Monday, April 8, 2019

Let’s try again...

Here I am again in the same situation. Every time I start a new weight loss journey it seems I am at an all time high.

I have yo-yo’d over most of my adult life and in my 40’s now. I get in the mindset that it is an all or nothing. An example of this is if I’m not counting calories I will eat anything without a care in the world. Go out to eat for every meal, not sure why I do it. It is extremely disappointing.

I dropped around 60 lbs in 4 months or so the last time I decided to lose weight and felt good. Then I stop caring. Not sure why. I find weight loss super easy but it is keeping it off is the problem. Currently I have lost a ridiculous 22 lbs in 25 days without really even trying that hard. The weight just flies off but I put it on almost as fast 😳 if I don’t watch. Basically cut out the liquid calories, was probably consuming a staggering 1500-2000 calories a day in pop and chocolate milk. This is on top of all the crap I was eating. Just an unhealthy lifestyle.

This time is different. I sense it, I will not fail this time.

I am a male with a start weight of 286.6 lbs and currently weigh 264.0 lbs. Goal weight is around 190 lbs. I always lost weight to around 215 or so and just packed it on again.

I am walking, cutting calories. Will be running soon in a month or so. As for eating I never really go hungry, eating around 1800 calories a day.

Looking for recommendations on how to keep the weight off. The only thing I can think of is track calories forever. Thanks for your time.

submitted by /u/Sneezingfitsrock
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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