Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A few questions/concerns about my weight-loss (Longish)

Hey everyone!

First post on here, be kind. Also somewhat long. TLDR at the bottom.

At the moment I am super frustrated with my weight loss and wondered if anyone had a similar experience. I, a very heavy woman, recently started a job about a month a go that requires a lot of running around on my feet, I'm talking between 6-8 hours a day standing, climbing ladders and walking with at max 30 minute break. As a result, I am definitely (fitter in terms of stamina and that's great, but I from weighing myself from start to now, I have somehow put ON weight about 2-3lbs from last weigh in).

I've been offered some explanation by various people that I am building muscle mass and obviously muscle is heavier, so to be expected. Also, that due to the fact that I restrict myself to drinking only water at work, that I might also be carrying water weight as well. I realise that both of these suggestions are biologically valid, it just doesn't feel like enough to explain why I have GAINED weight. Being above 20st (127kg) I expected it to just kinda fall off regardless of these factors, however naive that was.

I admit my diet isn't the best, but its definitely better and I'm working on it. I have a very bad sugar tooth and its hard to know how to combat that. As a result of work, I do eat more consistently and try to have relatively healthy lunch (defaulted to pesto pasta with crap tonnes of veg atm).

I realise the fact that the number on the scale isn't everything, and I can feel it in myself that I am definitely fitter, and I should be pleased with that progress. Going from being relatively sedentary to doing 20+ hours on my feet is in a big accomplishment but it feels tainted by this silly number. I am going on holiday in July and really wanted to be that bit slimmer and treat myself to a new swimming costume but held off because "Ooo I might be a bit skinnier!" but that now feels futile.

Rambling aside, I was wondering if anyone had been through similar changes and experienced weight gain? Did it come off later? How long did it take? etc. It's all very demoralising and just kinda looking for light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks for reading, any feedback is appreciated.

TLDR: Heavy woman goes from a relatively sedentary life to a very active job and over the span of a month puts ON weight instead of loosing it. Cue angry bear mode and seeking advice.

submitted by /u/Minavi76
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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