Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Alternatives to calorie counting

TLDR I’m looking for a way to track my diet that doesn’t involve calorie counting as I try to drop my binge eating habit.

In the past, calorie counting helped me lose a lot of weight. But I got obsessive, then developed a binge eating problem. As a result, I’ve regained all the weight. I’ve been trying to lose it for a couple YEARS now, which is really embarrassing. I never get further than a couple pounds lost before I end up in a binge spiral again.

I’m tired of spinning my wheels and I want to try just eating normally until I can teach myself not to binge. It took me a while to figure out that my binge eating problem only gets worse when I count calories.

The thing is, I’ve been binging 2-3x/week for the past two years and have been maintaining my weight, which is overweight (~27 BMI). I eat a LOT of calories when I binge, and I think if I could stop binging, I’d automatically be in a calorie deficit and would be able to drop some weight.

But I don’t want to give up on tracking my diet completely. My brain constantly tells me to do things like eat ice cream at 10 AM right after I’ve had breakfast. Clearly I need some discipline.

Any other ways I can loosely track without going insane? My goal right now isn’t weight loss per se; I know I need to stop binge eating before I focus on weight loss. But I wouldn’t mind dropping some pounds of course.

Also, if it matters, I’m very active (15k steps per day, run 20-25 miles per week, 2-3 resistance workouts per week) and also pretty short (5’2).

submitted by /u/ImpossibleOpening7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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