Monday, September 23, 2019

Live Like a healthy Person

I recently was reading a personal finances book and one of the main points to help build wealth is to spend money like you are rich, not like you want to be. Basically living within your means, not carrying a ton of debt so you can drive the fanciest cars and live in the biggest house, etc, etc.

I like that idea and as I'm trying to start changing my life style as I lose weight, I was wondering how it could apply to this weight loss journey. Basically, what life style changes should I emulate from someone who is already living that lifestyle.

An example I can think of would be eating salads. Its a stereotype that all healthy/fit people eat loads of salad (Rich people have to drive fancy cars) so I should too, except I generally do not like most salads. So instead of only eating salads (carrying some debt to get the fancy car that I can't afford), I need to find alternatives.

Can you think of any good ones?

submitted by /u/rolosmith123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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