Friday, October 18, 2019

[Study] Multiple studies in reputable journals link sleep deprivation with craving higher calorie foods (found on r/science)

In case folks on this subreddit didn't see this post in r/science, I wanted to draw attention to this recent study in the journal "Science" and the related research cited in the press release. Personally, even after all the reading I've done on nutrition related to weight loss, I had never heard before that sleep deprivation might be linked to a tendency to overeat. In the new study described in this press release, although sleep-deprived participants ate the same amount of calories overall, they chose foods that were more calorie-dense. This article goes on to describe other studies like this one in another reputable journal that have linked sleep deprivation with overeating generally, stating that this relationship is "long known".

The new Science magazine study specifically is part of a series of studies that is narrowing down the mechanism for this effect, which might be related to high-calorie foods actually smelling better when sleep-deprived. The study found that sleep deprivation leads to higher levels of 2-oleoylglycerol, "a molecule that likely acts on endocannabinoid receptors", which then leads to changes in "information flow between the insula, a region deep inside the brain that helps regulate food intake, and the piriform cortex, a region responsible for interpreting smells in the brain".

For me, I find this information really fascinating. Now I'll try to be prepared for stronger cravings for high-calorie food after I've slept poorly, but more importantly this is yet another reason to make good quality sleep a priority.

submitted by /u/UnknownToScience
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