Monday, September 2, 2019

Losing weight and I just feel better (story time about how PCOS sucks ass)

I'm 19F, 5'1", and now 159.8 lbs.

My weightloss journey started at the end of sophomore year in high school. I weighed 180 lbs and my doctor reccomended a barometric weight loss regiment under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. It was 900 calories a day from 4 special shakes and one meal of half a cup of protein (ex. Chicken, steak, egg, tofu) with 2 cups of non-starchy vegetables. I exercised 30 minutes each day. I had checkups once a week for weighing and vitals check and monthly blood tests.

Through this diet I lost 20 pounds in 3 months.

I was supposed to loose more weight within that time but two and a half months in I just stopped loosing weight. The scale wouldn't budge. The doctor yelled at me saying that I was cheating on my diet. That a person in a coma following his diet would loose 2 lbs. a week and a person exercising with it should be losing 5 lbs. I was losing nothing. For two weeks the scale stayed the same and I was given the same speech about how I shouldn't be cheating on my diet.

Except I wasn't. I was fanatic about the diet plan. I weighed everything, exercised exactly 30 minutes, and I didn't eat anything else besides my one actual meal a day. I became paranoid that I was doing something wrong. That there were somehow invisible calories that I was eating. Everytime I ate out with my friends and family where I couldn't exactly measure things, I was on the verge of crying at the table as a ate and my mood plummeted for the rest of that day.

When I started my junior year of high school, I went off the diet. It hit me that I couldn't measure all of my food exactly, and that combined with the stress of school, caused me to have a lot of trouble with anxiety and trouble concentrating and I saw a therapist for a few months to get back on my feet.

I held steady at 160 lbs but I began to experience medical issues later in my junior year (I had already at symptoms of these issues since puberty but they got worse in junior year). I went to see an endocrinologist and a couple tests later I was found to have PCOS, insulin resistance, and Hashimoto's Disease (although, the Hashimoto's isn't far along and isn't causing any metabolic issues according to test results). I thought that that was final and I could never lose the weight long-term.

When I entered college last year, I dieted low carb with 1200 calories a day for 3 months and went from 170 to 153 lbs with help from Metformin. I actually felt sexy in my Halloween costume for once. I lost track over this summer and gained bringing me to 165.

But this semester, I'm incorporating intermittent fasting (16/8), low-carb, 1200 calories a day, cardio (35 min) and strength training (~1 hour) 3x a week, and drinking tea, to make my master diet plan.

PCOS sucks, and it scares me that over half of women who have it will develop type two diabetes before 40. And, I will one day have to deal with the metabolic effects of Hashimoto's Disease as it progresses.

But I want to focus on what I can do right now. If PCOS makes me gain muscle a little bit easier, I'm taking full advantage.

submitted by /u/Ravenclaw2000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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