just to be sure. My protein is 80-100 grams a day, so that's good too.

But I have a couple other questions concerning hair loss, for those who have experienced it too.

  1. If you get it easily just from dieting/losing fat, will you pretty much deal with it until you reach maintenance? I am really hoping not, because I have another 85 lbs to go. That could take over a year at the rate I'm going. I will be bald by then!
  2. Has anyone seen it kind of start and stop, then start again? I first got TE in early 2018 when doing Keto. I lost FAST. Like 20-30 lbs in 2 months, completely just by doing Keto and my calories were way too low.. between 1,000 and 1,200 and I was over 250 lbs. SO that part makes sense. Over the last year or so, the hair loss kind of slows down, seems to get better, then comes back bad. Then goes away again after several months, then comes back bad. Has anyone else noticed this?
  3. When you started losing hair, did you notice your hair texture also change? It seemed like when this started happening, my hair completely changed. It is limp, dull, dry, and no longer curly. I used to have spiral curly hair, now it's barely waves. It just seems connected somehow?

I should mention I was NOT taking my vitamins properly until like the last week, so I wasn't really doing much to help it. I was just yo-yo dieting a lot and stressing over losing my hair basically.

I am totally fine with a lot of the side effects of weight loss, including the loose skin. But the hair loss is seriously stressing me out - even if it turns out to be temporary.

submitted by /u/jenninrecovery
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vw2cpm

Renewing Motivation During Finals Week

*this is so long I’m so sorry lol*

I've literally lurked on this sub for so long and it's been incredibly helpful so far, and I love reading about everyone's journey, so I thought I'd share mine in an attempt to stop being such a fuckup and keep up with my goals, so here it is.

On January 27th 2019, I was 179 pounds, and I’m 5’3, so it freaked me the fuck out. I was never like a ~skinny legend~ but I’ve always wanted to be. Thinking about dieting always made me exhausted (because I didn’t know about CICO and thought I had to eat leaves, bland chicken, and then, maybe if I’m lucky, a single strawberry as a treat, so basically I was dumb lol) and I never had to worry about exercise because I played sports in high school, and my coaches always kicked my ass, so I never had to do it myself. Then college started and 4 nights a week of vodka, chasers, pizza, and ice cream (love you 24/7 dining hall) had me gaining the freshman 15, and the sophomore 15, which put me at a cool 30ish. Yikes.

This is so vain but I was like really really over the way I looked. All my friends are so tiny and they’d always assure me like “oh you look fine, you look great” and it kinda placated me into not really doing anything about my weight because apparently I looked fine, carried the weight well, and fit into mediums (which by the way, after looking at pictures, I absolutely didn’t, like sis get a larger size plz) But I knew something was off, I’m 20 and I want to be in the best health as I can for as long as I can, and I also wanna flex, ya know.

So after realizing how much I weighed and deciding enough was enough, I went cold-turkey, balls to the wall, hard af on weight loss, started running for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week, sticking to 1200 calories a day (mostly healthy foods, some def not, but all good) and now I’m down 30 pounds at 149. Which would be great, as I’m 9 pounds away from my first goal of being a healthy weight (my final goal is 115 which I haven't been since junior high but i'm dyin to get there).

But. It’s finals week. I have 3 papers due (and yet here I am lmao) and I ate 500 calories worth of Hot Cheetos today because I really don’t wanna write these papers and I’m so stressed. After I stress-ate the Cheetos, I got off my ass and did my usual run (that I’ve skipped for the last 4 days because of work which is also stressing me out) and I need to stay motivated to not use finals week stress as a reason to slide back down into my old habits because those sucked and they’re a trap. I’m scared once I stop being conscious of what I’m eating and start indulging too much, I’m gonna lose all my motivation. So if anyone has any advice on dealing w this please lmk because god do I want to just lay on a coach and hibernate for a year. Thanks and ily all so much :)

TLDR because this is a literal novel oh my god: I'm down 30 pounds at 149 from 179, but finals week is killing me and i need tips to stay motivated!

submitted by /u/roadto115
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GMkcAT

Its my one year CICO-versary :D

(insert obligatory mobile formatting apology here)

On May 1st, 2018, I decided to officially take control of my life after being overweight-obese, most of my life, and after reading this and other weightloss/ health subs, I made my first food diary entry (MFP, but have since moved to other apps that suit me better)

I was a hefty 67kg/147lbs, 4”11’, very sick and tired and sedentary 18-year-old, with a few sensory/digestive and mental health issues, with obesity related problems not far from my future. My relationship with food seemed to be all or nothing- if left to my own devices I would cycle through times of binge & restrict.

I decided to track my food intake, started to eat cleaner, eliminating foods that caused me issues and finding a plethora of ones that didn’t. I stopped forcing myself to eat in the morning, stopped snacking later in the day, so I was fasting 16, then 18, then 20+ hours. I started walking in the morning first for about 30min a day, but slowly increased that to almost 2 hours.

It honestly didnt completely start out soley as a weight loss thing for me, but rather a complete health upheaval, which I think was paramount in my success.

Today, May 1st 2019, I have since lost 24kg/52lbs, and have been maintaining for a couple of months!!! I walk over 10k steps every day, have probably seen more sun in the past 6 months than I have for the past 6 years, and I sleep so much better now. I have also gone vegetarian and 75% plant based, cooking and prepping proper meals every day- eating the food I have come to truly love and also doesn’t make me feel sick! I still treat myself often of course (kind of have to now in order to hit my maintainance calories), but now I know how to not go overboard, how to keep my body and mind happy, how to not think of food as punishment or reward, but rather as fuel.

I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ve discovered that while I despise maths, I love data and calculations (as long as I don’t have to do it myself- I adore spreadsheets), which I think will be very helpful in the coming years of maintenance. I used to think I was nocturnal, but now I love the early morning!! I guess waking up and getting out of bed and being productive isnt a chore when you dont feel so heavy and bloated and sluggish constantly?

Tracking food isn’t a hinderance like I thought it would be, it's almost a hobby now, one that improved my mental health and wellbeing!!

I still have a lot of things to work on, mentally I know I still struggle with anxiety and depression- no amount of weight loss or vegetables will fix that completely- but I am ready to try and get better. I do mourn the youth I feel I missed out on sometimes, being so shut in and insecure and unhealthy, but I’m trying to focus on the future now instead.

I’m rambling- anyway, Thank you r/loseit, I’ve learned so much from all of you!! I honestly couldn’t have done it without all your guidance :D

submitted by /u/femmesme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IX1iLl

Sustainable Weight Loss

SW: 262 CW: 252 GW: 175 Age: 29 Sex: Male

Hello all, I am looking for some guidance or advice. Having failed or relapsed at my other weight loss attempts, I want to try and be smart about this process. I started 10 days ago. I am doing a 16:8 intermittent fasting schedule, as well as tracking calories in MFP. My BMR/TDEE are around 2,400 calories, and I have been attempting to be active everyday (weight training, gym cardio, or at least a walk after dinner). I have been consuming ~1,400-1,800 calories a day, while buring ~800 active calories as per my Apple Watch.

I believe I have a good plan in place, and am highly focused and motivated to get fit and healthy. I have two key questions:

  1. Is my caloric deficit too low? I've read conflicting information online, but as of now, my stance is that I have so much fat reserves on my body that this will not be an issue. Also, I am weight training a bit and attempting to get close to 100-130 G protein a day to help at least maintain muscle mass to help keep my metabolism up.
  2. Whenever I do get to my goal (assuming this current regimen gets me there), what can I do to minimize/eliminate any Yo-Yo effect? Is there anything I can implement now to help with that? I realize with my reduce caloric intake, that if I revert back to what I was doing before, I will surely gain weight. But if I consume whatever my BMR is at that juncture, even if it is higher than what I am consuming now, will that result in maintenance or weight gain?

TL:DR In the process of lossing weight using a combination of intermittent fasting + CICO + Basic gym activity, want to know if my caloric deficit is too low and could have adverse affects, either during my weight loss, or once I reach my goal.

Thanks to everyone who posts on this sub and some of the other subs revolving around health and fitness. You guys rock and are a huge part of my current motivation to get healthy and fit!

submitted by /u/Padaliac513
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Vuafl9

Lost 5LBS in a week... after 6+ years! (kinda long.)

New to this subreddit, not so new to weight loss. Also sorry for the formatting, I’m on mobile and I’m still trying to get the hang of things here on this subreddit.

I just want to start off and say that all the posts on this page are so uplifting and motivating! I like checking in every morning to read what people have posted and it makes me so happy to see people post their Victories and their Struggles. This post might be lengthy and it's a preface to my weightloss struggles.... and I never really had a place to share it with people until finding this subreddit. So bare with me..

I’ve been overweight my whole life. I’m a 23 y/o female, currently weighing 260lbs, at a height of 5’1. I’m like a little ball of jiggly dough. Ever since I could remember, from back in first grade, my moms put me on so many diets and tried to maintain my weight. I would fluctuate and it just drove me NUTS! Even during middle school, as I would go about my day, I was really self-conscious with how I looked and how I ate.

While in high school, my senior year, I weight weight at 220 pounds. After the first semester, I realized that prom season was around the corner and I didn't want to look like those "other" girls (The theater kids, as they would call them back when I was in high school) in unflattering dresses. I was in denial but at the same time I was freaking out because I didn't want to look ugly for my prom. So I went gluten free, no-white all-browns, and cut out any and all fast food options, and snacked on a ton of trader joe's snacks and tried keeping a food journal. I hired a personal trainer and we did cross-fit and mild weight training coupled with hikes and jogs. I had picked out a dress back in March and when it was mid-April I was down x many dress sizes. By the time prom rolled around, I had reached a weight of 170lbs and I was at my thinnest at the time. For me, it was such a huge accomplishment! I had lost 50lbs through diet and exercise, 6 dress sizes and I had to get my entire outfit tailored down! I was so happy and so proud of myself! When the year ended and I graduated, only then did my parents break the news, over a month after it had happened, that my grandmother had passed away. She and I were so close and honestly, it left me in ruins. I went back to the motherland that summer and it went all downhill from there. I enrolled in community college and that's when I was hit with freshmen 30... or so I thought.

To add to all of this, I developed a ravenous palate. I became a total foodie-- a food junkie. I craved rich, flavorful foods. I loved exploring different cuisines, which led me to eat out even more. I was in college! I had freedom! I had a credit card so that meant spending, spending, spending.. on what? On food! My dad joked that I would quit and take up professional cooking because of how much I loved food. And as my love for food grew, so did my stomach. Slowly but surely, I gained half my weight back. After transferring to a 4-year, I gained the rest of my weight back plus another 10lbs, pushing me over how much I weighed in high school. It's my last semester in college, and lately, I've started to hate taking pictures with friends, I refuse to take pictures, and I hate going shopping.

It's been like this since last summer. I went abroad last summer and it forced me to walk for miles, which helped me lose some water weight. But I was still the round, jiggly ball of dough. When I came back, I had learned to eat smaller portions, but that all went away when I was eating my favorite foods back in the states. Finally, last week, on April 22nd, after weeks of deliberation, I decided to join Jenny Craig, and that's where I learned about calorie count and smaller portion sizes. Back in high school, I would eat up to 2000 calories because I was working out intensely. I stopped working out but kept eating and it pushed me over the edge. When I joined Jenny Craig, I weighed my heaviest ever. 265.5 pounds.

I was so ashamed and disgusted with myself. I cried for days on end, seeing how much I let myself go. I vowed that I would never join a diet program but my biggest fear came true and I was so disappointed with myself. Not only that, being a bored-eater and a foodie, I mourned the fact that I couldn't eat the rich foods that I loved eating. Pad Thai? AYCE KBBQ? Burgers? Pasta? Traditional food? I actually cried over food. And I felt so much shame and embarrassment... I was scaring myself. The fact I was so attached to food scared me. So I went and I joined JC, with much reluctance. After being on Jenny Craig for over a week, I've lost 5 pounds, and honestly, when the consultant weighed me, I was so scared to look at the scale. Then she said I lost 5lbs, and honestly, I started crying. Being on JC and the foods, it was like torture for me. I cried the first day and the second day. But I could feel my body was adapting to the different eating times and the different intake of calories. They put me on a 1500 calorie diet and at first I was miserable. To top it all off, I'm only supposed to eat with they provide for me. Which I totally understand... after awhile I started getting used to it and I'm so happy to have stuck to it because it's my second week, and after hearing that I've lost 5lbs, it's become my little motivation. I've noticed that I have a little pep in my step.

I just wanted to share this with people and make it a little victory post. After 6+ years, I'm finally working towards shedding the weight. And honestly, despite still feeling the shame, I'm hoping that by the time I graduate, I will feel a bit more confident and comfortable with myself so that when I walk the stage to receive my diploma, I'll be happier and healthier than where I started off mid April.

submitted by /u/bobabee95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2J64hQw

I feel like I can't tell anyone about my weight loss aims because of my cousin's anorexia plus other ramblings

TLDR: cousin has anorexia so I can't tell my family I want to lose weight and the primary reason I'm losing weight is to look good in some photos, the secondary reason right now is so that I can participate in a triathlon.

My cousin had and still suffers from extreme anorexia, which means that my entire family is very aware of food and dieting and over exercising which is what they did. Because of their struggles with their anorexia I feel like I can't talk about my aims to lose weight and get to a point where I look and feel fit and healthy.

My cousin isn't my biological cousin (our families adopted each other because our actual families live very far away) so we have very different body types and genetics, which means that my cousin and their family are all very skinny which made their anorexia so much worse. My family on the other hand is not naturally skinny and we have to work hard on our food consumption and exercise. Which makes my progress towards weight loss just that bit harder.

A few weeks ago I found out that I am being presented with a major award on the 13th of May where I am required to wear Scout uniform. So I decided that I had to really try and lose some of my extra weight so I could look good in the uniform and all of the pictures that go with this process. So I ramped up my cardio and asked a friend who is a gym buff to show me how all the equipment works, but every time I try and talk about it with anyone, including my gym buff brother, I get turned away or treated badly because of my reasons for losing this weight, and the assumption that I will just gain it all back once it's over.

I have no intention of gaining the weight back because I have discovered a new enjoyment of running, and am seriously considering doing triathlons which is something my stepfather did. I just can't tell anyone that I want to and am training for a triathlon because I haven't picked a specific one to do, and at the moment all I'm training for is "a triathlon"

I've gone from 75kg down to about 71 kg in about 3 weeks mostly by seriously increasing the exercise I do and not allowing myself to quit once I'm bored or tired and also realising that I'm not hungry I'm just bored! (Also I got stomach flu and so I'm completely empty of food!)

Thank you for reading my ramblings. I would love for y'all to be my MFP friends you can add me at mhzking (same as this username)

submitted by /u/mhzking
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vDitJb

21 Year Old Female Down 70 lbs Having Trouble Losing Last 30 lbs and Needs Help

SW: 230 lbs CW: 165 lbs GW: 130 lbs

Hello, I've been on a weight loss journey since June of 2018 which was very hard, but rewarding because I went from 230 lbs down to 160 lbs by cutting my portions and calorie counting, drinking green tea and water, no sweets and processed foods, doing yoga everyday.

However, I've been stuck at this weight for almost 6 months now and I don't know what to do anymore. Now I'll admit that when I lost my job and winter came around I became quiet depressed and began eating some sweets with my free tea and stopped regularly excerising. I still kept my portion sizes the same though so I didn't gain weight.

The scale just stopped moving and it was unnerving.

When the new year came I decided I was going to try and excerise and get back on track which worked for a bit. I went down to 155 lbs which was great. I didnt feel challenged though and when I ate more than a meal or a snack a day I gained so much weight back it made me depressed so I stopped.

I keep going back and fourth in this way. Starting a routine and quitting a week later.

After researching the internet I found out I needed to intensify my excerise routine so I began doing HIIT excerises and it worked for a while but I still wasn't seeing results. So I researched again and found out I was consuming too many carbs so I tried keto but I was getting really irritated and ravenous on the diet. It worked though I coukd see my muscle mass and my waist was getting smaller but I felt miserable. I bought weights to train and build more muscle mas and decrease my body fat but I don't know how to even use them and come up with a routine. So I just gave up and started eating incredibly unhealthy and just the stuff I refused to let myself consume for a whole year now.

Now my body is being very strange. I'm hungry and thirsty all the time. I can drink a whole 1.5 liter water bottle and STILL be thirsty. I can eat and I'll still be really hungry and I feel myself gaining weight and it's making me feel like a failure. Please help. I'm a college student working part time so cheap meal prep and and excerise routines would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading this.

Also does anyone have any advice on how to deal with people policing your body and telling you to stop losing weight or seeing you finally eat a full meal and making fun of your weight gain?

submitted by /u/newbiebassist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vvE6uE

My fiancé and I are getting married in August 2019, and this has been the tipping point of motivation to lose weight and pursue a healthier lifestyle.

I am currently a 28 y/o female, 5’8”, 225lbs. I was a typical college athlete that fell off the wagon when training and competing ended, and have especially struggled recently while balancing work, graduate school and raising a child. I’ve also struggled with anxiety and depression for the majority of my life. I want to flip my lifestyle on its head and make real changes. I am about to graduate, begin a new 9-5 position in a field I love, and will be getting married next August.

My main questions are:

  1. At my current size, what is a reasonable weight loss goal within 1 year? I don’t want to set myself up for failure.

  2. Where do I start in terms of eating? I’ve read about basic CICO, Keto, etc. I don’t want to start any kind of fad-like thing, just something that works and is reasonable.

  3. How much cardio is necessary? I HATE running. My hips suck. But am open to anything else. How much should I be doing if I am lifting?

  4. Any solid lifting routines to get back into the grind? I LOVE to lift, and have always been pretty strong. I just haven’t done it in years and don’t want to start with what I used to do for my sport - I might break myself.

  5. What technology is helpful? I’ve got an iPhone and unopened Fitbit that’s been sitting in a drawer for 2 years.

Any advice is appreciated. I’m really serious about this and want to plan my journey and document along the way.

Thank you all!

submitted by /u/CitsuocAirwaveS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bj5182/my_fiancé_and_i_are_getting_married_in_august/

How do you all stay motivated

Hi all. As the title suggests, I’m having a little trouble staying motivated and I’m looking for tips.

Started last December at 291lbs. Did Whole30 for a month and then switched to a simple Macro limit range. Started exercising 4 times a week. Having good success so far, last Friday I weighed in at 227 lbs. which is awesome.

However, I think I am beginning to get frustrated and lose focus. First, for the past month or two, weight loss has been significantly slower than when I started. Now I understand that there are a few reasons for this: 1) as I get smaller it’s harder to keep losing and 2) I broke a finger so I cannot do my preferred cardio so in my down time I’ve switched to weight lifting and running so building muscle will also slow down loss.

But over the past month or so, I went from losing ~3lbs a week to ~1 lbs. Another part of the issue is I have 1 cheat day on the weekends. Obviously it doesn’t help but honestly it’s one of the few things keeping me sane. However every Monday I will weigh in up to 8lbs heavier then Friday. For example last Friday I was 227 and today I am 332. Again I know this is normal fluctuations and by Friday I will usually be at a net loss, but it is still disheartening.

I think my biggest issue is that I am really busting my ass dieting and doing these grueling workouts but I’m only losing a single pound each week and at this rate it’ll take another 2 years to reach my goal. Then, do have all the work ruined each Monday is pretty crushing. I realize the obvious answer would be to cut the cheat day but I feel like it’s one of the few things keeping me sane, I miss out on so much social interactions because of my restrictions already that to cut the last ones I have left would be too much for me.

My frustrations have led me to begin taking liberties that I would not usually (ex. Eyeballing an ingredient rather than weighing it out on a scale). I recognize this as my first signs of giving up (from past weight loss tries) and I desperately don’t want to. But with everything it feels like I’m losing the light at the end of the tunnel.

So how do you deal with frustration? What are your tips to keep going? I’ve done so good up until now and I wanna keep it up but it’s hard.

P.S. - I hope this post doesn’t come off as whiny, I realize a lot more people have worked through more than I have and I also know that a lot of people have worked harder for less results than I have seen. I just see the bottom coming up at me fast and I want to avoid that.

submitted by /u/EddieTheKiller
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2J4X0jZ

[SILLY!POST] I'm married to CI/CO!

But don't worry, she's poly.

And my friend just pointed out that some people pronounce it "sy-ko"... LOL.

Jokes aside, I wanted to share something pretty lighthearted but also very sincere in its way. I recently decided to wear a pair of commitment rings to honor my CI/COntract (lol...) and express my dedication to weight management. I wear one to symbolize achieving my weight loss and another beside it to mark 1+ year of maintenance. So, they're very similar to wedding rings! And they're size 5.5, so I have to maintain my weight in order for them to continue fitting, LOL.

Has anyone else done something similar -- commemorated your commitment to the lifestyle symbolically somehow, like with jewelry, tattoos or other means? Please share! :D

submitted by /u/walkSMASHwalk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Jbp1GV

April 2018-April 2019. 15 pounds down!

Hello Reddit! I present to you: 15 pounds of weight loss!

My face comparison: https: https://imgur.com/a/FyzUxrP

I can honestly say that this journey has been a crazy taxi of a ride- and it’s not quite over, I’m still aiming for my high school weight, but I take it VERY slow. Since I made it this far though… if you don’t mind, I did want to talk about it.

Compared to the absolute ROCKSTARS in this sub, my lifestyle change was definitely smaller and less impressive. I was not at too bad a weight; at 5’6” 142 is still within a totally regular BMI if you subscribe to that. I was used to being a pretty active, skinny kid/teenager so, seeing that number on the scale (the highest I had ever been) I realized that if I continued my current habits, my weight would continue to increase and it could mean some bad news for me- note that even when I was a 115 pound 13-year-old, I had cholesterol higher than my then 50-year-old father. When I last checked it at 135 pounds it was still too high. I did not go to the doctor in time to see how it was at 142, but probably not good at all!

So I started on a Wednesday at 4pm in April of 2018. Here are some things I realized during this lifestyle change:

1) I identified my bad habits: I was seriously inactive (sleep, take the bus to work, sit all day at work, take the bus home, stay in bed and watch youtube till it’s time to sleep), I was definitely overeating (I was surprised by American-sized portions when I moved here, but it didn’t occur to me that eating it all would be bad for me!) and what I was eating was a mixed bag. I have always loved fruits and vegetables to the point where I’m sure I’m ethnically 40% tomato by now, so that was good! but I also have the hugest weakness for salty junk food- do not put French fries and burgers in front of me, I will inhale them and top it off with fruit gushers. 2) I went SLOWLY. With the habits described above, would you be able to eat 1200 cals and run a 5k the next day? Of course not! I did little things at first- went with the burger, but no fries. Went to the gym and simply walked the treadmill for an hour. Made the salads bigger and the proteins smaller. Oh, and the ever-saving grace of a good food scale! It helped me SO much to understand how much my body needed- much, much less than what I thought. 3) As time went on, the changes got bigger and bigger. I went from 1500 cals to 1400 to 1200. I started going to the gym 2, 3 times a week- then, every day that I could. I went from running one whole minute to keeping a steady pace for 30 minutes. I started walking home from work (1 glorious hour). I cannot tell you how many podcasts I have listened to, to keep me entertained for all this ahaha. I got leaner! And stronger! 4) The biggest changes started in 2019- PURELY because I felt like it, I have cut down significantly on red meats and have a more pescatarian diet. I go to the gym practically every day except Sunday, so I upped my calories to reflect that. And the hugest one of all: after a 27 year diet coke addiction, I cut from 5 cans (A DAY!), to 2, to 1 (this is when the withdrawal hit…condolences to the people who had to be around me those two weeks) to 0. Can I begin to describe to you how much energy I have now? I remember on day 2 of 0 cans, I got home after work and cleaned the whole house because I was THAT freaking manic. It was amazing!

Today: I am at an incredibly satisfying 127 pounds- a lil higher depending on bloat. I want to lose just a little bit more and maintain it. I am now an active person who has more energy to go out with friends, get her responsibilities done and feel better in general. I just got my results from my doctor and while my cholesterol continues to be higher than normal (it probably always will be, I have a double whammy on genetics for that one) it’s definitely at the lowest it has ever been…certainly lower than back when I was 13 whaaaat?? Never thought that would happen!!

But more than anything, even if it was me doing all this, do you know who’s responsible for it? That’s right, y’all. If it wasn’t for this sub, for this community and your advice, help and insane support, I have no idea how I could have continued. During the first 8 months my new “diet” was ALWAYS on my mind, and it felt great to have a space to not shut up about it to spare my friends/family. Thank you loseit. Thank you so much. You have helped me become a stronger, healthier person.

submitted by /u/ShortyColombo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Weo97R

Can’t seem to lose any weight!

Just looking for some advice if anyone has any better ideas than myself.

I’m F 23 5’3” and currently weigh 10st 4lbs. Had a c section 6 weeks ago and so haven’t been able to do as much exercise as I usually would - also used my entire pregnancy as an excuse to consume an immense amount of junk, so gained around 3.5st. Went down to 10st pretty quickly after giving birth and have been intermittent fasting 20:4 (as I had been regularly pre-pregnancy) for the past 2 weeks. I seem to be stuck at 10st 4lbs no matter what I do! Making sure I take a brisk walk for a minimum of an hour a day and stay active wherever else I can with a newborn and a 4 year old.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to kickstart the weight loss again? I just cannot understand why it hasn’t been dropping!

submitted by /u/drunkenjelly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GRT58G

[tip] I've found that High Fructose Corn Syrup absolutely destroys my diet, even in small amounts.

I'm sure that most of the people on this sub know that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is total shit. I have worked to minimize it from my diet as much as possible over the past year and rarely drink soda. I also gave up caffeine last fall which was incredibly difficult.

I've been intermittent fasting (8/16) for the past three weeks. I used this weight loss method in summer of 2017 to go from 235lbs to 195lbs, and then did it sporadically and abandoned it only to get back to 215 pounds last month. I had an almost perfect streak, until this past Saturday when I was at a memorial for a friend of mine who had died of a drug overdose. They had pizza and soda and I made sure to get a non-caffeine soda (Orange Fanta I believe) and drank one iced cup of it.

For the rest of the day I was starving. I could not stick to my fast and was hungry no matter what I ate. It wasn't the pizza, I have had that during the 8 hour window and had no issues sticking with the fast. HFCS totally messed my day up and I went way over my calories for the day.

I think that complete removal of HFCS (as well as artificial sweetness in diet products) from your diet could help you if you are struggling with weight loss. I don't think it's any coincidence HFCS became popular in the mid-late 80's (cheaper than cane sugar) which was around when the obesity epidemic began.

submitted by /u/blehblah628
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2J5H1Cn

10 Tasty Blueberry Recipes You Need to Bookmark Right Now

Often labeled as a superfood, blueberries are chock-full of antioxidants. But they offer so much more than that. Blueberries contain Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Manganese, which is necessary for the body to build and maintain bone and connective tissue. These yummy little berries are also a good source of dietary fiber when eaten with the skin intact. Nutritious and sweet, blueberry recipes are the perfect go-to for those summer months.

Besides being such nutrition powerhouses, blueberries are also quite delicious. Their sweet flavor makes them wildly popular when baked or blended into dishes—or even just used as a yummy topping. They can be served atop oatmeal, yogurt, tarts, baked goods—or even just eaten plain and whole.

There are so many healthy ways to incorporate blueberries into your day. While you probably have lots of your own ideas for how to eat more blueberries this summer, we’ve rounded up our favorite blueberry recipes that you’re going to want to add to your list. After all, now is the time that this delicious fruit is in season.

12 Strawberry Recipes Sweet Enough to Eat

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Check out 10 blueberry recipes that are perfect for summer:

1. No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake for One >


Few recipes are simpler than those that are “no-bake.” This recipe involves layering delicious ingredients, including a crumbled Nutrisystem Blueberry Lemon Baked Bar used for the “crust,” into a small dish or ramekin. When complete, it counts as one Nutrisystem Breakfast, one SmartCarb and one Extra. While this dish tastes incredibly indulgent, the cheesecake topping is made from healthful ingredients like fat-free ricotta cheese, blueberries and just a touch of honey—making it quite nutritious.

2. Blueberry Burst Energy Balls >

blueberry energy balls

Energy balls are all the rage and for good reason. They are easy to make, portable and packed with healthy ingredients that give you a burst of energy when you need a nutritious snack. These energy balls feature cashews, rolled oats, dates and blueberries. Everything is blended in a food processor to form a dough, which is rolled into balls—two of which count as one serving at 197 calories. On the Nutrisystem program, a serving also counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

5 Foods that Boost Your Brainpower

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3. Baked Blueberry Oatmeal Tart >


This is one of our favorite blueberry recipes and couldn’t be easier to make. It involves heating up and then topping our Nutrisystem Baked Blueberry Oatmeal with nonfat Greek yogurt and blueberries. Though it only requires simple assembly, it will give you the taste and feel of a warm homemade breakfast. And it’s healthy, too. It’s very hearty and filling, yet this breakfast is only 168 calories. And it counts as two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan.

4. Blueberry Nut Sweet Potato Toast >


If you like having toast in the morning, then give this no-bread, more nutritious alternative a try. It uses a medium sweet potato, cut into slices, as the base. After being crisped in the oven to create a “toast” texture, it is topped with cottage cheese, cinnamon, blueberries, nuts and honey. It’s absolutely packed with flavor and boasts the nutritional benefits of the sweet potato, including fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and several other vitamins and minerals. And for all that taste, it’s only 176 calories, counting as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and one Extra.

Superfood Saturday: Berries

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5. Blueberry Lemon Chia Jam >

blueberry jam

If you’re looking for a tasty but nutritious topping for your whole grain toast or crackers, then you’re going want to make this delicious jam. It combines blueberries and chia seeds, which are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and even provide a boost of fiber. Combined with the juice of a lemon and just a touch of Stevia, this jam is sweet and flavorful without being high in calories (it only has 40 per serving!). It also counts as one Extra.

6. Instant Blueberry Crisp >

blueberry crisp

Though delicious, traditional blueberry crisp is made using quite a bit of sugar and butter—and usually served with whipped cream or ice cream. We developed a healthier version that is still full of flavor and has a lot less calories and fat—plus some great health benefits such as fiber and antioxidants. It combines a package of Nutrisystem’s oatmeal (either Maple Brown Sugar or Apple Cinnamon—your preference) with a cup of blueberries. It’s really that simple! On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one Breakfast and one SmartCarb.

It’s Fruit Season! 11 Tasty Dessert Recipes Featuring Fruit

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7. Blueberry Almond Nice Cream >

blueberry ice cream

It might sound too good to be true, but with this delicious dessert you can satisfy your craving for ice cream in a healthy way. At just 131 calories, the smooth and creamy texture of this “Nice Cream” is made from combining a frozen banana with frozen blueberries and almond milk. It’s sweet and delicious while also being totally guilt-free. In addition to all the antioxidants you’ll get from the blueberries, the banana packs in some added potassium, fiber and a variety of other nutrients. This dish counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

8. Blueberry Green Tea Smoothie >


If you love smoothies, then this is one of our blueberry recipes you’ve got to try. Combining a cup of iced green tea with frozen blueberries, nonfat Greek yogurt, Stevia and ice, it’s blended to smooth perfection. This is a smoothie you can feel good about sipping. Between the green tea and the blueberries, it’s absolutely brimming with antioxidants—and only has 108 calories. It counts as a half of a SmartCarb and a half of a PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem plan.

10 Reasons You Need to Eat More Fruits & Veggies

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9. Red, White & Blueberry Pancakes >


This patriotic breakfast is packed with protein thanks to its use of a Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake and egg whites to make the “pancake” batter. It’s then topped with a sweet berry sauce made from blueberries and strawberries and finished off with some sliced bananas. The recipe makes three pancakes, all of which count as a serving. It clocks in at only 251 calories despite being a very filling breakfast. On the Nutrisystem plan, it counts as one SmartCarb and one-and-a-half PowerFuels.

10. Red, White and Blueberry Smoothie >

blueberry recipes

The last of our blueberry recipes is another yummy smoothie to add to your list. This patriotic drink combines the flavors of strawberries and blueberries with vanilla for a sweet treat that is both delicious and nutritious. It uses a package of the Nutrisystem Vanilla FreshStart Shake for that indulgent vanilla flavor. Counting as one PowerFuel and one SmartCarb, this smoothie will also give you a big boost of vitamin C.

The post 10 Tasty Blueberry Recipes You Need to Bookmark Right Now appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf http://bit.ly/2XXufd8

On the road to recovery...

Hello all,

I hope everyone is making progress on their goals.

For myself, I've finally decided to do something about my intimidating weight gain. I had my wake up call when i step on scale recently and saw I broke over 200 lbs, first time in my life. My story is typical of most veterans: get out, stop exercising, eat anything, then get fat. Trouble is when you have no more restrictions, you do not hold yourself to any standards.

I'm joining this community to start holding myself accountable. I've decided to commit to several methods for weight loss: Caloric intake management (1500), Intermittent fasting (8 hour), Biking to and from work (10 miles total), & Orange theory (on off-shift days). I just gotten through the first week, 7 lbs so far. Was rough but at least I'm through the breaking in period. Now just the hardest part is just sticking with it. Which is why i'm joining this community to see it through.

30M 5'7

SW: 205
CW: 198
TW: >160

submitted by /u/p12om3th3us
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Lel078

How does r/loseit feel about weight loss surgery?

I’m a 23 year old guy with Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex. If you’d like to know a little about it here’s a great blog post that goes into a little more detail and gives some insight of what it’s like to live with.

I’ve struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. The more exercise I do, the less I’m able to be on my feet. It’s a vicious cycle. I finally decided to go through with weight loss surgery, sleeve gastrectomy to be exact, on 4/22/2019. I’m extremely excited for this lifestyle change and looking forward to the journey ahead.

My question is, do the fine folks of r/loseit view weight loss surgery as a crutch? Do you feel like it’s cheating? I’ve tried every diet under the sun, but I am simply unable to put in the necessary exercise to lose the weight without being unable to walk. I’m interested to hear how you guys and gals feel about it.

submitted by /u/Burkolicious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2ZMr6yz

Weight loss and agoraphobia

Hi all,

I am new to this sub but having looked through some of the posts here you all seem a great bunch and hopefully someone may be able to give me some advice.

My wife has agoraphobia and anxiety and finds it very difficult to leave the flat, however she is quite overweight and has been wanting to get in shape for a long time as it's now starting to become a health risk. She's asked me to help her find some ways to lose weight, but everything online suggests the best exercise to start with is walking, which obviously would require going outside.

We're working on the anxiety problems as well but anyone with this will know it's a lengthy process.

Can anyone recommend any exercises which might be useful to try?

submitted by /u/brashboy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IPblSj

Monday, April 29, 2019

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vun7ck

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2UOamDx

I'm So Frustrated! (Need to vent)

Over the past several years, my weight has slowly but steadily been increasing. I've thought for a long time that I need to lose weight, but I never had any real motivation to do so. Well, in January, my doctor ran some routine blood work, and we found out that I have high cholesterol, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and pre-diabetes. THAT was the kick in the butt I needed to get serious about weight loss. I don't really care about clothes size or how I look, but those numbers (especially to blood sugar) scared me. So on Feb. 1st, I started a low-carb CICO diet. I cut out all junk food, and my husband and I stopped ordering take out. I'm now on a 1200 calorie/day diet, watching what I eat, minding portion sizes, and I've upped my activity levels.

The good news is that I'm dropping 1-2 lbs a week, and in 12 1/2 weeks, I've lost 20 lbs! That's 9% of my starting weight. But yet, I'm so frustrated! I really don't care what size I wear, but I have not changed clothes sizes AT ALL. Nothing. 20 lbs down, and I'm STILL wearing a 20W. How? Just how? NONE of my clothes or jewelry fits any differently. I can't figure out where I'm losing the weight from. My eyelids? I always see people say they lost 20 lbs and dropped two dress sizes and such, but not me. I know it's not water weight, because (due to a medical condition I have) I drink 3-4 L of fluid--mostly water--every day. Second, and along the same lines, my husband started a CICO diet 4 1/2 weeks after I did, because he is also overweight and pre-diabetic, and he's lost 28 lbs, and he's down 2 pants sizes and 1 shirt size. We saw family for Easter, and several people mentioned that my husband looks like he's lost weight, but no one said anything about me. I'm really happy for him, but grrr! I know I shouldn't compare myself to him, or anyone else, but it's annoying.

The thing that is really bothering me though, is that I bought a glucometer on the advice of my doctor, and I'm checking my blood sugars regularly, and they are still in the pre-diabetic range. My doctor said that losing 5-10% of my weight should help all my numbers. Granted, I can't check my liver enzymes or cholesterol at home, but I was hoping to see some improvement in my blood sugars at least. But so far, nothing. (On the upside, my husband's blood sugars are now normal.) Plus, I'm not feeling any better than I did. I don't have more energy, and I still have a lot of joint pain. People always say they lost X number of lbs and feel so much better now, but that's not happening for me either.

I went into this planning to change my eating habits. I know I need to eat WAY healthier than I was. I figured if I was fairly strict initially, I'd break my addiction to junk, and once I am closer to a healthy weight, I should be able add a couple hundred calories a day back to maintain. I knew it would be hard initially. My husband and I opted not to have lavish meals to celebrate Valentine's Day, our anniversary, or my birthday. I skipped my annual Valentine's day chocolate covered strawberries and decided to forego a birthday cake this year. We didn't have any Easter candy, and we were very cognizant of what we ate when we got together with family on Easter.

I know three months isn't that long, and it's a short period of time to see major changes. And I know that overall, these changes I've made are really good for me, and I will get healthier over time. I check back with my doctor in a couple weeks to discuss how things are going, and if we need to make other changes. I know I'll end up much happier in the long run. But for the moment, it's just so frustrating, because I feel like I've given up a lot, and I'm not seeing the results I thought I would. Thanks for letting me vent.

submitted by /u/splatgoestheblobfish
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I have been fighting an awful infection for 10 days. Finally started antibiotics. I lost 7 lbs and have no appetite but I have bene eating a lot. How many calories must I be burning a day? This is scary.

I am 5'2, female, 124 lbs, white, 24... before you say it's water weight, I literally shrunk so much the skin on my stomach is hanging. I was overweight before this week.

Basically I got a super bad infection while camping, some bacteria in the water.

I began binge eating like crazy because of how scary it is to suddenly feel like death and see all your ribs. I haven't weighed myself but I can only imagine I lost more weight. It's been 10 days. My TDEE is 1560. That is what I usually eat to maintain. But today I was so scared and dizzy like I was gonna faint, fever and chills even when I am eating 2400 calories.

I hope it is not overkill, but I am currently still losing weight and the infection has spread to my arms. I know this is not water weight, otherwise it would have come back after binge eating (I am also drinking enough water). The thing that sucks is this would be a great way to lose the last 6 lbs I need to reach my ideal body weight, however my innate fear of death is making me binge!! The only thing I can hold down is milkshakes and protein bars. I know it's not great but what's worse is dying of bacteria in your brain and blood.

For the record-- doc diagnosed me with a nasty bacterial infection that has somehow moved to my blood :( again I'm on the medicine as of today, but the shakiness and weight loss has been causing me to binge eat. Help

submitted by /u/Bloppitt
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Having a hard time watching those around me struggle after 45 pound weight loss. (F 5'5" SW 181 CW 135 GW 121)

So I have lost 45 pounds in a relatively short time frame (October 2018 to now) and I feel like people are really starting to notice which leads to them asking me how I did it. I tell them honestly: first 30 pounds were diet control onlyish (1200-1500 cal a day on MFP with a step goal of 10,000 on my Fitbit), and then I added cardio and light weightlifting recently (when I started exercising I upped my calories to 1500-1800).

However this has led to a few of them getting defensive, such as my boss who initially started around the same time as I did, but she used an MLM (multi-level marketing company). She only lost five pounds. It makes me sad now when she tells me that although I look great my method will never work for her.

Or my art teacher who told me (tmi by the way) that my method would not work for her because she's going into menopause.

Or my coworker who looks to me for reassurance that she has been in a plateau for four months, not overeating.

It makes me feel bad because it was never my goal to make anyone insecure. I just wanted to be healthier. I don't want to be a reminder to anyone of their failures. It makes me feel a bit guilty.

Does anyone else feel like this or had any experiences like this? I wish it would make me mad(at their excuses) but it only makes me sad that they feel bad about their bodies...

submitted by /u/DemolishedByNeglect
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2DI6mim

Reached GW in November but now struggling... Any advice/encouragement from successful maintainers?

Hi r/loseit! I'm happy to say that through the act of logging calories every day, and through the help of this subreddit, I was able to lose almost 40 pounds (from 176.8 at my highest to 137.4 at my very lowest). I completely owe this success to the knowledge/support I found in this community.

I first hit my "goal" weight of 140lb back in November... but I only adjusted my calorie goal in my loseit app to "maintenance" in March, because it wasn't until then that I felt that I had truly reached my goal of 140lb, on average, most days. Since this "mission accomplished" moment, I have definitely let myself eat over maintenance... a lot of the time. While I was trying to lose weight I also let myself eat over maintenance some of the time (holidays, a very social Saturday, etc.) -- but on average I was eating at a deficit most days, and therefore still losing. The difference now is that I am aiming to eat @ maintenance on *most* days ... and still letting myself indulge (i.e. eat over maintenance) on "special" days.

Here's a link to my graph from the loseit app if it's interesting to anyone else: https://imgur.com/ZbHoNAP

I've creeped up to 144.4 recently... so I'm hoping to switch back to weight loss mode to try to get back down to my goal of 140, maybe 137 as a cushion.

My question for the successful maintainer's out there is: how did you approach your transition from weight loss to maintenance? What worked for you to keep this up long-term? Does it get easier?!

submitted by /u/avocadh0e_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GITlpi

Eye Opener - Really Need to Get It Together

I lost 130lbs over 2 years and then gained back 75 lbs in 1 year. I changed jobs a few times in the years. A combination of stress eating and depression and less exercise were all a part of the problem. I didn’t realize I was gaining for the first 40 lbs because I kept changing uniforms with the different jobs. Once I realized, it just kept going.

I am tall for a woman and my weight distribution has always “fooled” me into thinking I weigh less than I actually do.

Today I found out my grandmother’s weight. This woman is horrible and disgusting for numerous reasons that go beyond this subreddit. I always thought she weighed like 350+ lbs, but turns out she weights 250. She weighs less than me...

I know I needed to lose the weight again anyways, but this is an eye opener. It’s also a huge blow to my self esteem because of how bad my relationship is with her and how much I don’t like her and how big I thought she was. So if she weighs less than me, but I think she looks huge...how do I look to other people?

I think this was the spark that’s gonna get my weight loss going again. I feel so crappy right now.

submitted by /u/wildtaylorberry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2WfdBFE

I always fail and i'm wondering if maybe that isn't bad

I might end up on r/fatlogic for this but whatever

As of writing this I'm around 19 years old, 5'4", and 133-135 pounds. I'm wrapping up my freshman year of college, which has been challenging in every single sense of the word. My goal weight is about 125ish or to feel comfortable with myself. I'm on all the 1200 subs except 1200ipketo (I'll do a lot of things to lose weight but cutting out carbs completely is not one of them), but my goal is to not have to survive on 1200- for the rest of my goddamned life.

In my earlier teen years I always went up and down in the 140s. I was on swim team and had practices 5-6 times a week, and either walked or biked to school most days. Despite hating my weight for being so high I was always hungry and didn't really watch what I ate. I don't swim on swim team here in college but I still go to the gym at least 5-6 times a week, swimming 2-3 times, lifting weights 3-4, and getting on a treadmill/stationary bike when there's a good collection of youtube videos I want to watch.

I've been trying so hard to get to goals of 1428, 1200, or even 1000 calories a day. I've only been able to do that for about a day at a time before I binge, get mad at myself, try to compensate, and end up repeating the cycle. My averages end up anywhere between 1600-2250 in any given week. I am always super stressed out and being a freshman in an out of state college where you assume everyone is going to hate you doesn't help. I wasn't even losing until February but now I've lost a few pounds...and my period. When I am successful in getting my calories under even 1500 my body feels weak, sometimes like a heated bubble bath and sometimes extremely cold. Sometimes I get dizzy standing up. Also last week my blood pressure got so low from fasting I got sent to the emergency room, until I ate and got it back up.

I spend so much time obsessing over how to reduce my calories that I really don't focus on school enough to feel like a college student that deserves to be here. I've tried abstaining from food entirely for a couple of days, but fasting gives me brain fog and makes me want to die. And I feel like I have to be a low weight and have high grades at the same time and I'm not equipped for both yet. I've spent more emotional and mental energy being horrified of the freshman 15 than my finals!

It makes me so uncomfortable to suggest something about slowing my weight loss down, thinking that I probably would benefit from eating more than the measly 1200 that I have tried and failed to force myself to... but I'd rather lose slowly and not mess up my body any more than I already have.

My mom has horror stories of being on 200 calories a day and despite hours of walking and sports never dipping under 120 pounds (at 5'6" and 20, mind you) and how now at 46 her metabolism is all messed up. That's not the future I want. I blow on dandelions wishing for a BMR of 2100. I think I'm thankful for my constant failure to fast or restrict under 1200 now.

I mean, my habits have gotten *slightly* better. At the start of college I was binging on junk food and nut butters and looking at 2300+ days like 3 times a week and now I call a 250 calorie bowl of fruit a lot for a snack. I also try to be consistent with protein intake and eat more whole foods than I ever did in high school. Unfortunately most things that aren't protein or produce are triggers now because I'm like "why did I waste 10% on my calories on a piece of chocolate that didn't help me hit my fiber goals OR my protein goals? Ugh i'm so awful! I'm the worst!!" *blows another 10% of my calories on cereal or nut butter, plans to restrict next day, either feels terrible from lack of calories or from abandoning restriction plans and eating sufficient calories*

Not sorry for fat logic here. Chocolate and peanut butter should be foods that can be occasionally enjoyed without guilt or triggering awful feelings. This low calorie goal is not letting me do that.

I honestly don't know where I stand in the weight loss game, how to handle it, or even what sub this rant belongs in. Like my BMI says I'm healthy but my body and mind are under distress.

tl;dr i feel like a weak glutton making excuses for not being able to meet my goals but i'm not even sure how healthy reaching them would actually be considering how messed up i feel mentally and even physically

submitted by /u/deadmemesdeaderdream
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vtLlDC

Hoping other peoples' past is your future

I started a new job in October of last year, and I was the first of three new employees hired at my workplace. We're all women, and when we were hired, we were all obese.

I was the smallest of the three (both in terms of height and weight), but nonetheless: we were all obese. I'm really really proud to say that now I'm 37lbs down, merely overweight instead of obese, and halfway through my weight loss. It's really starting to show, and I've had coworkers bring it up to me, including a more senior coworker who lost a significant amount of weight last summer.

I'm now Facebook friends with my coworkers, and, as people are wont to do, I sometimes snoop around social media profiles out of curiosity. To my surprise, I found out that one of my fellow new-hires hasn't always been obese. In fact, as recently as six or seven years ago, she was what I would call thin.

It's strange how much of a mindfuck it is to see someone who you've only known as obese be thin.

I've never been thin in my memory, only ever been overweight, and later obese. I don't know my coworker's experience, nor do I know if she's happy at her weight or thinking about losing it, but it's been a revelation for me to realize that I'm creating that mindfuck moment for myself in real time, except instead of that thinner self existing in the past as a photo, I'm working towards seeing my thinner self everyday, in the flesh.

Do you all take inspiration from coworkers or other people in your life? Do you see dramatic changes, either in growing or shrinking, in the people around you and apply it to yourselves?

submitted by /u/thrownawayforsureee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2vuDSnu

Questions and Answers April 29

These are the latest questions from the @RunEatRepeat question box! Here are the notes and links from posts, gear and tips I mentioned. If you have a question ask it in my Instagram Stories or email: RunEatRepeat@gmail.com

running eating q & a April 19

Your Questions from April… here’s the video answering all the new questions on running, eating, hypothyroidism, tips for your first half marathon and more!

The full answers are in the video…


Why are you all dressed up?

I was meeting up with a friend and felt like a tragedy so I needed to get it together and put some makeup on.

Have you ran the Chicago Marathon? If so how was it? If not would you ever?

I haven’t!! But I really want to. It’s on the list for sure. The problem is it’s the same weekend at the Long Beach Marathon / Half Marathon and that used to be my favorite race. I didn’t do it last year because I went to San Diego with my ex-bf…but I missed it!

Were you diagnosed with Hypothyroidism? And if so, were you TSH levels in the ‘normal range’ when you were tested?

Yes – I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism years ago. I don’t remember if my TSH levels were normal. I do remember that it was one of my T levels… T3 I think that was low. At first my doctor just put me on 1 medication to get that up. Eventually we transitioned to another one.

I have been tested for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – but do not have it. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the US.

Losing Weight When You Have Hypothyroidism – podcast 69

Running with Hypothyroidism

Are you going to do a scavenger hunt thing again? I don’t need the prize… just loved the game.

Yes! I thought it was so much fun too! But it is a lot of work so I’m glad you reminded me so I can plan it into my calendar.

Favorite quote from a book?

The Bible? Love is kind. I love the verse from Corinthians 13:4-7 … Love is patient. Love is Kind…

A movie? From The Spirit of the Marathon movie – … Deena Kastor is training for the Chicago Marathon. She’s in Mammoth and it’s super windy. She talks about the weather and says she’d hate for it to be like this on race day. Then she says, “Well at least I can’t say I didn’t train in it!”

A family member? *We can talk about this next time!

Your best friend? not my best friend but someone once said something to me that I always remember… “It’s never too much to ask that someone is kind and respectful.”

My favorite quotes Love is kind

Have you ever tried tart cherry juice?

Hmmmm??? I think so? Apparently it doesn’t help with your memory… But it can help prevent soreness / inflammation.


How to get motivated to run again


I’m having a hard time getting motivated to run again but really want to… suggestions?


A. Check in everyday on the Run Eat Repeat Instagram post asking for your run report. Whether you’re running, it’s a rest day, you’re skipping out, you’re sick, you’re walking your dog… make it a habit to report it and hold yourself accountable.

B. Make a realistic plan for when you will run. Plan 3 days & time into your week. If you have time for more – great!! But you must do at least that and start building the habit back up.

C. Sign up for a race. Choose a race that’s a ways out so you have enough time to ramp up and train. Then, get a training plan and start!!

D. Make it easy for yourself! When you’re doing your laundry… put your workout gear into complete outfits – everything you wear to run. Then, place them bundled up somewhere easy so you can grab it and change or put it in your bag and you’re ready to go!

E. Join a running club or group. Make a running buddy date. Find a way to be accountable in person to someone else.


Do you take/have any favorite extra protein or supplements?

Yes – I use protein powder in my smoothies and have started to use collagen powder too. I also take vitamins and a few supplements.

My favorite protein powder and supplements right now:

To stay hydrated – both before and during a run I love Spark drink mix.

I use Spirutein Protein Powder – I buy it from Amazon. Some health foods stores carry it but the company has a ton of flavors and I haven’t seen a good variety in any grocery store or health food location.

And I take vitamins and supplements. I take a multi-vitamin and a few other supplements.

first half marathon tips before race

My first half next Sunday – OC Half. Any last minute tips? Nervous and proud!

Good luck!! Have fun and try to enjoy it and remember it!

Half Marathon Tips:

  1. Have fun!!
  2. Lay out all your stuff before the race.
  3. Stick with what you know – gear and fuel.
  4. Believe in yourself – You got this!

Here are some good blog posts with tips for your half marathon:

What to eat before a half marathon that’s late in the day.

10 Things That Can Happen at Your Half Marathon – And What to Do About It!

My Race Morning Routine – everything I do the morning of a race!



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Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for more!

The post Questions and Answers April 29 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat http://bit.ly/2W8AZ7H