Thursday, September 12, 2019

Threw out my back at the gym, but still trying to remain positive.

So like the title says I threw out my back lifting at the gym a few weeks back. I started my weight loss journey last May and since I'm down over 50 lbs doing keto and HIIT 5-6 days a week. So now, after all said and done, I will be out of the gym for 4-6 weeks waiting for my back to heal. I got legitimately depressed yesterday because I want to get back into the gym so badly. I don't want to lose all the progress I've worked so hard for over the past 5 months, but I'm trying to stay positive. Still keeping to my diet and trying to remain patient as I heal, not wanting to re-injure myself and miss more time.

So I guess my message to others is you're going to have set backs on your journey as well. Don't let them ruin what you've achieved so far. I know I'll eventually get back the progress I'll lose over the next month. So stay strong and keep working toward your goals, you'll eventually get there even if you have temporary set backs.

submitted by /u/deffsight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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