Monday, September 2, 2019

[SV][NSV] 27M Below 130kg, Everyone is noticing my weight loss

This weekend I finally hit the 130kg mark again. I had fallen back into bad habits in the past 5 months and gained back about 4kg.

First step was cutting out junk food, again. This is really hard. At work, McDonald's is pretty much around the corner. Near uni, junk food everywhere. On top of that the cravings are bad. Three weeks later, it's still hard.

Next step was going to the gym, again. Every day I woke up thinking I had to go to the gym. After an hour of browsing g Reddit and watching YouTube video, I'd give up on going to the gym. One day I decided to just go. Grabbed all my gym clothes, put them in my bag and just started walking.

Third one is more specific to me. A year ago I turned out to have a vitamin D deficiency. I didn't really do anything about it. I finally got some high dose supplements and started taking this every day. It will probably take some time to take full effect, but I'm starting to see my depressive symptoms improve slightly. Could also just be wishful thinking at this point though.

Recently I've also started dressing better. I've dropped down from a hard 3XL to a 2XL. Even that is a little bit loose right now though. When I get to the point where I fit into XL, I'll be so fking happy. That is my big goal right now. Not necessarily some weight point, but a clothing size.

I've also talked to several of my colleagues and some family members now. They all mentioned they notic d me losing weight. Even though I'm still pretty obese, they have noticed my weight loss. They all complimented me when they found out I lost over 20 kgs.

I feel so much more confident and happy in daily life. And I still have a long journey still ahead of me. The only difference with my past self is that I'm enjoying the journey itself, rather than just focusing on getting to my destination.

submitted by /u/zaheer12a
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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